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Full text of "Louisville daily Democrat (Louisville, Ky. : 1843): 1852-12-09"

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O. H. MONSARRAT & CO., chitsial r.u.Ai'K, I LEONARD SCOTT & CO.'S j use 

BANKERS VO 483 MAIN STREET N#rt,, ®M*eN r *** r •* Flfthnnd Je«er*en streets. ! LIST OF II O W E * 8 

... ii-pmw <*•» .[» i British Periodical Publications!! \n™iu«noARHouNDt< liverwort 

vv R**t, North, end Sooth, st bsnh fete*. 'ended them end respcctfu it jr solicit * continuance of | /^i \ I T/'f |T d 1 a T\T ■ ’a ~wr • i 

“ar. ' V ,r.r !L ^awjj y h 

“a-**; ... i T ,-. r ... aw.. ....... XSS 

price, for Bounty L.od * e« rants. vet and most approved orands. it iu« s^scl Lm, of the CH KST and LUNGS re.ieved In Ye minutes 

•SJT We receive Money on deposit, and allow interest Their BILLIARD TA BLErf area* fine as any in the at sniLYssMisit s*tu. howr vn » h raeiacttnin t«r wm minutes. 

“ d ‘-™L!2*r* « UM,Tt “ LV »“»"'*• to*> 2 *•***•"! JS“.' itvrvHi 

s-TAs sm'.BOsoi, asvisw, (W., r) &uo« ci&Tw 3w 

AAfTHimtlfMi ■ATTKI‘RKl'l<i bouum^ *■« are *• peolslly recommended for merfi n | 3 _ THK AOATtt KKiTlsH KhVIK W, (Free Church.) making it toe best, cheapest, aisd moat effactual rernedv 

__ AT HAM. UkVlNMKVK T^LUNCHwinbedallvandregulnrlvservedfrom ^ B^T »i IR B I K K BHVtli A . (Ltber.l J 

NUMBER 125. 

I seat and most approved brands. 

Their BlLLl AKU I A BLKS areas fine ss sny in the 

Fust Office Law , 


of the CH KST and LUNGS re.ieved In five minutes 

. itempton’s TINCTURE AND OINTMENT for the 

oioi Aapnrague.j disease, and csn truly sty that it has euiirely cured 

incipient affections m e — - , . J. HINKLE 

din five,. ■ _Kpiw«. IbJ. no!2 

•U« NKW WIU Ht.HkinuKt, 



Fifth tlreti, Ao. 34 . e-< 

A fine LUNCH will he dally and regularly served from 
lOt o’clock. A . M . , tt'l 12, At . 

Ali persona vlsltti fi the Cryatsl Palace may rely upon j 

C*£aS%a*. on Fifth tlreti, .Vo. 34, *■.. Ali persona vlsltti g the Crystal Palace may rely upon 

Main ratine H ;c«r, tin be found at alt tinreiTjn^i^u I receiving ih-abe-: aiienllon, and being always furnished 
lariestan 1 ..eslasaortnetua of Mattreseeaaud Futuisb- *'itk the nest Wines, Liquors, a r.d Cigars. The same 


As an evidence of Its great popularity he can prove I 
that over SOU.OuO packages were arid last winter in i 
inis citv alone. 

lugs for sicsmeeata in tbe West. 

i. Spring Msuresaer, 
Cotton do j 

Hatting do, 

Shuck do, 

Curled flair do; 
Straw do; 

UCM do; 


PeatherBe 1*; 

Do Pillowsi 
Cotton do; 

Moss do, 

Curled Hair Pillow a, 
ltolsters, alldesciiptf&Ei ' 
Mosquito Bar*; 

Single Cot Mattresses , 

A LTHOUGH tlie-e work* are distinguish!*! by the Opinion*/ the mot", prominent DruggUu in Cincinnati. I 
political snader above yet out a small . We » th ® u id -rs'gnet, Druggists of Cincinnati, Ohio, I 
oc6re^law LUPE it BAMBRIGHT. | pot lion of their c oien'.s is Jevcrt .Mo politics subjects, have been a< qda' oted with, »nd sold an article possess* S 

~ _ ! .nTf — | It Is their Ltrrcyy character which g.vts them their chiet mef fc' rt 'St mmit as an Kipectorant, known as Howe's! 

J A..VTLS I. LESSON, j value, and in that ifct-y sturd ecu _-s<e ly lai above al: Hvge.*n, H-,»Thouii:l and Liverwort Cough Candy, and / 

v n g-.* i-l li street I naiavilln other journalaof class, olackuc u, siil, order the ** |jf d * w ® know, it his given general satisfaction to 
no. bd 1 Oil I i II mrt.CI, I.OUISVIlie. t (atheny care of christbj ner North . nii-luUiuu its auil;.nl ’k •»* who have used It; we can. therefore, recommend 
TX7nA«.L j t „,,, i i I celebrity, anJ is, a: ;ni* time, ucusual'y atuacdvc, irom l,a<: * pleasant feme !y for < oughs. Colds and Hoarse- * 


N.B. I ar;>a liinsfoi sale or hire ; Cupels acd Cur- 
tsinsmadeto order with neatcess sod despaKh,Mst. 
ting *cd Oil-Cloth fitted dew r.. 

•*” Alicity Jrdersprouiptlyattendedlo . 


Carpet, Hose. ad Yarn Kctiilag kartary 



.Va. 41b Sii.n . It cot , S.s *<■» f’ urth and Fijih. 

, Watches and Jewelry ! : ouim nifina Ul »U1-%C1 BIIU U.OPl IIUDirj nyiaoic.:, I “V”’’. - -• » r - ..wo o; gig nii,,) BIW I lITHKUWfhn 'Jl/| a l n 

■ 3? " S0,1 ' ethl, S LkmoVS i P - e V corner 

*v - ■ - ^ i — 1 2Jtf . .. B^D. NICHOLAS. 

| ths serial works of Bulger and other litrrar) notables, * new » a ^ w - Is dally being prove.) by ita rapid and 

“TAKE YOUR TIME. ’ " »* s , 0 ®V 5 * e , 

>V Co., so inut su ’sc libers t . toe reprint o l 

If. JAMES I. LEMON, 63 Fourth Street, ; *'-• m?y alwa;s rc:y on huvii g the cail.est 

| ft row opening a beautiful stock of W ATi'HKS, In ! lne ,e f^»- in »Uug ta.e*. 

L Hunting and Open t a-es. These are choice Watches, F(jr anyoue of lho fo:jr KcV ie*i 

and are vve.l Wurth the attention of .hose in warn. They j p or aay lwo of , ne f3Ur fjeviewa 

d suSsci.b.r pj,t elv informs his friend.- and the were selected with great cate from large stocks. Call j F or any three of the four ItevU ws 

-A- public in geueial, that he is now ens iled to manu- 
facture Carpets, .-to. kings an Knutiug Vain, and that 
he will best al! other American made articles of the 
kind io tiolCe' fineness an I durability . He offere these 

I and examine them . 

of Blackwood, a'ter it has bent issu -d by Mes-r» 5>c.,ti H ur ' lsSl1 dr Brother, Wholesale Druggists, No. 1 Main 
it Co., so i hat subscribers to toe reprint o that mag* „ _ 

I sine rney aiwats rc:y on haviLg the cail.est reading of Kol>e t' vlevcher, Whose?alc Dni?gu*, northeast coroer I 
lhe»e fascinating tale*. „ i* f nvcamoie and Lower Market; 

Tc m.. Per rnn. H ‘ Emerson , Wholesile Druggist, sontheast corner 

For anyone of tho four Kcviews s 3 Congressand Broadwey; 

For any two of :ne four Reviews o 00 A - “cfYin, Who'e-tale Druggist, Light House, lunc- 

! For any three of the four Reviews 7 00 tion of Second and Front; 


For all four of the Reviews........ ........ 

For Blackwood’s Magazine 

For K iack wood an i three Reviews 

I.’ it uo I * c - K «» k *rt. Whoiesala Druggists, 2t p ear! street . 

., K. H. Hlninsn, wholesale Druggist, Pearl and Walnut- 
'* 9 oo ! Wra - s MerrellA Co , Wholesale Drogglsts, nanheas’ 

.eso io m ^•J.HIBS^HBUHL.Watchm.ker. 
segQ dam < 8 Third »t.,beiween Main and Market. 

\ A /„ - 11Awo N , C.— Royal Arch and Master Masons’ 
V J Regalias, of a superior quality, kept cunstanliy 
^^^on baud forsale and made to order by 

J. J. H1RSCHBUHL, Watchmaker, 


yMik. fud? nuom th^Hs°“ns^L^ ' [ 5 co " formit » w ' th '"MiucUon from 

,2-?.* j ftl tsvtlle, aud the public aenerady, , , JJ* Treasury, Scalso !*■ rottu will be received 

«'■ ' wF he has recently Imro uce*^ „ th* office of E. K. Milllbuis, An auect. No tr 

new style of PAlNTlNn, , Pourt * streot. ^ unUi the lit a d-y ef J.nuan , raa. <or 
I which. Cor durability, far ex’ ! COBStr «ctlon of the Nx* Co css at Louis. 

I knom n a i, ^ ceeJ * ‘“I other process. It is T , e f to lb « Pl»n». speciftcauam. me., oe file 

, kno* ■ a* Ue FompeUu , t yi e , or Paimin^ in Wax sod offlce * 

Ifo a?**! a h'Sher ficishio parlors »nd Tn * P r °POMls may contain eff rs for the wo»h enure 

I ^ W.,^l!i« 0 |. . A Stest advantage m for P«t. the Depwli. erT7JUrV,M 

I 1 *n " a * ^ ,,n * n X **• tMt when it becomes soiled the I r ^ lo coetrset either way, as may he dermed 
I l * nl, y he washed, and the colors will show as bright m®* advisable. The Deusrtment .itoresei ves 'be right 
und clear as when first painted. This style is the same ^ accept the bid or bids,, ur.uar an Clrcuin 
I “ l “ l “* d M . VJ* c “» w of ^ompell, before It w aJ burled , J jf' nCe *’ sh * l ‘ »PP®«r most 'avorab • to ins Inlereat of 
in toe iava of Mount Vesuvius, and wmch, attar many h# government; or If no. cootr-c .r g *i,h any one. If 
centuries, was -ound to pre.ent color* uasu M>aM ed ay h * P ,0 PO“la, together wlrh the inu- emal rip n-e. at 
! ar.iats of the preseat day . It is fully as cb*» p „ t n a i tending the erection of toe bol ding, shall tx aei -am 
] oil painting. appropriations a. their dl posai. 

Persons desirous of Meing this style can examine It s e?,t«v-fiye per cent, or the value of tfce worh dose 
by calling at the residence ol Mr. A . C. Harig, on Dray acd ™*t*riais furclsaed will oe paid at tne end -rf ea'h 
street, between Jackson and Hanccx h. month, said amount to be a.cer'.aiaed by ertimates av 

P. VOLKVAR, 5 snpbrintendent, at (ontrait trices; rbe rem-ieleg 

Green street, between Preston and Jackson. I ‘"*°7 0v# P«c cent, to he latainej uctiithu sausiaciorv 
N. B. orders left with Messrs. Harig <fc Stoy, on the eel. wusiaciory 

Third street, between Market and Jefferson, win re- ®_ r f , . pf0 P 0 *• l must be accompanied by a wri'tee 

ceive prompt atUndon. oclSdtf | by two responsible p r- Joe. tundine 

— — , -hlpr^Ii " “* 10 »h - amcuo, o? 

Boots and Shoes 

. .P^mahhaijl. 

asys&ffissr “ - ! aSSHHS “ - w “ u “ ” ^:rz £ ST 

ESS+SL" 9 n0W 0,re,eU *■ the West - hw d c4dtl E. S B r wiLll , AM3 POCt - 

, himself that he is prepared !o offer a ic'ticr and acA-upar 
j c^tts o** i,n, n0W offered m the 1Aest - His stock 

MERCHANT TA,LOR3, ? d Mat. .r.asr, | ^id ^uernTfo ! T he fo.iowdng ^ great re iuctlor, ! 0.^ 

{Suertnorr io Stamper if biffin.) 479 Main ot Ire found in any one est.iblisbment in the West, and at wmch has bee., made on tnee Per. o ".cals s.nte 1814, ten, K. M rrell.and Dr. Aikin, corner ol Hie" nth and I Churches wanting windows filled with Lea.! Sash in 
\\T K «"t re.eivtus dally our supply of Goods, which, ^really reduced prices, consisting of full and complete the very ir. fling rale now chai-c. : Green strerts. rnia ism I ,he modern eastei u style, cau be accommoua-ed .VxJ- 

»V added to taose previously iecei veil, makee our , et* of Ruse wood. Mahogany,, and Cherry Fur- ; P<r annum.: o«ja« m York prices, adding iransportatlon “ 1 <w 

itock not only very ex • n'ive.but very complete. We nlture; ft. so, cnairs. Clocks, Spring and Snuck Mat- Prior to 1815, the poslcgs on Hisckwood was f-' lu j r- r\r\ — - — _ ____ _ Specimens can be seen at their establishment on Rut 

1 V_7 an l most splendid assortment of rich and elegant | Kedner-d Pestsye. 

I PURV’.TL'RK, of entirely new styles and patterns, to ! The following tab e will show the- 
be found in any or e establishment in the West, and at winch has been made on tne e Petio ' 

» v ad ed to taose previously iccaived, makes our , -elsot Ruse wood. Mahoffany, W amut, and Cherry Pur- | P<r annum. 

stock not only very ei •‘ii-ive,but very complete. We nlture; aiso. Chairs, Clocks, Spring and Snuck Mat- j Prior to 1815, the postage on Risckwood was f.< lu 

deem it use'es; to specify e very article we have on hand, tresses, Lot k-ng-Glasses, Ac., which, in point of man- " •• on a sing e Review 112 

ha would si nply say mat oir tock embraces French ufacture, de.-ign. and fine ftin.-h, will compare with j From i815 to 1651, on B a r kw -oa 1 uo 

and English Cioths a ad C.- simeres. double, single, and similar articles manufactured in any part of the Union. “ •* ouakevie av 

half-mile 1; FicdC'i , .' lg h Drillings, Sai.u . Bilks; Csliilt Mak::bs’ Matkbisls, suen as Mahogany In J85l-'62, (averate rale) o.i Bl.c'iw .v.l 7> 

Marseilles; Drap D’Etei aad anew article for suruaier ;lBl l R'Sewood F.auk. Veneeu, Sofa Springs, Looking- “ “ on a Review ;..8 

coats ( al W. iljcaiied To isielme Cloth, very light and Glass Plates, Curled Hair, G:uc, Varnish, Ac., fee., fur ' Tht prelect postuge on KUckv.u.d ;s. tJ4 

beaatiiu:. Thu a’-uu* enumer ted g mli comprise a sa le at reduce d price . ocl “ ** lv» 

portion of our stock oily, r-'ufiice :t to tay that e have ~ — -■ ■ ■- [ The ra'cs arc nou> •unt/onn for ell CiSTxsCss itii'iin 

everything new a -1 t.-i. nt in design, from i nose most *»LrJ« A. K 1,0011, At Ur.ind Suite J 

rteOerent to such s wi. uit tne plainest utilitarian, all of Ikih'I'lt !>’ II (voutV Hl.IND Ai>4> At these rates surely no okj tc'.ion should be made to 

whicu we re -c cute iby Mr.OUver In person, in the oast, i icceivrng ;he works by mail, and ;!,iu their 

eru markets from tne latest importations, an-l will be oriCJn ItAst, speedy, sate, auJ regul ir djUvery. 

ma ie up to or.lar by ua with promptness and fidelity — *1 thibd sihxst, sic r Mats, locisvills, it. | -ar Kemitiances and commui .catiors should be al 

Uur Coats will be cut exclusively by Mr. Kiffin, and tire |J ASalwavaon harnt.and makes to order, Venetian • ' * ya » J J*v»sed. post-paid, to ihi pubii-Le'*, 
Pantaloons and Vests b> Mr. Giskiil, a scientific New I J Hlindc of every style, from the cheapest to the finest I L SON AKU SulTT dr CO , 


York prices, adding transportation. 

Specimens can be seen at their establishment on Bui 
lit Street. 

Gent’s Cal! Boots, Men’e Calf Brogans i 

Do Kip do; Do Kip do; 

„ Du Thick d ©; Do Thick do; 

Calf do; Buys’ Calf dor 

Do Kip do; Do Kip d«; 

Do Thick do; Do Thick da; 

Youths’ Call do; Youths’ Calf Jo; 

£'? _ < f°» °° K, P d ®l 

ThlCk d °‘ 1)0 Th,tk d °i 

Child’s Calf dot Child’s Cali do! 

Lad lea’ Lasting Gaiters, all colon, 

Misses’ do de, do do; 

Children's do do, da do; 

Ladies’ Morocco do, do dot 

Do do Half Gaite-s; 

Ladies’ Morocco Bootees, double and single solei 
Mums 1 do do v do do dos 

Children’s do do, do do do; 

Do do do, fancy coioisi 
Ladies* do Bushins, double anu single sole; 
Do Kid do, do do do; 

Do do Slippers and Ties, Fr. sod Eng. 


firritaesviLLs R. R. Ta.aspoaiATicN Orriet, I 
> December 1st, 1859. j 

M ERCHANTS aud others sending goods and articles 
for trauspurtatiun uu this roeJ will please obierve 
the fodowing rules, as they must te in a.l ca es strictly 

Hours (or Receiving Goats.— Prom October 1st io 
1 April lit. ftom 8 o’clock, a. M., until 4 o’clock, F. M.i 
Nom Aprt! 1st to October l-t, from 7 o’clock, A. M., to 

Preight on all articles sent for shipment to points 
where there is no regular agent of ih= Company , must 
be /aid -l ikt piece *f iferi.nj. v ’ 

A luket or uuy icate b.d of lading must in even case 
accompany each let of goods 'e-.vtied at ib deoot for 

Re erencea from New Yoik to Buffalo sn t from Cin. * al *st and most approved sty ,es (omsandsss 
miatl to New Organs can be given if required. „ U. M ARSH ALL. (So Main at. 

They solicits skate of public patronage. S *V Sstweea Fourth and Fifln. south side 

ecl4 J3.u J. C. MILLER 4 CO. ' — 

— »LUU4.\’TZ & FKCATZ, 

A I M Hmi^kkA ND Wholesale aua Reiail Dealers jo 

Besides a iar-e I*." r,w » Br * aod Kn*- transpoitat.oi., slating the angles sent, io whom con 

St Spe . ufl ^’A“. of th * . nd »* >«»'. destmatmii, Cc. 

Purnlshiug Good?, to wit; Drawers, linen and Cotton; i Old Binds p« 
silk aud gau.e Merino Under.-nirts, Pocket Handker ! reduced yt.ces 

chiefs, all kinds; u.oves, ail colors of kid, thread, and i — 

tineu;Orava'_. groat variety aad truly beautiful; snspen- LIVER" 

deis, At -. Iu tact, ihcj are “geode as ie goads,” as well — TM| 

SHOW CASE MAKER. : Speedy, rare, anJ regul ir driiv ery. 

*1 thud sthxst, ns; r Mam, Louis villi , XT . Mr Remittances and commuricaliors ahucU be al 

H ASalwavson hand, and makes toorder, Venetian w *ys addressed, post-paid, to ihr pubii-Lcr, 

Blinds of every style, from the cheapest to the finest | LEONARD ScOTT A CO., 

quality, end sells them at lower prices than any other' - , Fulton street, (entrance 54 Gold street,) 

manufacturer can do. Ihankfi’t for the very liberal pat. i, c2 „ ? d if . -New York, 

rename for the last 12 years received, he respectlnlly so N. B. L B. <s Co. have recently pub irhe !, aud nave of the same. i now for sale, lne ’•FARMER’S GUIDE,” by H ’nry 

Old Binds paint*! and trimmed in superior style < Stephens, of Edinburgh, ml Prof. Norton, ol Yale 

n sunns . u uses of a lerga oaaJtsrUyot dieaaaas to which chrUirex I w .JT*,?! T * bl * C’nrlery, Wnliem. «ia , 

anu s "i!ts dre liable. If you hive an appetite continual- i *J4 Mam street, between Third and Fourth, 

WATCH MS, (la. -h«. Jewelry, fitlTsr 

If the shipper desires th- Compaay to give a receipt 
lor goo.s delivered at the depot for traosp rtaiion, na 
** E<1 one prepaied for the railroad clerk to aigu, in 
addition to the ticket. 

U'dess the above rules are attended to, artlc'es cars. 
*°\*'T"no*d. D. C. H. BORDLe Y. 

lll » | l i G-i-eral -ui.enn eii '-r.r. 

ly ch^n;eaD e iremone kind of food to another B^d 
Breath, Pam in the Stomach, Picking at the No-e i IT 
Hardness aud Pi! ness of the Belly. Dry Cough. Slow tl 
Pever. Pu’je irresui&r -remember that all these denote Out 

LUUlflY 1LLE, KY., 

A VE now on hand a large and well assorted stock 
of goods, consisting ol all the articles in our line. 


THE undersigned bavin.' purchased the Liv- 

at, Basil** CoaU of Cloths, Linen, Pongee, and bint iV-vy, ‘ " 7 i * if u • LT ‘ Thic uork it mot the oil “Bock of tk: Farm 

ZuE,w£££F e up jnJcr our 1 u -' elv ««>»■ <** »»»«*«■•■ 

P. 8. Call a.ii si . a did French Coat, made up to i T*** l *( c . ^'JS'ness at the old Maud. Having in' LOUISVILLE AND FRANKFORT 

-i j s Dy Vv ooJniii ,oi Parts; also, a New York ,a '' l| | le: ‘ of , th '* establishment foi these. 1 

r,i,„ v»„. u ... , . , . ; ’. * wii.i p ireiy vegetable .oos'na ps Vctii 

fi.r tie man W olnding, t a, in paper Covert, plaints and Diatrbmi have made them wejg and deWH 

•mr Thu'uZ-k it mot ,v. » ... t ? lcd .: , l? e T :c P't»P e r^es<d my Worm .Syrup are such, 

mr inu worn u HOT tho oil Bock of th: Farrs,” • that it stand-, without :.a eoaM in the cstaloxue «r m ..V ' 


Pflirnu P 1 liinVi 

undersigned beg leave to callthe Utentlon ofthe I III! IvH I J f 
sen* and public seneraiiy.tratthey are now re- lillllllll PS /l I U § ! 
fresh supplies, and are offering the largest and w# lfU V Ln*f A3 A ■ 

salt, made up by one eith. first artists on Broadway. 
set O. A K. 



PL WAKaliOO •», 

F5#| 76 Fourth »t., kehoctn Main and Mirktt, #?■ 
LocuruLS, Hr. 

Coostenlly on hand a t*:gc assortment of ail kindso 
Furniture, embracing Ir part— 

Bureaus, | Dining Tables Bedsteads, i Chairs, 

Wardrobes, I Breakfast do Lounges, | Mattresses, 

Sofas . | Center do Cribs, I Light 8land» 

Divius, | Card do Safes, I Wash do 

4kc< jyiOdlj 


comntoiiauou of the public generally, with Horses, Hug- 
gie^, and Carriages, they hope to receive a liberal share 
of patronage. 

They will constantly keep for sa’e Horses for saddle or 
harness; also Baggie.-, Ore.: ami are prepared al a'l times 
to purchase horses at their stable. Those wishing lo buy 
or sell would do well to cali. 

8/-14dtf KIRK A- WEBST ER. | 

I'lANO FOliTE*. 


! ’sled, the T i: :c r, I my Worm .Syrup are such I 
that itsianJ wltnou! ua rqjpl in the cstalogue of medl' : 
cilcs, in glvlngtona and strength 1 1 the Stomach, which I 
mtkes It an Inf.iliibie Remedy for those sMicted with 
Utti-xpsiA. The astomshme cares ^fcrformed by this 
Syrup, alter pby-uu.ns have faiUd.ts the bestavideuce I 
ol its ‘uperiot efficacy over ali others. 


This Is the ni >st <'lffi:ult Worm to destroy of all that i 
i’ fcit the human system: it growsto an almost indefinite 

rp A o Fassenger trains each way daily f-undavsei This isthe m >st aim ;u!t Worm to destroy of all that t Genesee Jo do Printing do; 

A cepted) as (o.lows, ui.til lurlbcr noticr fraius '"‘Cst the human system: it growsto an almost m Icfiuite Rawlins dr Sons’ English Tissue do; 

will be governed by Frankfort time, which is ei'xbi rain- ,ste!h ' becoming so coiled and fastened In the Intestines ! Cowan 4 Co.’s English and Scotch Writing Paper. 

utes faster tiisn LouUvlue time. Leave the Lou’svrlie *'!'* ^omach, r ffec' ng the health so sadly as to cause St. i The y are tiso agents for (be principal Papet Manufac 


eVKUs w . y i k i, i) ai co., 


No. 11 Cliw itiiit, New *Yoax, 

A RE the sole Agents in the United States for^ 
Muspratt’s Superior B eacbing Powder; 

Victoria Mills Celebrated Writing Paper; 

Russel! do Superior do do; 

Genesee Jo do Printing do; 

Rawlins dr Sons’ English Tissue do; 

Cowan fi Co.’s English and Scotch Writing Paper. 
They are ilso agents for the principal Papet Manufac 


O w .t.UCKiX KK, at ms old stand. 42b Market at., xv Kv-i 
AV. between Fourtn and Pi I th, has on band and is struments - 
noar receiving his spring stock ol every description ol other house 
Goods in his lice He w ill be p.btsc-1 to see ins oid o C ;g 

IrthHitsd c sinners ger-iaity A par: ol his s' ,ck ■ 
couststs of .lie following articles, watch w UUmi .ilsduscJ BOOT 
of tl the lowest prices: 

Baud, Pa-i-i, Kip, Orescent, -ul! aud Guc4tarB(.ws« tfjB 
nay, Sue w, and Manure Forks; yy e ,[ y 0 

Bcytnes, ijenates, and StOBCSt wa'boe 

fi'iovel* and Spades; 4nd 1 

Trace, Halier, Dug, Lug, aud Pilta i.uaiut, a , .V s I 

Bax Sr.ears; Hocskud Kakesi lnd 10 ttle ( 

Tea Kettles; SaJ Irons; birangur; 

Knives aud Forks; Peu aud Pocket Knives i sell d< ‘ 

Piaues, of every description ; 

Coffee Mills; odd Lids. Razors; -Jciseorai 

Cow Halter.-; Sauce Put; B 

Bed Screws; Foot Baths; j m ht_. 

Pattern uaker9’ Point*; Cigar -box Tech*; 1 At " ” 

Spittoons; W nite Porcelain, walnut and i.i*«og*cy . thiud 

Kcubs; 1 vt , 

r nnV PHEuntlersigued beg leave te ca.itnc Utentlon ofthe I III Iv tl I M ;| ! 

rersfi c»t*«n* an^ d public seneraUy, tbatthey are now re- |||||IIT!I 1 1 /■ I ii i 

r f™!>i ociv,n « f feeh supplies, and are offering the largest and "" ” U U U UllaVij X ■ 

lux— Sl 8 ! # * i 5^ a!,l . ockof vv *‘ ch «*. Clocks. Jewelry, Silver mi ,„ 

"aur* i * ere ^ ln Louisville, and ’SJ^W.'SSSS TUE BEST IN THE WORLD! 

, K . srssa?;. i±.r. ?ssp:iLS ; F%a suu * — «~> • »- * 

customers visiting the city, are respectfully invited to . ... 

call acd examine oar stock. A rich assortment will hL 13m^ vertrsement iu aj-i other coa^umn 

waysbefouud to select from. Ourstockcohsutsin pan I K • HaYCRAFT, Ageot. 

I o' the following goods, viz: ' „ — — 

, Ladles’ and gents’Geld Hunting WaUhee, full Jew- j NOTICE. 

G4l,. e if? u a ii ii, I A MEETING of the .-lo.khoidera of the Leuisvi'lo 

Ladles’ Gold Hunting, enamelled; ! M. and P.anxlort* t Co upiny n h reby c«; ed 

* Uo Jo Aachors,full jeweled; ' at the olfi.a of :he co upany, is ta- city of Lour-v 1 e, "■ 

Do do Lepinea, both English and Swlsa; I the 1th Mo-dtria in e nisr, I8>2, uuler tie autb<»ity 

D« Sliver Lever Hunting .Vitches.fulljawtled; I olihs reioiution of th> Prest.’e ;t an ! '.ors farni-h- 
Uo Jo Ancnorsand Lepinss; i ed uerewltn, for tne mJicv.e.i m *a i >• a u- 

Do Bar Rings, Bobsaud Drops; lion. J A \1 IS GU r HR< E. 

Gold Gauze, Fob and Vest Chains; Prest Louisville and Frankfort Kanroid lump soy. 

P i a Uni h D m f * 11 aC i?® U ’ f °, u 0 1 8 i if ,l U 1 1 * 1 fieeoleed. That the President be r-qiestid to call a 

nnUr' « Gold Miniature Braculeu aad Pins; j meetng of the Stockholders of this Cr m any on tee 4 h 

" “ Uo ^ ai.J esan fi s ‘ n : r ‘ ! Monday m Ue emver r.e.r, at tbeir otfic Loj.svu •; 

■ On w. ** >. W' l > tab* iatj eouij-rstr m tne p op i i >n of 'its tty 

'‘ i “‘ iSf* 1 .!* 1 ' ot L nmvit.e, to sell to tail c • upiny tie *iu ,.i 00 .( tne 

or * n ) 2Sf4 * od silver Pencils and Thimbles; ; aiotk of the comp my held by tne c.ty. 

' ic ?* en fi 0 * d Finger ttrugej I g„ ( |, Xu take m'3 cotwfioratwm ihs prooriety of 

ffiamnu l Sp”, . lu * S4aJ <-bartt»e; itrai jh enmg tat roaJ betw je.i Loti avi e md Prmkfort, 

d ,?J5 inoud pointed Gold Hens; and to.iatru ting » b'aoca of this rail to Harrojioui*. 

and 9 GofitauJ Silver Spscucloeacd Card laaes; anJ sech other matters as to .ha stock o.Ua.-z ahali 

*®r plitcii Potlni aQii ^|aood 9( Ifni pr 0 rer. 

ng Pa. Head Ornaments, Sliver, Shei!, and Buffalo CcuhS; | Lee aviLLe. Nov. 2V.h. i»2-dtJecT) 


8. P. SECOK, Manufacturer and Dealer in ev* V, H 
ery uescrlptiun of Lndics’ and Gents’ Bouts . od F 
Shoes, No. 12S Market street, between Fourth reL 

etfi*n“l" cV4r*--o« *s ocure^ck ) raamty is ur m yen to do your duty. l7 fs'oniy one j 'Papir made to ordui , any »me or weight. 

may Je had at the ticket offices lo the depm^It' LoSfs ! ett etn * ” ,! " 5y Whu hlVe “ dn iU • onde ' ful ' vtn< L eS T? c,tt3 ‘Snme„' J of Pape?, P, 

villa aud Praukfort F u Ul I .. ,, _ ... . | stock andotaer merchandise. 

aud nith, Louisville, Kentucky. Praiikfort a’ Vi 

BOOr.s and SltUes made to order at shortnotice o’clo-k, P. li, 

and iu the best possible style. p r 6 drf 

t> rabgero vis.tiux me city would do well to call. 

(■"Hd'i OLIT 

just upsminiu. np a ur 


Sew W tilth, Clock, k Jewelry EstablUhment! > 


"Slolkirlu i ' I 'I .C Uk,J N. Hob CMS ‘Ck- Sill Gmitude to you, the ir. ' 

ref- h FmSlribit e^27 iMoVk P m* T, rn "f #!l0 ' 7“* w of * r ‘-**'* ^ Httne, prompt-, this hum- j 

7rVnk^rt a . 2,^A 3 ^l .no Vr, P ‘f‘ - . K - tur .“ ,, ^.‘ e4 v« nle teM.mony in its favor, as bung a safe, gentle, vet 
o’clock p M * ad *• * vC at “Out. vide at 6 pcw.rf,. , effactnai re ir>dy ter Worms Hiving had 

o‘«drV a lisnn-™ b . '* J ' b • x t M:r,e,: e >0 knowing the eff jits or various p.e- 

0 6 1 f 8 - AtbUBETY. Fuot , wife, who st, w- ,! *K:iied in ministering 

fNT tttts r? o ry t rilY'TXT ; rO children ir distress, pronounced U tie best sh^iiak! 

v/LI V JCiJtt OC JtSJlX X liv , j ;ver used, end would use i<o other n hde your* sou- J be 

DRAPE i\ *5 A N D T A i L 0 K Si : A 'l* J 3bter of oars %ec*me seriously d’-eased. Has 1 

M n a n e% ** t xt a m y-Ttr* -rt rr * " ! -finptoma were alxns'Dg , but her mother at oece •cut bt I 

NO. 479 M Al N STREET, for a remedy for Worms. Having obtaiaea yours, by 

Locxs'-ille Ky the li,,ic * he b4d lltben h4,f * bjtt'e.Oi fltr.the Joy it I 

r.riR B».r av... urriwroo urroo, ^ ... f* v ® ?,* ' “ , ® th ? r J t0 “» »«n»ro?ement in I , 

Paper made to ordui , any nine or weight . Liberal aJ- 
ranees raaue on cvojignmsn'j of Pspei , Paper Makers’ 
lock a;; Joiner merchandise. 

Th* highest mark.-t price paid In cash for all kinds of 

mv 27 ItJanl ; 



jy3diy NO. 488 MARKET STREET. 

JChT BiilEirkD. 

fg A PtWKstook of fasal jnable W A TCH RS anJ 

J8WKLKY, tucncin be purchased at the low 
Cbj^ ea ; price, and alt of the latest and mos fashion- 
■i^^abie styles. Allg JOds warrauted to be of the 

For sale at 42b Mai ket street, betwcee Fourth aud Next door to Whnley’e^New Clothing Emporium 

Plflh streets . 

hi AKRi •% KR. 

Black till idling A IkOI LC-Stloelng : XjRCincks, jewelry, 4C. 

^ AMDS SPRING & WILLIAM HaK. j .,*•'? EHiiHKG hegs respectfully 

A.MAt have parched the suop iateyAA -itiKns ofLousvllie, an uhe 
\J*.arr1ed on by Bel inger, ou Jeffeisui.lf ll | !S, J , «P* Wo « »■ »*•« 

\T street, between Third and Fourth, aud^ V P r . 0 «I’ , ' y “ d emr ' ie,,tly executed 
respectfully ask of the public to give them a call. They | w » r! “ cle<5 tor one year. 

pledge tnemselvcs to do their work in the best manner, I 

and give satisfaction, or no charge. _ t _ ( OOPEK’N. 

v.HEKE may be found an entirely^ , 
new assortment of fashionable Watches, 
Jkuflftpiocks, Jewelry, fic . 

B. WEH UEKG begs respectfully to Inform the^ ^ 
citixensof L'>u.svtlie,an i the surro indingnelghborhood, 
that ali orders anJ repairing in the above line, will be 
promptly and efficiently executed. All Watch work 
warranted for one year. eu!6 

1 I “ ■ , v, j v,.,.M |V uiLaitM!CU TVILII uoviiuo ana .. I i" ,_*t r _ 

From (be Opera ot the “Two Haltore I " ! d «* ,h .w»w ** »® promise of hostk. Thanks to a kind . 89 tnd r Z 

" | Pr/,V..<pnfA wtnw K 1 P t* sttar^Uo .a..v .a. * Oi 

We ref^r persons with whom we are not acquainted to 1 Ik/" ANTED, two or three good Coopers to make bar- 
esers. E Crutchfield fi Co. end Dr. R J. Atkinson. I »* re ;e and half barrels. Constant work aud good 

Me* -rs. E Crutchfield fi Co. end Dr. R J. Atkliuon. 
oe*7 d3m * SPRING fi HARMAN 


42 rAR.Mrtore.., varyiu. iu slae Ironi 10 to 
S5b 2,000 acres; 3 beautiful. y muatco on the Ohio 
aSi.venanorr.Derucar the river, acd BGr.ic 8 oi 9 
Ixinc State of InJisna; ail numbered upon my books, 
and subject :o the inspection of any one wishing to pur- 
chase Also— 

[ prices w‘ I be paid io good oorkinen. Colored men pre- 
fered. Biiqurre at 466 Market at, 

ell dtr ROBERT USHER. 

. Wf C " .%e . Ylifi, It Is a well-known f.iet 

i iM about these diggins” that J. R. WIN 1 ER 
„ 'A 5 . Is \« at this time ami always keeps the ur« 
•W" > * ■* « jests ork of good TBUNiSand HJPSt 

' CuLt.AH on hand, that is to be found in this city, ur 

27 Houses and Lots of various sixes ad price; in dif. Wist of the M lu.iiains, aud that be sells cheap for cash 
ferent puts of the city, varjlngin prices from fcl.uOOto or city reference. 


32 vacant Lots indifferent parts of the city, varying 
from IS feet to 230 feet. Ali numbered and open for iu. 
paction to any one wishing to purchase. 

J. W. CRAIG, Real Estate Agent, 

I «29 dtf No. 77 Tni rcl st. 

t' lPLK H A >*. nt(A. 

rpHOhE who have been walling for my new stock o. 
JL Paper Haneim3 can now be supplied. I am now 
prepared to compete with any house in the city both in 
the price of Paper and Hanging, and the manner iu 
which tie work is executed. Ikoar febout ps.rering 
would be practising economy by purchasir.e at 

T&*e Fiflli Street I’a^n Store, 

No. 62 Fifth Stbeit, bxtwksh Maim xmt, Mabks 

|y24 fi. HAKRisON 

N.B. All order* from r. distance promptly attended 
to wheD accompanied by the cash. au2l d6ni 


g»~7 M A > U F A r ' I U it r.KS of and dealers in 

3L*>''^»^S»5P1aNO-FORTE 8. Factory on 
’ft I fltween Thtrtecntn and Fourteenth streets. 
Aareroora on Mam, between Second and Third streets, 
opp -site Bank of Kentucky. not 


P UBL!SHhK8 OF .'lUfliC an 1 wholesale dealers In 
Musical Meronandise, -. am street, opposite Bank 
of Kr- tuckv. 

To dealcis we will Turnish Pianos and Sheet Music at 
wboietair eastern prices. not 

Tranblattd on M in ttren. 

I dreamed that her favoring glances fell 
On a well-dieted beau at her ride, 

And 1 cou J n it teii why the laugiilng belle 
Had refused to become my bride. 

But a "ingle glance at my rlvsi’s coal 
Told me there i»y H12 *trengtn 01 the gamer 
An ' I said, if 'he t-iior’s in town who can do U, 

I’ll have one eraC'iy the "tine. 

Then 1 dreamed that I searched the town &U o’er 
For the gent that would wn her near". 

Till I loun-i rayseli standing in iron; of the s'. Tie 
Where clothing is fashioned by art. 

An i then i remembered that tins w •« the place 
Where the Gee! of my rival was made, 

And. entering in. right before my f ce 
Lay a bro-d cloth exactly the shade. 

The coat was sent b. me, and like Canr I sped— 

I came, and I siw, a-id I won; 

For she sraiiins'.v said, when l asked her to wed, 
“Whit an elegant .oit you have on.” , 
Three diys irom that time — perhaps it was more — 

I Induced her to iter her name. 

A nd I still buy nry coats at the very same store, 

And she loves me ns ever the >rm5 

OLIVER fi KIFFIN “makes ’em — 
oc92 Pantaloons an-' V-sr 5. ton.” 


(sue exssoes or bciinis, biCom fi cobb,) 

POM li Or iil'KF P.tCKEKd, 

Upper end of JeflVrauo st., or the KailrotJ 

Prov.dence, whose blesslr g attending your Byrup, re 
stored ths chi d. V/ith confidence 1 recommend it to 

iletteniioo riven totbe repairing of Watch 

rhii-d street, between Main and Market. 

next door to Walker’s. 

ail parents whoso chit iren are suffrrinq with Worms. 

JA8. B HOVVEN, M'nUteroftheO wpei, I LAiUBKitT A. WillTkhV, 

Lito Pastor of th# Southampton Baptist Chnrck. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 

1 1 h aWt/il F N 8 A C K V? *VV 0*1 M s YRU P 'is the oilly'med- tn ^?\ *‘ t £. nd P ro '-P u T to *H professional business e. 

and Vd % iWmSsrac gT «*« ^ Henae. 

I Be careful you get the genuine article, and see that the i 1 ' ’ 

•igr.auiie,“j. N . HOBKNS ACS,” ;; an every bottle. KEOAL1 IS 

Onl I ai;,|aa , _ i -J , 1 . V, , n Jt □ ■ tT * »• I ,11 uo.oiu >cr i.ncir omc 10 G>. -VI. #; 

Dn Puff*PS« a?i al ix«L t b0n * .. la,,t ’ ’ %K * iat * co '.iidttb., >0 tne p op I I n of 'ha . Itv 

nil*! . « U . J 4re*t variety; of Louisvil.e, to sell to tola c > upiny tie >f tne 

31m Thrmhlea; sock ofthe comptny held by tne c ty. 

Ftager Kaux*: I g„,i t Xo like io'j consideration tbs propriety of 

n~ d ® . SSi'IfS*.? P*°* a r Rings aad Charm*; rirauhiening tar road betw.-e.i t-u svi e and Fr.nkfort, 
P° lntedUo,d *T 80 ** „ . „ and co.istru ting » braocu of this rou to Harrodooaig? 

S? l -^ a ^.^ r *P 8 «?fl«*“ d Ckrd Caaes, anJ such other cutters as to ih* ito-k o.ds.-s »n»t. 

m. »flr plittil Po« ki dOu -Spoons^ |fni p r o r cr 

Head Ornamenis, Silver, Shell, and Buffalo UcuhS; ! Lao-svillb. Nov.tT.h. .Sb2-dtdec!21 

Plated and Gilt Poi> and Vest Chalet; 

Do d0 Bresriplnaand Ring* 1» groat vart A GOCD CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY 

Wade fi Butcher’s Penknives, Razor saud Belabors. ; ' L „ ' , „ L’ '.I .. n 

Port vioules. Bead anJSlik Purses; \ hUlfC V tUDllV UTOCPlitS 

Fine Preach Mantel Clocks; I • 

Yankee Clocks, allsorts, sixes andahapaai 'CLOSING OCT AT PRIME COST 

Coaihs, Brushes, Raxoretrops, and Lead pencils; 1 

Sntnf Buses, Needles Guitar 8tr:nga; i r J'H 8 sib-cr-btrs, with tee uttnionof ret- q-ihirg 

Pino Coralaud Class Beads, in great variety , fic. fic. 1 tb9 Grocery busruiasou the 1-t ot j 1,0.1 1 

N.B. Every article is warranted as repreeealedai °**t. vffer iheir entire aa t c-.n.p. etc a r iu. ai -. ‘ F. m- 
the time of sale. | ny Groceries, hoe 1 e*>, W ices, anu Liqituiswt sxeat 

Vatchas, Clocks, Jowelry.fic., carefully repair first cost, witnout rcse ve.tor cash only. Thur,tcck 
ed- Old Go d and Stiver bought and taken loexchacgo. embraces he fir»l qua ;tie. ol oieti iuJ B.ackla-a, 
P.3. Always open from I o’clock in the morning j ® l * e Ctard, Uudard th 1 Ft lit »c lam pal- -: • « 1 it».Ma- 
anti!8» o’clock intire evening, Sundaysescepied. dena an 1 Fort W n:>, fic., 000401 from imp.rteia and 

oclQ BKROANTZ fi FKSNNZ. ••’R ln before tr.e, lo;ern#r wae 1 ge.-r > vaxr- 

- . I ety or goods In our line. Fersor.s wait ug Grote.-ieh 

t a « n»iontuu«, | an ra vi ted to call early lor go-d bargains. 

B. * T. FllKBA.NKsA C»., | Our Pixtureslor sa.e Possessica given Isi ot January 


sst. Johoebnry, Vx. 1 No 3c3 Market street, roulh side, ab.,ve Third. 

\ N HXPER1SNCE of twenty years has euablad us , dt4d ‘ r p - DOSU.-.N fi LBO. 

oV. to >liacover uuay practical uefccti In the oparauoc I — - - 

01 Compound Balances, even wnen constructed upon BRADY, GORMAN A CO., 

collect mathematical principles. These defects can rnTTr ,v p.,r..u-u a. .-uu a., . r. a 

oolybe ktjwnand remedied by long and j COTTO - rAtfuW 4 Sk.1WAl LOKoUASION 
great practicalskill. Platform balances, which to an in- xsiicna.iia, 

experienced observer, appear to be exact imitations ol Mew Orleans, L m . 

ar.J wi! r.ot dlsarree with the maridelica'e stomach — 1 
I Be careful you get the genuine article, and see that the 
! sigi:ati>ie,“J. N . HOBENS ACK,” is ob every bottle. ! 

iiiEiucis mu Fiuii. m 

NO part of the -system la nt- ^»re liable to disease than the prices. serving aa a fi tcrer to purify the b ood, or eelud 

LillBKltT A VVHiTtl I experienced observer, appear to be exact imitations of Mew Orleans, Lm. 

oh.-hy ako cowniun .i law. 1. w ,v ? r '~ssr ?. ^ 

Lo. ! 1 Kr. A ,re.t vtri.i, of TL. TPORH BALANCES... .<*— I do,, ' BrtAUV"* otviK, 

attend promptly to ali professional business eu jffered for sale, and many are used, which cannot be I — — ■ - 

„ . . . _ I relied upon for correet weight. In many instances they ! 4 I i U D 1 f 1 1 V IIAITril’’ 

OFFICE Fifth tlrtet.oppociti the Court- Houcc. will not agree witn themoeives. Merchants who have' ix -»1 £, tl 1 L i V ul itUL^ti; 

J , e , l them for months, supposing them correct, have ! u » v n 11 p o r. r-.- t. .. 

fortultoasly discovered that a heavy load, when divided | H4?iUV SiKbET, BOSTON, 

ULuALIAS. ; and weighed In small draf.s, would vary es-entialty, in j BY LEWIS RICE. 

I HAVE constan’ly on band, and manufacture tne aggregate, from what wasindicated by the same scale : „ 

to order at the shortest notice, KEO ALIAS fm “hen weighed at once. Frequently the same platform 1 Nebelli, hniitrgrd, won a gao.iy Kurnabed, 
the various degrees in Odd Fellowship and Ms- “H 1 give different weights upoo every chanse of the po ' Possessing all tb* moderr, Improvcnuids a-d Colts* 

Call and examine simples and lean- , stilus of the body weighed. Tho consequences of these 

! giving the proper eecetiou to the bile tothatsnv wrong 

action of the Liver effects the other important parts of ! . - n w E nnxnnsn a .... , . 

I." > v.a."''> '» OT. CompUlttt, : »B.‘?u!5|"X,S5l MdnrTliSM “<i 

Jaun ice. Ijyspcpxia. Ac. we snou Id, therefore, watch • Bli An fh . Vnnnn r r .»m > 

’ f h V *L ve y r raP V°ne .ImUtata.' road tofhe old Mar* a lie “road ^ 
PI A Vi fs *u. and near the Pennaylvama Meeting-Hou*o- 

’V ' 'fJaSXFnu V !'ur^to bealthesick. naroelyi house n frame> ul ,{ frJI roo n . ,n all. new 

r;^ X | P h!tt«.' Z 1 !he 8etre smoke-house vul grai-ierv; 100 young thr'.ty f 

tton from the rulmonarv mucus inerabran-', or pro- . c..... 

Third st., opposite Apollo Rooms 

variations are often vexatious, and always Involve one 
part) in pecuniary loss. 

/ ... . auu near me renusyi vania meiiuii-nou-o — loinie 

v^.'v'r Vw ht>a lhe *. ,tl Fk D * raely: house, part frame, and four rooms in all. new frame 
au " m f nt# t be Bee re a m oke-house ini griinerv; 10O young thr'.ty Appte- 
• or pro- treeSt now nearing; 23 old trees, full of fruit; Cherry. 

| Certificate of the IneptaU rt of IVH^ktt and Xta turn t» Jl Chase t* 
A'v5jp Ike dtp of Sea Hark, from the year 1836 10 1846. MK mao, ant 

« Nbw Yobk. May, 1S43. -*3-tthos« 

r We, the undersigned, having uad occasion ta test the j A )’*’*V soon to 

double vtrious Pistfo: ia Scales In use in the City ot New York, I BO ** 

frame 1 tre piesse l to bear our testimony to th* superior charac , _ _ 

Apple, let of those msnulactured by E. fi T. Fairbanks fi r*., , ) 000 

berry. 01 St. Johcsbury, Vt.,and do cheerfully re«.ommecd 

nience- lor the ace- m.iiodation of the 
i Treve log Public. Jly 

LOiiU *eit«su Waned.- We wish to par- 

chase t«o Servants— a good Cook aud Wa.her«o- 
rnao, and a goou Hume Servant We waul lod* 
1 hut tooae of gool character, and wed qiauhtd — 


iu.un ila., 

per ect harmony wiihthe otner Ingredients, and opera- 1 s 
tine cn the Bowel end exoelline the whole m»«s of cor. ! 

J. L. C'AUDHV, UMBEBTAKEB. | -■ , ^ , 

No. lo3 Third st., next door to the Post Office, Alj ^ E * N DEZ-VOUS DES MONI’i 
Louisville, kv., 1 C. F. X. HOLLIGER 

hxcluaive Agent In ibis ellj tor (be Male ot \\I HOLKSALE and retail Healer in W 
h'isk’o Patent Air Tight MatnUic Burial Coses. .Sardines, fie., fi-.. Market street, 

f PHE subscriber, having the exclusive agency for the ° T a6d CaB, P be *l, ibltd dcor fiom Shelby. 

X above Cases, which is the greatest invention of the 

age for the dead, would c lithe attention ot the public lUANTRI)— Twenty or more travelling agents, with 
to tneir great superiority over the common wood Cotflc Ty a capital of front fifty to three hundred dollars, 

A M-ioal Meronandise, aih street, opposite Bank lcic i.> v n>i, c, ivy., ' ting on the Bowel', end expellingthe whole nn?s of cor. : 

of Kr- tuckv. rtTTOi BFG leave to inform thefrfried.dsand dealers rupt an 1 v.tlated matter and purifyiug the Biood. which I 

To deatcis we will furnish Pianos and Sheet Music at in S- nerel » t: -i they r.eva laid up In acre at | destroys nisease aud restores health. 

wboiesair eastern prices. nol fiAJter- 1 ' nsive stock of BAKKRLM and SAL T, end 

— are pi rpjred to mtkr contracts for the appruacnin? sea- *T* O "P T 1 T*/T A T P Cl 

'A'. YHKFNT, MOM, A CO- son * ^** e mem be is ol tbisfirm have a thorough know!- i V/ * A.I AVA XX JJ XJ iJ , 

Genirul ( bbbI..i„« r ,.H u i, eo 6 e of ti,e business, one of them having had twelve You will find these Pills an ievaiuab'e medicine In 

tlr 1 ■“ Grooery yea . s . esperletce in It T .ey fitter themselves flu ( many complaints to which you ere subject Inohstruc- 

. ic. cnaniM, th ey cannot be excelled In either wo>k or prices by any ! 'too-- either total or partial, the; hive been found of ines 

Aa. 27 Third itreti, between Main and Water, other house. All orders they may be favored with shall I timable benefit, ranoring iheir functional arrangements ! 

Locisvu.lx Kv. 1,6 ®H*4 with promptness. ; to a healthy action, purifying the blood an-i other fluids' 

mr22 ' oclldS-a GRAHAM, FLOYD fi i'O. | so effactually as to pat to flight all complsints which may 

ling necessary lor farming. 


Real Estate Agent, No. 77 Third st., 
Jy27 dtf Between Mam and Market. 

1 lsvslsio, Jan. 30, 1830. 
oiessrs. B. fi T. Fairbanks fi Co., 

W# nave ln use, and mauy of as have had forqaite 

MOil HHH k.riTKIi! aak bww Bania al > Ii. 
voaUjUUD The “N go lags e, ’ lb ocr ulp item 
! New uiicacs 10 Ss. Louts. <. a seveie eoi<J »«r 
aunt was >0 much exuted .a view ol the ensue* of 
I losing $20 000 hy"i.rmaoc#ihe first cvcaii g, 
-hai, a. soon aa the uai l) arnvcu at 1. e Xt Uud City, he 
I ttarud out iu »earch ol a rented; lor tne warmer — 
CANDY!’* be read m filming letters at lha first d'Ug 
store. .‘The very tiutg,’’ Lays he— -‘beard of it in 
I turope.’’ A pacaage was purcha- ad n.a ao:*r, and— 
Jenny sang that nigr.t more sweetly man ev,r. 

Barnum may be cousuleieJ a ml a. hug. hut “Dr. 


So. 27 Third tireet, between Main and WeUer, 
Locihvii.LB, Kr. 

Mew Fancy Oootlx Arrived at j number of yeara, your Patent Platform Scale. It al Surm’s Scotch C^ugn CanUy’’ 1* teymi ait doubt the 

MRU MAEG’T ETNCTiATR’S < 1 irds us much p.easurc to add our testimony to their per- oest acd most popular la tne neit-u Stares, nice 10 

BCR9. BaAEttlBINCDAIRE, lect superiority over everything of the kind within the cents per 101I, taree rolls fur 23 ceuU, or «l perutx-u. 

Nil. 418 Market ttreet, between Fourth and Fifth. cncle of our acquaintance. And ln doing this, we oac p»i aa , e wb desale aud re:a. at tbe u . 3. jue-ical Agen- 

_ THE subscriber lia^the honor to inform the ' k “°" 1 * d4 * yo ? “ d tne au *‘ n « ss cy. No. 90 Fourtn street, near Mai ket 

ladies of the city slid iirenviroos, that she has | t’ reccouiraend your scale as me only oue wot- m.84 J3m3Jp K. H. haYCI 

lone j T p\nc y oSodf conri't In TT k BRANCH fi BURGESS. 8. R. HUTCHINSON fi Co. BOOTH AND NUOI 

J?, 0 !?, .V'iW.; K. WINflLOWfiCO. HANDY fi HARMAN. « AS the holldua are naiuihii 

The Elisabethtown Register, Bsrdstown Herald and ante from female irregular! headache, giddiness, sorlmentol all kinds of winter Bonnets, of all stuffs and 

Just received from 
loned Fancy Goods 

uc24 J3m3Jp 

B. H. iaVCK iFT, Agent. 

^ — — — - *. -.-o-.’"-. I w .. ao. w a ucaiu ui.u a i lac I ■ u.u . , i o.uia- ■ |», a • unu.iu,, (luuilltu, SUItmeU'UI Ul LUUUUI “IIILOl DUUIIC1I, Ul >11 StU'19 tl!U , u 1 JVUaV * CA U T I VOS 

AU KENDEZ-VOUS DES MOM’ AON ARDS. Danville Tribnca, will please copy to amount of <2 each dimness of sight, piin in the side, hack. Ac., and offered j hue*, with feathers and fl iwers; knit, ne ted, and era- | •* ka vvson acv. m.. x.leTum. 

r. m nr ttmittmh*, and send bills to this office for collection. to the public as the best Pl ls for all diseases, upon the broidered Capes an 1 children’s Hats, in all fashionable w . <* lu. 

*• “• AdULiLilGER, " " ” following colors; all sorts of Glove* for children, youths, misses, 1 

W HOLKSALE and reuil Healer in Wines, Liquors, LAMP STORE. MEDICAL EVIDENCE. gentlemen and ladles: Knitting an 1 Embroidering wool, I Ubxtbo Statb# Ba**c* Mi 

Sardines, fie.. Market streri, between SheL „ „ “ We. tho aaierslgned, physicians, having had the re} h0 ! e .’*“ d 5L ln ’ h * o a t *VaTr^na.“t"r S, a M4rCa 

and send bills to this office for collection. 

L 4 ill P STORE. 



We, the un leislgned, physicians, having had there] 

colors; all sorts of Glove* for children, youths, misses, 

gentlemen and ladles: Knitting an i Embroidering wool, I Ubitbo Stats* Bbj 

hose, and all other artlc e* In the fancy line. , .tl* Oituss, ) 

At the same time, she rec -mmends her establishment Messrs. B. fi T. Fairbanks fi Co. 


UatTBD Statss B baiics Mist, 1 
New Oa leahs, Marca 22, 1861. J 

„ , . , , ... . J cip# of their manufacture submitted toot ter inspection, r or cieacsine nr»sal'ni and re-setting Konrcrs and li ts uentlemem— We hive received and pot up the Plat- | to puicnase. la Fi^re. ;*,anJ osicsZry, Lamf Piute: [ say that the ing-edumt* of which they are composed f bottt laUieT and gentlemen, al tne most reasonable’ i lorm Scales, sent us by order oi Mr. Brooks, late Cornel Uc4 C 88 Fourth st., between 3ia:n and Ma aet. 

and t anti Good*, and Sianuf attar tr of makes them the best Pill in use for all diseases of the ,<uuc: ’ 3 ’ i it t he Branlm Mint, in inis place, and after having sue- 

Silver Ware. A-.- I.i u,r. 1 innnrities of the We aau thi* nor pxeca I . .. I ..... I ... ..... t a ... L .. . ' _ . . . , , a a,., 

BOMTH AND sllOk*. 

J A3 the holidays ere .pproacmng. and 

the ume for fw BOO I 3 sou sHOK a«roi*w® 
lo be pnrenased, the sebeenber w< u d • *11 la e e 
leu ion ol toe ut i m of Lou svilm acd va nity to hi 
very large aasortment of fine worn, which ha - ill sal 
lor casn tower than the same aiu-ic can i»c pottaa.«d 
in Louisville. He soliciis a call from lacse wa • wt.h 


Silver Ware, ift.. 

Li T e rj I fea P All her artlcla* in the fancy line are of the most mod- lected them to repeated tests, l take pleasure in stating | 

now in use, for sH seasons of the year, Vault purposes, to *e'l a highly popular medicine Any active man can T9 Potiara Btbskt, ssthsi* Mai* m Miixn, only "from our nan Jjdtment. but also from ,h# | ern acdThighly approved pattern, and recommend them mat l find incur very accurate, much more so than 1 ha* Xj ntent o( laRree* taacy Gsntcrs*oa hsne.aio a.aoe M 

UansportaUon. beauty, style of finish, and durability.— ctear from fifty to two hundred dollars per month, ac- LOUISVILLE KY bestmedtea 1 authority in the Tmted^ates. AUdiwases | ge!ve3- Lookiag over them will convince the ladies anucipated previous ;o trial. Conudsnug their capacity order at the shortest eotue oi the finest materia.* aad 

They are unrivaled, and wherever they have been tntro cording to the emoun. of capital he may invest; good nrOft ’ requiring tne use oTan ALTRRATIVE, DIAPHOR -T* ;K a ,,Ki« assertion is true andsise.lam of opinion that taeyare more delicate woikmenship. A call from the ladle, is soilci.e*'. 

duced it baa been to tne toUl exclusion of all other Cof- reference gtven end required. Apply at this office. -2^ IC and PURG ATIV8 MEDHUNK. that came under ^Vly ud^bM working-women in tbe line “d^rieetthan any KMes l have ever see“. U dct C P J «°. P t-T R T. 

They are uortvaled, and wherever tbev have been intro cording to the amount of capital he may invest; good 
duced it has been to the total exclusion of all other Cof- reference given and required. Apply at this office, 
fins: their cost being no more than good finished wood oc9 dtf 

Coffins places them la tne reach of all. 

In addition to th re eiesant air-tight Metallic Cases, 1 PETER NOLL’S CITY BREWERY 
have all kinds ard sizes of ready-made woftdec Coffli.s, UCT ,„ ... . _ ’ 


unlactured of the best maieriats, and by th* best IXTH STREET, BETWEEN MAIN AND WATER. P »«*cl!v to purchase HOUSE COL- JM SnStJ 
workmen of the city. I pledge myself not to follow the I IAHB above named respectfully u, lorms the Citizens I .' ~tJTPySKS._or BLISD BRIDLES, ^WUfaJC 


ALL Mercli-.'t*. Saddlers, — 
and Parmers comm- to tne 

"UH'.in.m in. Ll y. 1 u tucL IU/-LI. .u.-l. u.i |*uj uv. ... UJU pc -ouL. y IUIOIU1S me Citizens it’. V.. .. . .... 7 ’ — — - - — 

old plan of extortioning, hut wili sell lower than any otb L ol L > risviiu and vicinity, that he has taken charge And gf«»Uy to their advantage by calling atthe 

er bouse of the kind in the city. My profitson both Me- >f the old establish* I City Brewery, and will continue Whol-. sale and Retail Trunk and Collar Psctcry of 
tellic and wood Coffin* -ball not exceed the! of any other tho busineas in lutuie. He also keeps on hand a suppli «... „ . K WIN 1 HR, 

kind of business. I am prepared to attend funeral* with of good BKKR, MALT, HOPS, and FRKBH YEAST, au2i dfitn O n Fift h gt. , between Main and R iver. 
elegant Hearses, and wiil furnish any n .tuber of carrla* tnd solicits the patronage of the public. n h t v tl k n « x n nra ij »v embi 

ges that may be desired. Personal attention given to aelB.16m PRTBR NOLL * nu wsuoahHi! 

the business. I can be found at all hours during the — — — — ^ LOOK TO TOUE OWN INI ERtSTl 

BHBkkbsibwb I F you want a good set of COLLARS for your horses, street, Kace, Philadelphia. 

% % * N ^ N M ^ i 9 I warranted notto hurt, call at pamphlets giving certificates of cure* performed In 

CBRTIFICATES OP CURBS PERFORMED BY ! J - *• WINTER’S different sections of the country, by the above medicines, 

ges that may be desired. Personal attention given to sclSdCm PRTBR NOLL 

the buaiaeos. I can ot found at ali hours during the ; — — — — ^ — . — 

week, Sundays, or night, at my wareroom. ^BNKikkwwwwa 

sail l&wtr J L CAUORY 


I N consequence of the deaa of WiLlux Hooos.hiu Biff. A. J. VAN r. EltBLIL’K, 

1 mere at io me bjamess oi B oggt * Kuasrii terminaid PiriLaDSLpnia ( May 17, 1849. 

on tne 30tb ult. Tne affuis o' tne late firm will be settled t *.H IS Is lo Certify that I have long been afflicted with 
by tie un tersiguel.sarvivug partner, wh i win continue JL the Dropsy, from which I have suffered much bodily 
the triusaction of a General O nnmi- i on and Porwaid aswelias mental pain, i nave tried many leniedles 
Ing bus near, ini S:ea*b>*i Agency, on hi* owuaccoun with scarce any benefit, and applied to several eminent 
a’, the old slmJ, Nos. J and 2. .Strader’s Row, Fulton i.kystclaD.a, who premised a speedy cure; but.uufortu 
street, under the same style of Boggs fi Kut-ell. uately.theirrroialses were ucver realized. I was in J 

nol if J- CHAS. RUSSELL. duced to try Dr. A. J. VANDBKSLXCB, whosoon, by 

“ — aisconrse of treatment, restored me to health. Ian 

Notice. induced to make! n.s hopes thatothersnnfor. 

| N consequence of the death of William BoggsThUm- L 0D,ultk!nJ WlU “‘ mHN^OHNSON J. 

A terest iu the business of Campbell, Russell fi Co., at Je20dfiwtf JOHN JOHNSON, JB. 

our notice, h s been treated with the above Pills with 
the most satisfactory success. 





90 * Purchase none but those having the signature, “J. 
N. HO . RN9.4 1 K,” upon each box, as all others are 

wonhless imitation*. 

Ag rte wishing new supplies, and all others wishing 
o become {agents, must address the Proprietor, J. N. 

are -mpluyed in her establishment. 

She take: ibe liberty again to request frequent and fa- 
vorable celts. 


HAOOLEllY, H \«K8rit 4X1) TRii.NKX 

Cheap for Cash, 

rtf s iv ^ -s r v a x A r s - I'EWITT’8, 631 Main,^_ 
» TW n second end Tmrd sts 

Fwh i^UL isfisbineto nave as email a stock of KB 
^nUaLLXXIwork eflon bands as possible, tbe - 

Vary respectfully, - — — 

A. DkVAL, Colnat U. 8. B. Mint. n k.Ms’ Bnau usd i-h.ea - Ihe acbacii *r to 
Mr. W. B. Belknap is onrageatin Louisville, Ky.. V_T prepared to mase tomtasuie all lcu> ct gcat • 
who will seep constantly on hand, ot tuiniai at short no men’s Moots and isaoes, ol ibe best m»t- rale SuU -ok 
dee, the following: Warehouse scales, Dormant ace mansaip warranted sa guou and as e as > a« 
foitable Htoro, Counter Beales, Wraiu Beales, bepurenased or mad* is Luibviii*. I nave • 1» a> a on 
Rail Road Tr ick aud Depot fleales, Grocer’s scales ! nan i a large assortment of re d; nuce Fir oa h t eif 
HayaoU Farmer’s Senes, Wneeiberrow 3ca,es, Fackiu; rfo- ti. P lant Lean er boots, ecu me **Fal#»l Lea her 
Scales, Goal dealer’s Scales, <kc.,fic. shot.” » hica, 'or hceuiy aad fit, cannot o* t qua. led Mt 

a. * t. Fairbanks a co., bomavtiie. 

ocl lfiwijaul St. Johusbnry, Vt. d(4 C J C PKTRY. 

koBBNSACK. at h's Laboratory, No. 120North Second i coming wiuter, 1 will sell any si tide I have at a very: 
street, bvva Race, Pmladelphla. small profit, and many articles at cost Cell and exam- 

UK. A. J. VAN UGKXLil *f. 

ino my stock, whleb is large anl embrace* nearly eveiy ; bate Professor of the Ecol# Cltblqae de MedUti. 

i\u a j %r m 4 >* I i(Mi |ei|7 Wholeaeie &Rd Rctiii Culi&r Htctorf . c&n be htd jTitl - of the %?ccts. 

x>es. a. j. rAiatiKiiHLlLE. au24 dgm Filth st.. between Main and Mvar. I ry P. ice each 26 cento. For sale by 

I’uit-ansLpiiia, May 17,1849. r , — . . , . , . . ... T — sU t CLIFF & McCALLISTBR, Louisville, 

I '.H IS Is lo Certify that I have long been afflicted with JOHN C. HOFFMAN, Merchant Tailor oc91d&*l7 and by Druggists generally. 

the Dropsy, from which I have suffered much bodily No 45> Mabkxt rraxrr LorisviLL* Kv — — — — ^ - — 

as we U a*_ menu I P*H»- I ^have , tried ineny remedies __ HASthpn .„„ liri , 0 ; l<r ' m i FOR BALE AT A BARGAIN. 

variety of Saddles, Harnett, Trunks, fic. 

VI 1’Afb!*’ wad « htMrea’a »b»ea-Ou: assert. 

IU meet of muues’ and children’s hhoe>,b< ih i lain 
and to:-cy, is always amy l *■ Ptrei lul l ;ik|vLu 


Phermsclela Parte, hevlngbeecpracUsm gmeditlD# I are lerpccihuly invited to cel and esamin, eetoie par 

29 year* paat. 

No. 452 Market btrxbt, Locisvillr, Ky. 

I HASlhep.eaanretoiuform the public in gener- 
al, that he Keeps on hand a large supply of KK 4- 
UY-MADK CLoTHIN G, and is also prepared to 
make garments to order, accotdlng to the latest 
fash ou,anJ on the ahorteat possiole notire tel7:f 

JOHN w I. >1.41, Undertaker, 

■ RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens oi 

LouUville that be nag last procured the inosi 

G UI Kln«(le Dear Wprlwg*. — 13d 

Slaxtic Door Sprtogs ust receive l p 
for sale wholdsae or retail at BL\N f ! 
Rlastlc W »rero i ns. N > 497 Main str»et 

Hprl.g.. -t5 Jo, Patent Gum iJRGSleavatoaniioiinceto kief rletda and ikepahlin ‘ ,u (1 ^. b ^ ed l “ “* t,t, ‘ 

s "ist receive l per express, and O generally, that he still conllnaea to devote his 

riil at BL 4 NDHAKD’S Gum lime and attention totnaaUeviationol hnmanauffertng, I tlVnb—U« 

cussing else* Dei e, as »e will sen lowet itun via : 3 


A ra oon-queiice Ol vuu ............ inMdfiwtt JOHN JOHNSON Ji -4f«^en KKSrKlTrULLY inrorms the citizens ot 

urest in the business of L*mphell. Rus«e!l fi C.o., at JeSOdfiwtf JOHN JOHBbON.J*. ^S9i LouUviUe that be nas lust piocureJ the mogi 

Cnoton^ti, UrminaUd on th« Jith, ulj. Tbe efiiira ot Uicoillfv ikmt Dr A J V AW DHE&LirPiti Ht^AKSB ever iatroduced in this city and 

tkejateirm t.Idld mymotheJ, Fmnc« M;};.fi tl.* mont^o^ pVobablyin the w.i: It to ftnisk.d etoganUy! 

part ners, wh o n« bu.ioe!* on '«*. for a revere attack of Rheumatism, and, liter Thankfulfor the liberal patronage neretoiore axtend. 

Commission, Produce, and Forw.raing Dusiuess, on R ,,„ m , h .t i.a h.r. «a.i ttl 10 him, he tollers a coiiiauanue of pub ic favor. 

box 1037. post offlce, Louisvide. Ky. ocSOdtf 

“ s. r. kbcly! W^fc l \TJT¥KrSS^^ 

r »..i 9 Needles. Huttons, C >rds. Hi dings, and all n i Praiw-h O.ina after tbe restoration of their health, andtke fuiUntl* 


thaw own account at No I Ba-t Fiont etieet, Cinctn the of one bottle of Balaam that he gave her, tkel N o l ‘v’ r,n. m 


MADK9AN AND I.OII- Yf I.I. E K Al LH8.4D 9 reet LIVEKf 

£5 &Sr I 

e its t-se entirelvwell ^ B. coiiios of all sixssaud qua'ittes ready rns-ie on I □ p kkitv 

’5 . „ _ a,e ! _! l .‘ . y e hand, and or i«r* .tt„r..w ii. I General Trimming Store. 8. r_. KELLY, 

iimetndaiieuiiuniuw>e*ucvi«uuuui uumauauneriug, | _ t» V u b -- it use.- w * have oi haid all 

® ycl i?? n *Jv hc ^ o5 * 0 T^ i,, *' 1 ^ a *V. ! y®Wn,Atoi’ | ^^|n.e various k n is ot Ovei-3S« as suiiac a for 

n®! !B « »ea»cc— in ahott, every arlic e dacal.y Lead in a 

Fistalaa, Gout, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Whites welling*, rcta u estabistuieni, which w* aid dispiac o at a amaU 
diseases oi the 3km, Nervous Affections, Feveranc »j» a uce on coat. to. cash. 

Ague, Bilious Complaints, fic., fic. i p PfrTRY 

The success which Dr. V. has mat with hy hlapeci J . rifTKT^ 

liar mode of treating all hind* of diseases, oasbeenas OAKLAND RACE-COURSE, 

ionlshiug— curing tbe mostdesperatecasesafterrepeat 

sdfallureaofth# moateialnsntpracuuonarsintaecoui- a. a. C THK prospect ol Ricleg to 

try. As a proof of th* Doctor’s merits untried, be wig being ie vived upon » ya manvot 

undertake the cure of ai) patient* without charge, ex. °*«f ’*“• *»*•“*• u u * 

cepting the cost ofthe mediclna, requiring nofee tb’, ' * mmT ' » hm n vorite Louise, 
after the restoration of their health. andthefuiiRAtiw *»*» ■» » • cbunX has leased U* Track for a arm 



Mala atreet, third deer east ef Twelfth, 

LorisviLLK, Kv., 

hand, end or iers attended to puu .tualiy . see d4m 



No 106. West side Pourth sireet, 
between Market and Jefferson. 

Oh Fifth stbxxt, bitwkk* Maih and Misiit, ‘ 


P. KELLY in oinisniscus'omorsthathe has taken 


a house a 'joining his Trimming Store, in which be 
c .mm#' ced 'he manufactory of 8iih Fringe. Bilk 


ltunhlnisf unsl Yliiiiiifaetn... r I1HE juue'* gned «re prepa.e 1 to supply suameis machinery and experienced workme 

YiacniDiBI ana uauuiacturer of I with METALLIC LIFE-BOA s.upon.ppiitHlon r^uUall order" In 'ha above I me w 



..J. G. Cuai, master. I 
..6 Phillips , master. ' 


at their office, No. 10 Broadway, New Y..rk, ascahed oitch atmoierate prices. 

O NE of the shove boats will leave Lool«v1tie daily, ai , OUIT ABLE for pumping, prlnUng, milling, orgrind- r . or ? y , Ul# ,ee . 'L . Ti 1 ,1 dlf ‘ Thread and Needle and Trimming Store, No. 10« FourU 

fi o’clock. (Sundays excepted.) arriving it Madison . ^ •«»- In short, for all nurposes where three nr rnnr. ficult for owners and .hu'e Interested, to satisfy them atreet. bet wren Marketand Jeff«raon : not 

at T, P M., connecting with the Malison aid Indlantp. horse power is needed. Owing to the simplicity or con- of thetrrest economy of Metal Hoau over those __ 

oils Railroad. Returning, will !*ave Maiaon on the , ?tr u f t f 0I; .ihlspattern of Engine can be afforded atpricai of Wood. We are now making arrangements for the FL. STRAUSS, 

arrival of the care, at 4 o’clock, P. M. greatly below the ueualrates. Cal land examine before establishment of a Manufac.ory Lt*-* n ciiinail, cr *ome 437 Max KST stks»t, sstwsix Focxth a>> Fimi 

Rnnutiful Dec-orated French China after tbe restoration of their healtk.andth* fellaatto has leawd the 1 aca 'or • #r« 

Baauttrui Decorated Arencn uiuna, ractlonto the patient’* mind ofthe benefit conferred— ,f V e "“l «>*• L wo *ca«"rg« per annum— 

FOR CHRIS I'M AS fi NEW VEAK’S PRESENTS. Yhlaiathe principle upon which Dr. Vandertlla# i.goy tna imtatho natly yen f Joan, andjae aoao—m iha 
a vavrvu rtr tn .medln all case* wlU hispraettee . e,, '» P*** Of October. The who.# Track, under bis 

A - YAEGKR a UO.,^ __ ^Persons am^^irithBelSli^fia ■ , fin.. M. knva »"»i8ca». in thoroagk foyMt. dc4 dim 

China, iwiatt, amU (Jueentwirt hmportum, ;hamoaUraly removed and permanently cured wlthom rfsiTHlNC" 

!No. 110 Fourth at., .Ylesart Bwldluc- pain. Thoasandaof parsons ha veheencurad by Dr.V., 1 CJLOTHItN«. AMP u urn m conn.. 

Tk» ..«..!,ka ,hu„ namrint iccmh *nd can bear tastunony to h is wondarfulsuccaas . JOHN A. RODBR 

QPli-hment taka pleasure la informing he la-jffi lebS^ic^^CM^Tpermanen^ byVheTren? 1 BRSPBCTFULLV informs bts friend* aad cue- 

lW die. of thi* citv that fair assortm-nt >• no - W 1 * b ‘“ ty J **U ™**i}*?}P*- Ol lo “„, be now keep, .is Urg* stock uf saf- 

crnTrleie, anl also that their price* tr* lower tbsn.a ^“‘d.liMcv yon from anilriniU nroM?Jlv CLoTHINU. in ato new Stoia.on toe North 

any other e*trbll.nm-nt west ot the mountains, aa • bey * l * cin b^ aora adUvre^’or edtoEeairi, M ft . deof Market aueet. a few door* be ow F.rat 

are selling off at strict y cost prices. Tbe 'ollowtngar I l -^-^.*”^*...7, ! — . . ■ “J*where genUamen canalwayabe tailed *iu 'be 

tides tre the newest shape*, and the gilding end decora- V^Jayi radically withont^runal^*! beat id <"•*>• c, °* h “« of AoacripiJoe. C*a 

tlon w 1 rrtnie.1 as tbe best ey#r brought to thia marked t ”** T ?* l B * _ f g nZlTlvStS : £ !?**"-* 1 ^,1 axamina for youruetva*. 

« French decorated Dtener Sei»(«W piece*,) ^.^^tohra^'of^ractica eatienta wonid^Il^tdl j^Cuatoca work done up ueaUy, aad made .a tbe lo- 

oval— New York nricea— new: fullnthia branch or practice, patients would save mne# “ .oauit. dc4 dtf 

• Gilded China Ulnner Bets, assorted shapes, latost | timeand monay.tosay ' nothing of anxlaty of mind, by J 

i styles: giving him an early call. He warrants to all, no mat) W4TtHKS a. NO jiWtLIIt. 

rrival of tbe cars, at « o cioca, r. m. greatly below the usual 

Tee Madison and Indianapolis. Terre Haute aad Rich- ; p nr elsewhere. 

...J run ran rnSindf 1 Ififl U'ltAlfhF hhnVP .team r — . . r _ _ > 

other convenient point, lor the supply of the Weateri' 

ond Railroads run in connection with the above Jteam- j ^The subscriber is also manufacturing ac Improved mJo'I’kVh *F R 'oi'-a'c'or* or M^L KFP^HTr' iVI Ve»! J *«P 3 • Buttons . f 1 

•a, forming a direct line from Loniavilte M Terre viomcing Machine, and Plate-bendfng Apparatnsfor R* ANC l s , Dlrector.or M. LEFFKRTS, ,' n ^Purnltu r eT ri m mi n gs - 

1 sheet iron workers, all, kind, o TreMU p r S r A sni H . M «,r liph BOAT CO.. Keapaalso .large asnojrtn 

ers, forming a direct nne irura o"u-.i..c ,0 rerre j Morticing Machine, and Plat 
Haute, and connecting at Terre Rau:e with the St. Lous* , ln and , haettron worker*, an 
and Rprtngfield (Ul.) U. S. Mail mages, 0,1 tb* arrival 0 ^ b n?llr higllce of 

of thecaiset that point, going through without delay. _____ 

Bv this ttne passengers can pass from Louisville to 8t. o. T. boll 

Louis ln half the time that it require* hy any other route, | 

aod avoid the danae'* ol the Upper Mlsai eippi, which AT lUrn T D 
la *0 much dreaded by traveler*. Y/lJly LR It U 

Train* from Muoct*. Be lefootsine Railroad, and tbe 
train* from the Nob>esvtiie and Pern Railroad, connect IAiPORTE 

at Indianapolis. Trsie* to Shelby vide, Krigbtstown, TT _ _ J __ _ _ __ 

end Rush villa, connect at Edlnbergta with the express H aiQ W dl 0 £U 

“Tisisngsti will ptoaae be aboard at the hour of start- Markdt, between First 
N- OCUdtf rots LODIBtlL 

l»lf-rinn n «1 nval— Naw York nrices—new : IQllBtBi* sraoca Ul yiuui.1 , ptucuu wouiu save m UCB 

: ~ fi Gilded China Ulnner Sets, assorted shapes, latest timeand money, tosayBOthing of anxiety of mind, by 

RAUSS * style*- giving him an early call. He warrants to all, no mao 

D.’ _ __ b., „ oa piair whl'e Ch : na Sets newsbspe*. 1st howsavereaad long standing it mayhavabeen, a 

W,H Fo ' ?rn ' F,rrH ’ M nJe o rT* eH and °G 1 Id ed Tea 8etV(H4 pieces.) new- thorough car*, or no pay . Invalids I yoartraeiateraet 

rANUPACTURBROFANDDHALBR IN FRIN- “ n^Yo^ prices? I. to apply to Dr. V. at out#, who hast h. prayer medl 

Tassels, StaaniboatCnrtalna, 75 a 0 x Motto Coffees, fancy decorsted and gilt; clnesto meet allcaaes. 

25 dm Card Caskets Cologne Hollies, and Candle- Or VandersllcebeisieavetonayTu^Lber.thathehai 

raentof Worsted , Pattern. 85 ££h. ww, cologne DO ^ th .bj m remedies prepared In . ^tentlfie aad nkUta 1 

rial ValvatR hHnn SllCSS, new; . , a L1..F 1Z1 -..-a .act and all dtaeaaes 


FINN GOLD WATCHR4 aad faahtom. 

Beta (44 pieces,) new— thorough car*, or no pay. invalids I yeertmemterem QL r* ? t»i V iTsi. r V 4 

istoapplytoDr. V. aton*n,whohasth*pr*p*rmedi 'g7^ > abto iRW .. .Tf * X 
corstrd and gilt; dnaato meet all caaes. J^j^suoac nbar at aa lew r*te«_ *e ui totob y\ 

# Rom#*, and Candle. Or Vandersllc* bcgsieav* to nayfurtber .that he has ^uir.otinth* »«« 


seSO d3m a No iOBroadwa/.N V. Canvas. Chenilto Cotd , Twist -Velvet Ribbon .gold and kj® p ,, r power Vases, latest style* (»«lltng rg *t coat:) manner under hi* own cur# each and la .. Jia***e* Jewelry repaired in ' he heat ma* 

- ■ - sll ve rTri m mlngs .twit t Coat Hatton* .Cloaks , Tassels, Hall Sol. and P.rlo, .. Cornelius fi Co n wklcfc htsattention Sa. Un so long Jh*W, ^ with WWaiehea aad 

JOSEPH .llECryJJKLi, Loops, braiding Patternsnalnted on cloth, Velvet and , w j t Tea Tray* .Walters, ard Castor*, very cheap; fdHdlrectiona howtouaetham; tiwiwforalnvaJJdsfrom »«r. fir Fourth eU 

r9 WATCH mIkbr awn rHWRiLHR and rfi’.k. Blind Trimmings , Purses and Bags, Floss 8I!k, » BtoneChlna Dinner Sets, complete .nd new; any sections of th* coentry, by s letter. no* — 

Sa? — ■artf ’* $82£Z .n~u j s 

mr Allordeia of repairing will be deneln thentcer, w (KJKB —Carpenters' Rim, Cottage, Mineral Knob Ftoaee remamhar tbeplaca, _ & _ R . _ » s "^irOffiaaSorVoi ^Fia«Ad«*»rodt Jhetwodn Hreona ad • *• Tw * #d *’ ter aMnm 

,n ri^dA ,U ' ,ndltt ^ ,fc0rt “ t, ‘ n#pW ‘ bU * Pad, Cioaet, and PUU Locks, for Ml. by ^ ^ ^ Bo . U. Fourth rt.^oLI bSuhL*. " *“““ 


Hardware and CutlerY, v^Stmmetmn.nmfnomvn 

u jo l. _ MT* Allorden of repairing will be dene in thenlceai T OCKD —Carpenters' Rim, Cottage, Mineral Knob Ftoaee rememhei rthepl toce, « n gthenowa ypoi 

Mark.t, between First and Brook street*, ,nd i ? .trt,le..nd *t *h 8 ori«ttia. ptwrible. L^d?C:oMt, «d PUU Lock*, for Ml, ,b. No. llfi PoirthM? MoL? B^a. 

not* LO018VILLI, KY ( yilO dip nofli O. T. BULL * CO, >MU N' | 

1 * UN NUT. 

. ... nf - w- mllst cife our leaders the si ^tsnce mutL below this sum as practicable. In care DRS. E. W. MASON AND J. J. ADAIR, 

THE DEMOCRAT. dental surgeons: 

. this country *cd Spain, respecting the Is 0 , (ray be applicable, the two conventions of Apiil Se< ‘ ond »treet, between t.reeu »mi Walnut, 

piiNTtD and published st Cubs. We find iu the New Y>rk Et. ***»»* 1 8. 1803/ between France and the Cnittd ( Two doors south of Christ Church,) 

U.RVKY a HUGHES. ..ptonttlOM wd» ■ 8 . ™, te. Ike Mle ..d p U ,c.... ol Louimn., J* — — 

HARMS* « nu«u»o *’ . h- nuite as s» tis The seventh and eighth article of these con- NOTICE. 

O' Orbae on Third street. East side, between which we re publish. It ..1 b. q | settlors ought, if possible, to be omitted; still, * x the Semi-Annual Meeting of the Stockholders oi 

Market and Jefferson. factor; as the whole Coire pondeuce, id cc « if these suould be indispensable to the accom A. ihe MERCHANTS’ LOUISVILLE insurance 

NEW MPpi.jk*. 

riAHE Physician's Cose Hook, published under the dl- 
A rectlonof the Kentucky Medical Society. 

Cabin and Parlor, or Staves and Masters; by T. Ran- 
dolph. # 



T the Semi-Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of se r*ice of Ctueen Ann 

D.acovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley. A T 
with original narratives of Msrquelte, A lionet. Membre * 
Hennepin, aud Dcuay. ’ 

Tne History of Henry KsmomJ, Esq., Colonel In the I 


CT Pnsilnt fillaon IS d.c.dedly opposed 

this country «-cd Spain, respecting the H “ , r . 3 , be applicable. the two conventions of Apiil ! **<*»■* atreet, between bree. an* wainat, do Y“J; ’ oiave; ana Masters; by T. Ran Grand Military and Civic Ball, tfTTtftvVrTr 

Cubs. We find in the JVeie Y>rk Eo. w*"* j 0. 1803, between France and the United j ( Two door, south of Christ Church,) 1 V'* tov ? rJ, ,» nd **Ploratloo of the Mississippi Valley. \ T ODD FELLOWS’ HALL' HV i' 

tost extrsc's aud explanations re.dy ® «de. j S a es. for the sale and purchase of Louisians. Lour avinc. jtr. CneKuTl^.T ° f AUoETMeaibr;; I a grand mSu,, . rd c,v, c b. 7 wdl te r , vV'i M r D 

. * , It u- U h _ - ouite as st t is The teventh and eighth article of these con- NOTICE. Tne history of Henry Esmond Eiu Colonel i„ the ^C«® iveo by the **»■*»«» Kimm*. 3d rOiu- **"*{*• Boot * Shoes, 

which we re punish. It b- q | ventiors ought, if possible, to be omitted; still, a T the Semi Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of «f <*«<"«> Ann. ’ ^ khiid Xr" RVitmSu? 1 V dd | Hj,s anU C **?’ i,rn ', Traveling 

factory as the whole corre pondence, in cc * if these suould he indispensable to the accom A. the merchants* louisvillk insurance Poems, by Mattie Griffith. I T^fets *3 h lDAY Kv kniag, January tu,, is 3. Hog*, Teas. Ac. 

naratively sh .ft Con:pas?. | pliubment of the object, articles similar to them COMPANY, held' at their office, on the 6th Instant, a Biographical and Crtti .Mnoager.: riMlUKSOAV. » a last.. cummencu | at si o'clock. 

Pa.t n. 6 ou.uo M for Cuba. j a . \ZTf mi ‘ *“ * f "' r JSf & .*r ^« a-£foi'r-umounmmu. .«i“TuS?.^*irsSfirs 

Tbe National StT, '/mT Lu, fo M t . Bacb.r.. “»» *•“* M U », 9&*2St*~. t'«- C .~ &T^SU. ~»™ 

- , r dediy opposed ThS AaUonal Mnuutgtnc r “™ u ‘'“^“l It did cot stem to occur to Mr. Buchanan dcSrt* Secretafy. A Faggot of Prencb Sticks, or Parts in 1851; by Sir Col. Hanry 8. T yler . Serit'. f W Va. ojl. ‘ 

C?* President Fi mote ‘ _ tbe fe volU- 1 lhe Publication i all tte TOtrespoci.ri. e - ^ th ,. he did not add to tbe force of the suggest- JVlASONUk Kerraled and Sllulraied, with Ka'hayVcrui^e In the Cbinesa Seas- by V/ 11 Ma Col * Tho,r ’a» Anderion. Sergt. o'. P.'Kedman, ’ 

to our counuy’s engaging in any of t Las , tkt „ place between the L cited S.atei »UU ion ^ th#t E Ck i and mjg(jt wr(gt Cjbfl ffom s‘ in JVi a sketch of the Life. Abduction, an:! Murder of cauley <-hine»a Seas, by W. H. Ma ^ Theo dore O'Hara, Sergt. L. WUlrinjer, 

tiontry movements of F.atope. He can very lU , diplomatic the i bf offeri.g tte assurance of bis goremment, in i ot0 *. **“**• *J ,ummer Book, b, G. Curtus. ^or^M-onsarrat. 

"we should re* ins a Key to ihe Hisher Degree? of Free Masonry, by 
nation." a Member of the Crait. Jast received and for sale at 

.) Ko. 66 Fourth street. 

_________ dc8 BROWN & HOW. 

tr President Fillmore IS dicdedly opp | the pubticatioa if all tte correspondence which f thfl . l he 

to our country’s ecgigmg in soy of the revoiu- , faas , BitU plaCe between the United States »“ 1 ' ic , u> tfcl 

tionary movements of F.utope. He can very lta diplomats agents ebr^d, "dec watoryo _ J by offering the assurance of his government, 

aafelv hold forth on thie sub jtet. The common relating to the p°^ hey ol f t*. ^e gorernmt.t ^ the very next paragraph that "we should 

T , k - -nuutr? is suffuiett to protect it United States, m i elation ^h sist its acquisition by any other nation." 

sense of this country is sum-icoi ? ? Cuba." It was communicated to Oti.gitss uy ’ fTo he er ntinur-d l 

from a wild goose chase for the liberty oi alt lhe p re81( i en ton tte 14 h of July l«s'-, but, for _ . 

safely hold forth on 

T,.nkind If the federal government had the ianat , rea ?on which it is net difficult to con- Tvrpn 

mankind. “* ‘ f „ f Q jtCture , hss no r found il8 way into print or to DIED, 

power, the people know the tony V the nub'ia eve until now. In this city, at the residence o 

dilutes of blood and money to no purpose. ^Le cone- Dcuitnue commences with extracts 


4 . - The correspondence c 

I native ui svj 

When our own interest requires our ac.ion, or j ^ Iom , letter dattd Nt-v. 1822, from Mr. For- vVeUiugton. 
when our action would do more good than tn b, then Minister 1 0 ‘ to Joh n W a ' ncy ^- Baltu 

isldence of his sod, T. J. Wilson, t \ BlGESI' of Koelish Grammar, Synthebcal aud For sa 

n, in the 74th year of bis age-a A . n »>ytical, duly clsasffied and methodically ar- dc8 

. KuglaDd, and a soldier under , ged » accompanied by a Chart of Bentences, and 

adapted for the use of schools; by L. T. Covell. 
Grammar of the Greek Languaee, for the use of High 

Lotus Fating, a Summer Book; by G. Curtus. r , H 

Tl»e Discarded Daughter, or the Children of the Isle— . , uv'iiiiam Ridd 

a 1 ale or the Chesapeake; by E. D. N. Southworth. i"' V' 

Popular Superstitions, aud the truth contained therein, p «hro<ln 
with^iu Account of Mesmerism; by Herbert Mayo, Adi J. J. Hoff, * 

The complete works of Dickens, in 10 vols.,beauti- t' Koatin'i*’ 

fully illustrated. rStT W wSL', 

For sale by T. R. NELSON. V „ * 

dt8 Corner Main and Wall streets. cip t '. B “l. “t^n“ 

Capt. A. Schweitzer, 

NOTICE. Capt. A. Hllger, 

Col. Florin Kern, Sergt. G. W. Marr, 

Col. George H. MonsarTat, Sergt. Charles Waits, 

Dry (.«ed«. 

I Ladies' Silk Visettes, bl.«.k La.e Veils, black suJA 
I changeable Dress Silks, biik Ttimmiiin; Mustio j c 
Luces and Cashmere.; super Krap-ie Slate Shawls 
Silk asd fancy Wooie;. Ves’ oga; emh.oldered black 

” . .. ,c__ *j- m . ,c„ n spertt*ryoi biate, unuer tnenamin 

hnrnt to onrjelves snd other pcop.e, 'gtr’ioa cf Mr. Monrc-e, and closes with the cor- 

■Lsli consider the matter. At present we have , c spoIld ence between Mr. liu^hanau. Secretary 
no case of the sort made out. There la bo tasue t s t , te under President f*n k and Komuius 

ai_..c t' ,c-_ .... u:- 

SpS:D, to John W-iincy trjr Baltimore, FhtiaJelphlt, and New York papers ««mmaror tbei.ree* uansuage.rorihe utaof High clnt L Heker 

ofS'a'e under the sdrein plea^ccpy. “* J Colleges; by ^Dr. Kushner. Translated f\W!NU to tbe advanced price of Lumber, Ac., we ^*^,.‘5 Knkun 

OI blate, unuer tne «arcin t (torn the Germao b, B b. Edwards aud S. H. Taylor. V > will have from this time to advance the price ot £ a P t l - ^ 


kind before the country and it is. there- I M. Saunders, of Notih Caioiina, then our Min For Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, &c. illustrated wim map^ and engravings. ’ ' ‘ c 

Of the k.nd beio e m , , ster at the t ourt of Madrid. I r.MlESE V. afers are of thirty y.ars' standing in Kng. T J*' n “•““»«» ^ msh Ke ** de ' Translator, by 

fore, safe in riumore to mdu gt in q Inteliiencar of Tuesday contains only X land, and never ha* medicine been found that would ,i... „ . . 

.v: c: _ -U .. I- - . ,a-_ c o. n„L .TT-, in.m^diata relief and almost certain cura. , ' 9 ., H00i ‘ of Fuetry , !<>r use of Schools or Dtlvate 

diaccufea cn this subject. 

Tne suggestion that this country h* s DOt 

v . , . , ; n <kw affairs of Eu- tion, if ptacticabie, with the Spanish gov* in 

heretofoie taken any p« xa*' >n«n ^ ^ ^ ce88l0n of Cuba to the Unite 

tbe la t*f~ that », a letter from Mr. Bacbaner. give such iiumcdi&lc relief ami aiiuust ceitain cure. Institutions; b^Bliia, 1 Robbias!' e ° l Svh0 °^ or P |lv& tc 

comwistiomrg Mr. St uo ers to open a negotia* tau “ ry * e u C ^ e , i ?“,'!. b«„ SbtSf by Mr E. Taylor , of I n.ibjhSfoV'oral 1 Kseref-eiV H,? 11 ttr#mm * r ' wk| h 
tion, if practicable, with the Spanish govern- Rochester, N. Y., at a eaaaT «xpen»s, and he is happy J by j.rh .mnUn’ 81 fc-lerC1 "'’' ,or Sc hools and Colleges; 
. < — ,c_ ,e • ~ ti* if'-gd In being abie to p;ace the tint and genuine article before j r “• 

lhe i-tiiinus of Tehuantepec, being the results of a our manufactured aiticlea 15 per ernt. above our ad- U*'*V oL be^t, ' 
for “ Railroad to connect tbe Atlantic and Pa vertised prices. ,*P 4 Rfurt®. _ 

cific Oceans, made bv the Scientific Commission, under di6 dim J. N. BREEDEN & CO. Lieut. ThMBa^J . easy, 

the direction cf Major J.G. Birn&rd, U .S. Engineer. — — Lieut. D. C. Slone, 

Illustrated with map. and engravings. ~ * \17 IIITt Sugar. — Loveriug's Loaf, Crushed, and Lieut. George T. Gray, 

The Elementary Epaoish Reader and Translator! bv ’* Pulverized Sugars for sale by Lieut. W. 8. Woodruff, 

Tolon. * 1 dt7 1 . Y. BRENT, SON & CO. Lieut. A Y. Johnston, 

Class Book of Poetry, for use of Schools or " — Lieut. James Dunlop, 

Institutions; by Eliza Robbins. r private vX7"Mls*li Y.— 2U0 bbls Old Bourbon Whisky for Lieut. B. Hurst, 

A Short anil rmitnn-henhva 10..L c. ... TV sale by I H. 

cui. utuijo ii. jiuuuiiu, wi|i.oginca waits, — -* — -- ’ ■» - - — — - * 1 »,«» 

Lt. Col. William Riddle, Sergt. G. W. Richardson I X,** 1 Patterns; ladies’ Kid G.ove,; *oper alack French 

Lt. Col. J. Russell Butler, Ensign Nicholas, Lloths; black Doeskin Cosauac-e*. fa y Li.-imerts; 

Mij. C. Shroder, Knvign James HoweU. ®‘*»-k and mtiei Sa> ets. Beaver C.otns, cooled 

Ad). J. J. Huff, Ensign W. J. Dotson, I !‘ 1 i a “ keu » lar * e a * J Dl-uhets; Menno Drawers; P.ints, 

Capt. L.B.W bits, Corp. N. Faulcooer, j *>5eennn ; Threads; Cwshmere ehawn; gents’ Carpet 

Capt. T. Keating, Corp. J. H. Lioyd, U ‘* i0j Traveling tags. 

Capt. J.W. Wales, Hon. James 8. Spaed, G oois sail *bte-r. 

Capt. L. H. Rousseau, Hon. John Joyes, Men’* super Kip Boots, men's Calf Boots; men’s Kip 

Capt. B M. Stone, George D. Prentice, Kfq., Brog-nj; hoys’ Brogans; women’* Lace pegged Boots; 

Capt. A . Schweitzer, W. N. Hsldeuian, children’s Snoes, Ac. 

Capt. A. Hilger, Wm. B. Hughes, of Meaican Hats; wen's Clot;, 

Capt. L. Beker, Robert Storey, I * nd Flush Cay*. 

Capt. C. H. Knapp, Robert J. Elliott, An as»oitmeni of Eastern Yarns, in n* *. 

Capt. F. Alberty, Edward S. Craig, ages of 4 ponuds each. 

Capt. Smith, T. C. Pomeroy, o«c Bests Gunpowder Tea. 

Lieut. Thomas J. Cary, floury S Blair, ^^Termscosn. T. ANDERSON A CO., 

Lieut. D. C. Slone, It. G. McCulloch, _ at 8 d. Auctioneers. 

Lieut. George T. Gray, H.T.Duirett. av M „ _____ ^ ^ 

Lieut. W. E. Woodruff. J. A. B. PcrnUe. Bis. HENKY dr CO. 

. . Excel ieccv ment icr tee ctssion oi oum to ice ci i .eo » « p*? u» Primary Lesson* In Italian; by g 

rope because of oui weakne , h Stete.^for the consideration of, not exceeding of them have been sold ... the | the P?duSonuT by 

treats With lofty scoia. He r.ees in ms SlOO.OOO.COu, and Mr. Saucdr t's aecrunt of bis pa st year in tbe state or New York alone, anJ not one a sha!,h»r.f.V \ P ? u 

like ft dewskorue of the hustings, to repudiate mlemeW with tbe Spanish GovdSiaect in re* leturned, although sold on terms of warranty. | er ky. v *»wry. md othi 

.LVimp“ ; L. P o«u.^-».. g ecro»..Lc«.c, w ,,.u £0 ,o l u I . u! i,c:. | 

Primary Le«.<onn iu Italian; by G. \V. Green AM I 

Appleton’s Popu ar Lmrari-Littie’ , A Tobacco for sale by 

j l *o , h b ^ iu,e &ul 

A^Bhabby Geutrel Story, and other Tales; by Thack- 

Kssays front ihe Lou Jon Times— .accord reries 

dc7 T. V. BRENT, SON A CO. 

nrain l.ead.-200 kegs No. i While L S 
T T sale low to close by 

Capt. T. Keating, Corp. J. H. Lloyd, 

Capt. J. W. Wales, Hon. James 8. SpeeJ, 

Capt. L. H. Rousseau, Hon. John Joyes, 

Capt. B M. Stoue, George D. Pieutice, B*q., 

Capt. A. Schweitzer, W. N. Haldeman, 

Capt. A. Hilger, Wm. B. Hughes, 

Capt. L. Beker, Robert Storey, 

Capt. C. H. Knapp, Robert J. Elliott, 

Capt. F. Alberty, Edward S. Craig, 

Capt. Smith, T. C. Pomeroy, 

Lieut. Thomas J. Cary, Heury S Blair, 

Lieut. D. C. Slone, H. G. McCulloch, 

Lieut. George T. Gray, R. T. liurrctt. 

Lieut. W. 8. Woodruff, J. A. B. Form s, 

Lieut. A. Y. Johnston, Francis Lawry, 

Lieut. James Dunlop, S. P Whaley, 

Lieut. B. Hurst, Joseph B Lancaster, 

H. D. Malone. 

Floor yfaisyeri 
Sergeant C, C. W. Alilneud. 
trslilail Floor Jlairsrrs : 

Lieut. W. E. Woodruff, Sergt. P. W. Van Osteu, 

Lieut. T. W. Andrews, Sergt. O. F. Redman. 

On and after Wednesday, Dec. dJi, the Board of Man \ 
ageis will meet on Wednesday and Friday evenings of 

their prowess. They were very wise men, and Inlellrgtneer. gecui 

did w. toner eg -t» Wos 'tf&SStiZl - 

do no better. They would never have solicite 18 w ji u „g ttfc * Cuba should eontinua to be a ; ‘ *^<j 

the eid of others in the revolution, if they could colouy of Spam, but never to become the colo- 

have done as well without it. They would ny ot any other European power. His reasons ggg 

never have lubmitted to the orders io council, ! ber proximity to the United I States, and her 
never nave commanding position iu toe gulf. He intimxtef d.a 

or to the Berlin and Milan decrees for a mo a BUS pj C j 0E t b at Great Britain wads Cubs, be | ^ 

ment, if they could have resisted them without cause “it has been ht-r umiorm policy, through 
its costing more than it would come to. This out her past history, to seize upon every val- T ,1 

m nun uable commercial point throughout the world, 

country would not now submit to a tingle one wheDeTer clICU0!V . aECe8 hav “ placed thi8 in 

of tbe aumtious outrages for which we at Jast ^ p 0Wer# »# 

Agency, No. Fourth street, on.- door fiom Market. oul of t!ie cit _ , ‘ " *# a . * ,, *7 , i 

K. H. H A YCtt A FT. Af. nt._ IX 2££5 £ 

Xjr? sul8,IOr 1 ,ri pr.inplu,.., coTrectiirw.*ud ie.poii*ibiLit,, 

M A KBLi; HALL, Fifth st., } u j? e " e , n,l * me Jil W ‘‘ Uc ® 4 hithgow, 

dc9 oppo.ue Court House. Waf^n' w ™- ^eudrick, Wm. h. blokes, John 

UijrA Iso. an elegant and commodious Bowling Saloon. ’ Munn. 

' 2 z I cuii be found at No 502 alreet, be- 

I rvttliSH Oyatera in (he Nhell— Laige, fat, and of I* 66 ! 1 Second and Ihird, or al John Magn ss’s. Third 
delighliul flavor — are being received daily at street, between Mark*', and Jefferson. 

dcb 3 i I. D. THOMPSON. 

T. Y. BRENT, SON A CO. Lieut. A. Y. Johnston, Francis Lawry, SpUndui Houtehald t’ur.mur, «g Anedun 

Lieut. James Dunlop, S. P. Whaley, . ... „ • 

Is Old Bourbon Whisky for Lieut. B. Hurst, Joseph B Lancaster, A I A^ti«uR<>«ms, corner of Mai, i an.1 Fourth sis , 

H. D. Malone. ou THURSDAY MORNING, Dec. »th, at tu o’clk 

dc7 T. Y. BRENT, SON A CO. Fl»«r ?, T °l Jer of J. 6 * the Louis Title tn-ccery 

— ■' “ — ., J- w *, , Court, we will setl a large aud ge- ■ 

’ i'OHAt CIO.— 250 boxes Kentucky manufactured ..ergeant C. C. W. Al ineud. supenor Secood-Hai.d Furmfure. Included in to* 

XsalalMut Floor Vlaurceru t wul ae lonnd- 

T. Y. BRENT, SON A CO. Lieut. W. E. Woodruff, Sergt. P. W. Van Osteu, 1 walnut aud green ptuah Ottoman- 

— Lieut. T. W. Andrews, Sergt. O. F. Redman 9 do do Kiizabetb Chatr* 

KJ kegs No. 1 White Lead lor on and after Wednesday, Dec. 8fh, the Board of Man | • d ® *• Fanor do;‘ 

T v KkkNT sn\ 4 i n ageis will meet on Wednesday aud Friday evening* of q, 1 , marble slat Bureau and WuMni ; 

T. Y-.BRE-NT/SUN A CQ._ e » ch wtek< it 0JJ p etlow / Hallf wht;r ; gent.emen i B ’“ e ‘ a ^ r J Pir , !& X ** d ^ c, - h ’ n 4 « b«rs; mahoga.f 

prime Eastern Hu Coffee .or wishing lodie.’ tickets will please present their name,. Upe3tI /^^»nd 

T. V. B RENT. BON A CO. MOZAliT HALL. I \ - i 

;s prime Eastern for sale by I *P r 

LAST WEEK OF BRIWBR3 f ,nj ,«p.a 

“Glance at the World!!” 

unaica; . ^ «... and Harness. 



Uc9 M ARBLE HALL, Fifth st. 

u_sr" Restaurant constantly supplied with every deli- 

C OFF KK. — 

100 bags Old Government Java; 

SO bags Old White Jamaica; 

50 bags Bleached Maiacaibo; 

10 baits superior Mocha; in store and for sale by 
dc7 8. J. M ARTIN A CO. 

S VG4RHOC8B Vlolusaeu — 

100 bbls St. James Refinery; 
luu bbls Battle Ground do; 

50 bbls St. Bernard do; for sale by 
dc7 B. J. MART IN A CO. 

P lantation .vioiaue*. — too bois, supeiior 
quality aud cooperage, for sale by 


Sale positive. 

T HIS most splendid or Panoramas will commence I 
its third week, (and positively its last in Louis- 

S. G. HENRY A I O , Auct’ri. 

vftle,')* on* Tl * C ‘" d poS ‘ ti ’ el, m U,t in Lottl *'| AUCTION SALES. 

This (MendayJ Evening, Dec. 6th, h I K. A t . fOWELL, 

I Aud continue every evening during the week. fle. 606 Market itreet, bet. Second atU Third 

m~ Door* open at half past 6 o’clock, ezhiblUon to ' \JLT g will have regular aucLon safes or Drv Goofs 
commence at quarter past 7. W Boots ->nd Shoes. Haia an -t Caps. Clolhu->. Cut- 

HB- Tickets JO cents; children IS cent*. lary. Jewelry, and a variety of other articles toe *«co i * 

Day ae given oo Wednesday end ous to mention. We will attend to out-door -a- • ol 

Thursday afternoons, at 21 o c ock dc6 J6 Household Furoiture, Res! Estate, Ac., cn 'he i> o^l 

mtVSU'V ii as ■ ; icasonable terms. Wehavetwo!*rgeVv-,*ro» i f d 

lAVAAni H 'LL. up expressiyfor the saie of ail kiedsof new »i. -«c d 

l hand Furniture, which will receive our cron, r’- stt: n 

took up srmi in 1812. I H«- then makes tbe followiog remark: 

Courage is a very good quality in its place, , “This can never become a local question.— 

. . ;_,i 1w1 a„«i. h, ! VYith suitable fortification at the Tortngss, and 

andifs quite gallant between individuals to ?„i' . «# 

and if. quite gali.nt between individual, to w » uitfible fortificat-on at the I ortngas, a ad 10 do Lance WooJ Cues, inlaid and plain, new 

■ cun. a quite r- ... in possession of tbe slroogly fortified harbor of styles; 

get fired with indigna-f on upon points of bon- H , Tan , ftS , n#T „ „ aUoE on ihe opposite coast 2 '^ ^^ch^'dline up i. paper. 

or, but a point of honor amongst nations is ] of Cuba, we could command the outlet of tae For sale cheap by a. d. MANkfibld, 

more or leaa clear, according to their ability to Golf of Mexico, between the peninsula of Fior- _d£» 496 Main street. ^ 

aursm constancy suppuea wh« every a.„* c 1J « A h._ 8u bh . !s Su?ar 8tofe anJ for sale b .TIola..e..-100 be 

^ JcS M ARSHALL HALBERT, 528 Main st. X q u »lilj and coopeu.t, fur «:« ^ RT , N A rft 

B ILLI AKD Fixin*.— Just received— ' Cll(>.U(S..7ii bbls Crushed Powdersd >n,i i n .r — 

10 dezen seas.. tied ivory Billiard Bails, 2*. 2|, 2i, O in store and tor salt- Foddered, and Loaf AH. -90 bhds low fair for sale tow 

, * nd „?** <!«* “ MARSHALL HALBKRT. b 7 „ - „ . 

P LANTATION .Vlolassev, — 60 bbls in store and 
for sale by 


protect it, 

_ .* , . id. and that island. This wou d afford ample 

The law of nations is stldom bro- secur j ty to the foreign and coasting trade 

K OBE!-: Kobe.:!— J jst received, a superb assort. 
. inentuf ladie-i’ an l gents’ Rohes— Eilk, Cashmere, 

R I<» C 


oflre.— 2Ud hags prime in store and for sale 


M ACKEKEL.- 250 pkgs new, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, 
received per ate arrivals and for sa'e by 
dc7 B. J. MARTIN A CO, 

T A K.— 100 bbls Carolina for sale by 

*!C7 8. J. MARTIN <fc CO. 

reasonable terms. WehavetwolargeWsu-cm if d 
up expressly for the sale of ail kinds of new .p. i.j 
aand Furniture, which will receive our rrcu.r ; axt. l 
tion. r 

oar Consignments of oil kinds auiKiud, ana cask s i 
vance3 made on all goods con.-igned. 

mr Bveninf sales commencing a 7 o'clock, 
dec 19 R. A T. POWELL. Auctioneers. 


behalf of our aucestot’s courage, is shter Jem 

But desirable cs Cuba is thus shown to be to 
the United States, tbe Secretary s'ates that the 
government would sot wish to acquire it ex- 

D RAW HUS and LnderHhlrta. — Received this r _TI“_ . 

moiniug, a fine assortment of Fall and Winter Un- I j „ '*■ 
derwear, to-wu: -L dc8 

If we could by our arbitrary will, put an end oept by the free will of Spain, and, of course, snaher^ ;r do #nJ U d a o* er3, fine 5 fl*iinef’ a8SO,t j ( J. s ' 2 '* 9 * 
to all despotian, and establish .epublicacism all therefore* upon the payment of a fair consider. do do do, fine knit, ’ do; 

.. , , L„. I tioa in money. He then refers to the revoiu- Country Flannel Shirts and Drawers, very heavy, as 

° c * ‘ ’ tionary s’ate of tbe inland, and the reports of ocor^w^’i^mri* nn J 80 pockets prime old Government Java CoffM; 

inasmuch as we cin’t occjmplith the exploit* ( uur COE ,uI at Havana, Mr. Campbell, to show * n^uib^. 1 - h 1 d Ura ers ’ very heftvy ' » ssorteJ Just received per Ute arrivals and lot «lr by 

either by will or any powtr we have, we shall the expediency of Spain’s selling a proptrty Casumere Shirts and Drawers, fine and soft, assorted ‘ — H.T. CURD * CO., Sixth st. 

in.Dd our own business fur the present, at least. "k‘°h * s J‘ kfcI » lo cyst aoIe * nd mor<i eVd|- y Merums^irts and Drawer*, toe and «o.r. *,*«.- 


/ 423 bags Rii 

423 bags Rio Coffee t 
25 do Jamaica Coffee; 
20 do Ceylon do; 

irwJc bv h if P d Cd ’ ^ L f GTGAK— *0 bhds low fair for sale tow to close con JIOZAK1 HALL. up expressiyfor the sale o' ail kieds of new i- i.d 

M * hsh , i t h a r c-.-iiT Osigcmcntby ~ ~Z , Band Furniture, which wiU receive our prou.r t ottc n 


m Aloln*s(<*< — 60 bbls in store and Bi^ Consignments of all kinds soMtited, oau cask al 

]\/l ACKLUEL.- 250 pkgs new, Nos. 1, 2, and 3, Taeadoy, December 14th, l&S’A- v ances made on all goods consigned. 

MARSHALL HALBERT. !»-*- received per ate arrives and f<K saj! by TX TONS. F. SIMON begs leave to announce to his *r BvaategMlMCOMiMartng U ,7 o'clock. 

dc7 B. J. MARTIN A CO, 1VL friends and tne public generally that, having re- 1 R. 4 T. FOWELL. Auctioneers. 

203 hags prime in store and for sale m » K -iivihhn r-,r«iin. for ..i. i . liuquisbed and wishing to close his former business, ‘ — 

! T 1W6&lsCarohnafor ^' eb J.,. TI> . . ., n (importer of superior French Musical Instruments,) BV DA.VL Ufe.% TON. 

MARSHALL HALBBRT. B^JMARTINA(.0. proposes to offer to the inhabitants of Louiavil.e and R Ur Auetlon Camm-eean H^e, No 

AT Flour.— 309 bags fresh received R** 1 "- 1 " bb! * *o»P -nUers' b, v,Cmlt > * tXirtKXA.Nv.AVr 504 .¥oriel tereat. 

aud for sale by K J. M.\KTiy A CO. JUJMlCAta t^l I tKTAI Vlfc^r, CALKS OP PUR^ITUKE. DKY GOODS* GBOI P- 

M \ KSH ALL HALB BRT. ^ 01*1)^^ »yrup.-5^ packages St. Louis Refinery 0n which occa * sl « n tho foiiowin* superior instruments O KIKS, dkc., (at tae Store), TURSD v\A and 
, . . , . , , . \JT for sale bv will be distributed among the audience: I DA YS. at 9*o’ciock. A . M. 

) boxes No. 1 in store aud for sale by Jc7 E. J. MARTIN A CO. 1 splendid Pleyel’s Grand Piano *776 0" VT? DRY GOOD8, BOoTS inJ SHOES, CLOTH- 

- 1 fine Melodcon 60 oo lNGjitc.. every Evening at gas light. 

30 boxes fine Vir»inia, Missouri, and \A/ AS»M llOth OS.—XOO dozen Zinc Washboards 17 beautiful French Guitar 375 00 Liberal advance) made, and consignnei solid led. 

bacco in store en-J for sale by ' “ for sale by — ■ Out-door sales, such as Pcrr.ilare at d, Re*; 

MARSHALL HALBERT < I c7 E. J. MARTIN At CO. 19 Ins trument* f 1,900 Oo Estate, Ac., promptly atteue: to on re sonooie terms 

' — — — — BT Tickets limited to 650, at #2 each, wmch will en by experience, and references given if required. I hope 

—550 bags fire in store and for sale by ( 1( * IAEI.N, Kougea, nail File*. — A complete title the bolder (besides bis admission at the Musical stifi :o receive s liberal share of patrci <.gr. 

MARS 4 A LL HALBBRT. V"* 4S3 °f tra cnt of Butcher’s C. S. Firmir Chisels and Entertainment) to a chance of gettieg the Pleyel Grand aud <13m l) l.VL HB A TON Aui ti i eer. 

Gouges, Turning Chisels and Goages, Files and Rasps, Flano, or one of the above Instruments. ___ 

„ „ for “le by car- TickeU may be had at tue Music Stores and at 1 AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE. 

Coffees dc7 O.T.BULLACO. Mox»rt Hall, where the Instruments are exhibited every r, r» uuvww-rr a. n » x 

■ii, (.offer ; intni3..j«..i.i r i~.b o U LJ O. BKNNKTr dc CiJ. have taken the sto'euouse 

....»775 00 
.... 60 OU 
.... 375 00 

| for sale by 


We have, however, the right and the power 

year io keep. 

If Spain should bs willing to trade, the Lamb's wool do 

Merino shirts and Drawers, fine and sou, axst'd sizes 
Fur do do, new style, do; 

S LUNK, Ac. 

25 hhds new k 

lo do some things ss well as others. VI e esu j questions next to be considered would be, says u<nu>n do 
act upon our own faith on thia ccutinent, and | the Secretary, what ahould we givw^ And this | Kegu°ar F ma(!e 0 i 
nee that others respect republicanism upon our involves the two further questions: winter Underwe 

, , , , , .. 1st. What Det revenue does the island now i examine ray sto 

aoa i aaopi 4t. i y j el( j tQ t jj e roy ,| t^jur*, after deductii 

extra fine, do; 

ex fine and heavy, do; 
do do, do; 

J 25 hhds new Sugar: 

43 bbls new Plantation Molasses; 

60 boxes new M U Raisins; hi stole and tor saie by 
deb ii. T. CURD & CO. 

Y KUKVABLKN by the barrel and quantity.— 

lOu bbls Turnips; 

100 bbls Potatoes; 

63 bbl* Sweet Potatoes; 

KAN) bead Drumhead Cabbage; 

3000 head Celeiy; 

10 bbls Salaity ; 

5 bbls Horse Ridiih; 

20 bbla Carrots; 

30 bbls Beets; 

30 bbls Paisnips; 

day from 10 to 12 and 2 lo 4 o’clock, P. M. 

aar* For particulars see s mall bills. no9 dtd 


v»f v THE "KisLIKF KIKE COKP.4- ^ 
|wjM^NY, No. 3,” will give a grand «*».»- 
>^^j^wfens' anl Ebremens’ Ball, on FKI I : ’ 
r*<r r DAY, Decsuiber 2Hh, at the Odd . . uB 
Faci.owa’ Dali.. A cboice B-nd of Music nas been 

S O. BKNNKTT At CO. have taken ihe sto-euouae 
• No 

| and immediately opposite tbe Democrat Office, for tne 
: purpose of triusacting a geae.'al A o . tion and Coanrau 
1 sion Business, and wu... I ic| . . klkeyRMS 
age of the citizens. Having had considerable expert- 
' ence in tbe city, w<* think we can pr^ai: general sat- 
j af actio n. 

W Libetal advaucts made on cot-nigr, meets, 
i dS” Sales of Furmtuie at private acu ies atle&Jed to 

bordcrj, if they 

ing ell ‘ Underwear at 

ir made and shaped. Gents purr basing their QHBKTINGS.— 60 belei Banner Mill Sheetings just All of superior quality.’ For sa e by 
Underwear are respectfully invited to call and received on consignment per steamer Pnui Ander- • q mit v\ ’Alii \i,i n 

:ie my stock, as they will be sure to find the best wu * 1 dcHJ H. T. CURD dc CO. - — — - - — fs - - — 

engaged for the occasion, a fine Supper wilt be served, promptly, sad on liberal terms. 

and a sufficient number of Hacks will hem attendance— j dc3 8. O. BBNNBTT 4 CO. 

the whole to be conducted by the following | N: 8. Persocs having Second Hand Fu> ailure to J>s- 

Oar government hss not even a republican the expenditure incurred on its eccouatr and / undlka and •on;-.~ 
tone to foreign governments. The late propc- 2d. What net rsver-ue w’ould it yield to the ^ lfO boxes siar Candies; 

ne to foreign governments. The late propc- 2d. What net revenue w’ould it yield to the if 8 boxes Siar Candles; 

sal of England and France respecting Cube* is j kover^ment of the United States in its present j® No U i FamHySo.p- 

diacfeditable to our spirit and our political CP )i c „. „ do ’ 

r r As to the net revenue to Spam tbe Depart- In store and for sale by 

*th. j ment b*s bed no reliable information since d - 9 ' x h 

The Doctrine of Protection. McCulloch, in his Gazettcr, stRtes "thai tke ^ 123 bags shot, assorted num 

Tbe latest exposition of this humbug stiikes revenues of tne island, at an average of the h* s# i B “ c J t, i do 

The Doctrine of Protection. 



M ACIA KK SCI. and CodUvh — 

76 hair bbls No. 3 Mackerel (1852;) 

60 do do No 2 do do; 

10 casks Codfish do; 

Just received by the lakes and for sale by 
dc8 H. T. CURD dc CO. 

Who wants to sell Real Estate? 

C PERSONS having Houses, Lots, Land, or<*9a 
Farms to dispose of in tnis city or elsewhere,^.* 
can have them offered or put in market for sale, ci.a. 
ot the usual charges of resisfer fees, advertising. Ac., 
(unless sold, and then charges as r.uvtonurv,) by hind j 
in* them in or sending a description, with iawest price | 

llonid of .Manager* t 

J.M. Alexander, D. Gilligan, 

T. C. Pomeroy, J. Hess, 

Geo. Early. W. W. Twyiuan, 

W. Atkinson, F. Hughes, 

N. 8. Haines, W. Horan, 

L. B. White, D. Guy, 

D. Marnell, E. D. Barry, 

Ed. Williams, R. Guy, 

F. Curtius, W. W. Alexander. 

us cs tbe queerest development of tbe tiroes.— ! ^ ve 7 e *r 3 eodiog with 1837 a-tiousted ti £8, 
,t- . , . ... , ... 945,581 per yrer;" and it m staled in Hurt' 

We have been in the habit of supposing Mercba , lt6 . Msg.z ne for October, 1345, tba 

S HOT and Lend. — 

125 bags Shot, assorted numbers; 

4o bag* Buck, do do; 

1501) oars Lead; in store and for sale by 

pose of at priva’e sa’e would me r Interest by 
| calling at No. 79 Third street, where tbe y can a wi)9 
;ell for tke ready cash. S.O. B.4CO. 


H A H. I. K V I — H . IfcVi, tsetloievr. 

.Vo. 502 Market etreet. 

sold, or exchanged. 

manufsciurtrs wanted duties on Joreign mer- lbe Heveraie fer the yvsr 1814 e. mounted lo 
chandise, in order to keep up the price; but SlU, 490,252 87 1 2 

tk, f pOEFEE, — U5 bags Rio for sale by 
, , j dc9 WATKINS dr 

2cO J, 1 and Peck do: 
Ju.t received an J for sale by 

A. G. MUNN, 630 Main st. 


O 30 hhds (air to prune Sugar; 

40 bbis Loaf do; 

25 bbls Crushed do; in store and for sale by 


C lli{|WT.?I,hrt Toye. — 1 have just received from | 
the Fist a large assortment of all kinds of Christ- ■ 
ma* Toys, which 1 will sell at wholesale and letail. 


j dc8 41b Marke’, between Fourth and Fifth. 



Rea: Estate Broker and Land Agent, 

3 No. 96 Fifth street. 

House and Lot for Sale. 

BEING desirous of removing to the country. 

nriL 1 Tw i Lv sold, or exchanged, 

in Gi*«r thr i,« nt n.r,,Vf -Mr Regular Auction Sales every MONDAY atJ 

ISM i- h u> 

^ ^ - — - 

se present treir names. Rercrcneta.— A . D. Hunt i Co., George Vk elby . Tfto. 

SINGING CLASS FOR LADIES. H. Uupt.Cor„w..i;w Bro”^ ' " ll7 

1 will sell the House aud Lot situated on Jeffeisun I an l! Friday at the came hour 

MR. L. W. M ASON, Teacher of Music, wii 
.commence * singing Class for ladies, on Tucs- I 
'day, Nov. 30tb. at 11 o’clock, A. M.,at Christ 
Church Vestry Room, *o continue every Tuesday 


Mutual Health Assooiatioa! 

j^jaL*treet, north side, ore door above Wenzel. The j 
Lot i* 2U feet 9 inches front, running back 2t'0 feet to an 
alley. The House Is a two- story brick, containing five , 

U--S.O »*iau OU LU BUS pC UUt pUI'.LT «2» LU CXCCCOIQC C*|U''U,U0U. 1C SOlVer !< . fin ISQUI* ' rm VV UUU n A-1AJ w AJXvllv \jr | • MW sxvrust la ■ lil’SlUl) UULB, LUIUBILI!!^ liVC VU ZX4JUU4V oJ AY U 

the price of the manufactured srt.cle ry Low the remainder of tbe revenue wax eX - jVi’to ^ugarhouse Molasses for sale BOO KSLLLERs. BINDERS AND BLANK COOK me" paniculam »d TormSwiy'^Se stbknwrlon AYwifUo^'" tKViV “i 

isumer to the lowest rule at which it 1 P« d ^- ** 8tal 5 d ’ h = - * l - - •PPropri.ied to WATKINS A HULL. ... the^mse*. * | Hou,e ' Th » l * pl 

"reduce tbe price of tbe manufactured article 
to tbe consumer to tbe lowest rate at which it 
can be produced." 

O' Tne editor of the Journal is struck with 
admiration of the President's message, and we 

■re not surprised at it. The message is equal Secretary calculates that six mi lions of doiiais I 

pay and support tbe tro»ps, aud maintain the ,^.i«ak._ 4!) hhds prime New Orleans Sugar re- 
vessels of wer necessary for its defence and se- eived per steamer w. b. Clifton aud for sale by 1 


As to tbe second question, what revenue the I ]yi OI.A-S 101.-116 bbls Plantation Molasses re- 
island would yield by the United States, the ^ ^ ceiveJ per steamer W. B. cuiion and for *ale by 

, „ ' . . , ; Xo. 49 Thiid street, Louisville, Ky., dc7 d7 H. THOMPSON. ' 

1 44 A K. -40 hhds prime New Orleans Sugar re- ' , — 

ceived per steamer \v. B. Clifton aud for sale by M'j/ ffJa MABUFUi U KK Blauk Books of every caKBIAULS AT REW VUKK I'ltlCEM I 

9 r AND A' BUCHANAN a co * FiX jS&Sk deacripuoo. and keep for sale conklantly __ _ 

A. DW.HUCHA. AN & CO. iar«» sto* k of th- same, of the best . &9JL> the 3ea=on is nearly over, sad times 

I OI.A--S L- M._ 116 bbls i'lantaiion Molasses re-! bS-Sifitisajw quality of paper and trading, which they SHS3Bfi. are getting hard and money scarce,! have, 

L ceived per steamer \V. B. Clifton and for sale by [ offer upon the lowest rales, wholesale or retail. Mcr. j eonclud.-d to sell my p:esent stock of Carriages cheap 

er . d. uuiton and lor sale by oner upon tne iowcsi laies, wnoiesai. or retail. j>ict. i -—*•■“** - *•* .iu-., w iiiru 3 n .ugi|i “•-*— 

ANDAV. B’JCH.AN AN Ot CO. chant* who prefer havi. g their Bock* made to ordei ! **r cas* or good paper, to make ready Ur the spring I j ededlah Johnson, Ac., J 

in style and merit generally, to that letter of “J-g* 11 derived from du.ies sou something, but /^iastok Oil.— 23 bbls, in extra cooperage, on cob- 8tyie - 
e, n .p. , how much he does not attempt tJ calculate, Kj Mgnment ai d Tor sale by Ms; 

Gen. Scott a, wmch, according to the editor of {ronj lhe pu^jg !aEds . He expresses the opin anuw. buchanan <k co. 

tbe Journal, was •‘admirably written " ‘ — - *‘-* *■ - * -- -■ •- --j-a an.e tr 

can have them ruled to any pattern, and booul in any 

Magazines, Periodicals, Music, and Book* of every ! f° r , e nurenabing 

, ,k , "| , an . , . eon,f *rt-*eakiB« r>Y virtue of a Decree of tbe Louisville Chancery 
public will find it to their interest to give me a call be- JD Court, rendered ia tbe above taese, the under- 

Trsms- is or 24 Lessons.’ n*,26 «i3w Mutual Protection our Motto. 


OU ALLONS NOUS, CLarcer Pcrpem«l-« npltwl *-*l 

IBLRY’S KXCKA M ,4, east door to the mms Arsocistion is es-.a-i'iseed for lhe mutual re. o- 
House. Thai’s to place to get good of its member*, in cose of sivkuess o. scciuen;, aud 
nu .hid xi ptovidee at death a funeral bei-ebt m rails to the yearly 

LHat9| r. M. B08 q d3rn deposit, embracing all tne advantages derived fiom • 

M . —aa 1T , B „ - Life as well ss a Health A s* aciaiion. Tbe public are ic- 

m AK O ti AL o rbALt.. aues'ed t» call at the uffi a and get a copy -»f ibe"!nteP 

rks 5 I llgeucer,” a large ana elegant paper published by tke 

-amst > In Chancery. I Association for tne perpoee oi dissemtusting tae nnnet- 

l ihcson, Ac.,J ' Pie* of the organize on, wneieiu may :-* (Bund tbe 

, r, , .. , , _. Prospectus, Coosuiutlou, and By Laws of :ha .tasec’a-^ 

of a Det raj of r-ie Loulavil a i.'bar.carv ^.1 ' ' 

■r LUNCH at 94 p. M. 


James Burks 5 

against '-In Chancery. 

e Journal, was ••admirably written ton thattbe crown of S;'k n has already ceded 

— — | most of the unoccupied lauds of Cuba to indi 

Tut Pcpdlab Vote foe President. — We viduels. 

Lave tke official and unofficial vote in every, Tte Secretary then enlarges upon the elas- 

State in the Union, with tbe exception of five I'® 11 * £ ! cur 4 , . sl * :n ?, cf , fiovernment, w fficb, 
....... .... like rnace Ahmet s tents in lhe Arabian 

and estimating tbe majorities in these, tbe ag- 
gregates are as follows: 

B l i Tt it.— 

3 bbls Ohio 

3 bbls Ohio Dairy Roll Butter; 

25 kegs do do do; 

1 b il Indiana do; 

Ou suH:-lgnnient and for sale by 

kiud rebound at tbe shortest notice, and up >n reason I Jfb 

ableterms. WEBB >V LEVEEING. — Mgri . v ,. ,, , ~ 

Booksellers and Binders, No. 49 Third street, -fji ' 

-42- ®” - 525 S mSSBSSiS 

B OOKW, Paper, and Stationery.— A large as, » auod article, 111 good order, a 
sortment of School and MitcclHi eous Books- “ c ® A. W. MER 

Foolscap and Letter Paper, French, English and A mer- 

lean plain and fancy Stationery, on hand and for sale WM. G. STEWj 

, I wgned, or on* of us, will, on MONDAY, the 13t~h day’of I w V V s ott PTesldecV^^ **ncod©fe Marshall V 
No. 39 Third street. December, 1862, sell, to the highest (Udder at public ’ * rre »* ue '- 1 - *o-oc. re wsrsaan, > 

i> r«rri*u..- titm suction, before the Court House door, in the city of „ „ . . , , “‘"“T 0 /!* 4 ’- 

much worn, v'er Jl'ow, Louisville, on a credit of 4. 8, and 12 mouths, . certain £ Vl £? W F . **' 

ash one doctoi’sGig,| I ot or Parcel of Land, R. C. Johnson, Theodore Marsh- 

-* olJ c ^ ea P- In the city of Louisville, and ou tne work house road, 1 J. H., Secretary. 

viN,No.39 Third st. comalning 4 1-16 acre* — known a* Parcel No. a in the 3BT Office Fifth street. Court Place. 

partition mode under the decree o< the Louisville Chan- asrassacss 

-RT & CO,, [ eery Court among tbe heirs of Wm D. P&iue— or so h. M. M’Carty. edltoi Paduc n Journal: L 


■ ssEi'OND.14 AINU inrriiiL.. n™. [auction, before tbe Court House door, in the city of _ _ , . , 
*good Kockaways, not m^ch wor*. very low; bouuvllle.on a credit of 4, 8, and J2 mouths, a certain 
t -p Buggy, cheap for cash: one doctoi’sGig, • *t «r Fan-el of 1-and, R. C.Johosoo, 

(ood order, and will be sold cheap. 
A. W. MER WIN, No. 39 Third st. 

J. H. Bc’CXAaaa, Secretary. 
’ Office Fifth street. Court Place. 


H. M. M’Carty, edltoi Paducih Journal; D. W. Dai. - 


• at., icao lo cover; ne aescanis upon tue impulse wmcn — is~; 

. j,, ,. Q r- . 1B48 - 1 00 „_ 0 . tbe cnnein’.ion will give to free tin le through- cambric — 20 case* re- nien , s 

Scott. . 1 ) 244)736 Taylor. . .’!!! 1,’362, *342 WO,W ’ °JP^ n tb * D<!W Mre .^ lh jt ' dc9 ^ Uf & e V JA.MF.S LOW & CO. !uc™ C a r 

h.u LVq v „ 9 Q,,-o add to our confederacy; upon its opening a ?uch a 

,fc * 4 * ... , 1 liee chenael of commuatcstioa between tbe ULAL’K bilk (.uc-en.— 60 pieces received this day 

| JPierce over Scott, 1U0.823; over Scott and atates in tbe valley of Missis-.ifpi sad tbe oceca, ^ tor sale by Do 

Hale 46,064. and then proceeds wita the dip ornatic, or what — — _ Do 

T. T !ot o.«, Cisi, 138,447; C.s. aoU V.u Bu- « «' BI5VS?£i ..4 Molulr B..u»a, 

1.0 o.el T.jlot, 152,931 . 1 ! ? !! fr-.t'"' Si 

^ .... ' we give it entire: I Received and for sale by Dp 

XT Tbe whole amouat subject to draft in tbe With all these considerations in view, the 1 dta James low <k CO. 

lhe ”“ d "" ’ W " tk. crisis p .ooi, 4 , «!•>; 

tl7 # 035 9 674 87* when gd effort should be made to purchsse the VJT dc9 JAMES low <& co. 

island of Cuba from Spain, end be fcai deter- ' — — — — aupenc 

cr We Sad tb. following in tk . N. O.le... r “"” J *> *» 

. ... .. this most delicate ana L-spcrtaut duty. The j C 9 ’ j a mp<a r nw a, rn 

Crescent of the 30tlh ult. , attempt ahould be made, ;u the first instance, ; 1 — PB* 

Melancholy Death .—On the Dassane of tbe 1D * confidentsl conversation with ihe Spanish j J T «BKfe<*«4 am.-is cas*s 28 . 30 , 32, 34, and 36 ^ ” 
steamship Louisiana? on her lsst tt?p g on the Minister for foreign affairs; a written c ffer I ^ c ‘" ck Uinbrellas ^^7 LOW A co I 

20th ult., a gun in the hands of Mr. Skiles, Q f might produce an absolute refusal in writing,; 1- 2 

Kentucky, accidentally fired. Tbe ball passed w kich would embarrass us hereafter in the ac 13 HINTED Velvets.— l case, very handsome style*, i 

through two or three staterooms and struck s ! ‘i uisit,on of lhe it,and Beside*, from the in J -^ ^ r,&lebv jamm low a co 6 

Mr. Shotwell in the head, killing bim instantly. changes in tbe Spanish cabinet end — 3 

Mr. S. was buried in Indianola cn the 21st. policy, our desire to make tbe purchase might ! OOr.JD Color Print*.— 5 esses Sprague’s Prints a 

We understand he was from the State of New thus be msde known in an official form to for- Hr r o Ceived thU ' iay *“ d for “*i ? y « D o i nw ^ m 7 

York. ; eign government!, and arouse their jealousy CO ‘ l 

~ " and active opposition. Indeed, if the present C'INE Virginia Tobacco*. — 3 

Hunting in Caumiku.-' T he Stockton Jour- cabinet ahould think favorably of the proposi- L *? b “ xes R u f ley, f., Kx , ce i? lor » 

asl says that many of our readers are not aware tion, they might be greatly embarrassed by hav- just received and for sale by °* n ° * ! The a 

that aome of the finest hunting grounds ai^ ' ,B 8 !t placed on record; for, in that event it dc9 BRADY & Davies, can he i 

— ...... .I.., u,... a am,n ■ ‘• s - di0J — ^ — 

t/u muQu^auy uu uu, ui i'.as luiaiu ; uininvii 

Do Cherry do do, do corners; 1_ _ _ 

Do dark Russia Leather Dressing Cases, round and 1 '™* ‘'AWES has removed from No. 616 to No 866 G. Bowi 

square, A, Market street, same side, on the corner of Floyd 

Do fair Russia Leather Dressing Cases, round and ®treet, where he will be pleased to see all of his old ^ G. Bowd 

square; custom ers. dc3 virtu 

Do portable Writing Desks, unfurnished. - tr a ixt-pc: ±3 Court, 

The above goods have been selected with great care x. w. hawls, eJ orone ’ 

from the best assortmeuis in the country. They are WHOLESALE AND RBTAIL DEALBR IN ! December, 

Ti eni i ? ' an ;‘, r ^ gC J?i fr0 "‘ «rocerie». Imported and Ooaie.tle Clquora, suction, bel 
83 to #lu each. Ladies and gentlemen will find a very : Wine*! Tobacco, Claaia, A c.. Louisville, 

supenor assortment to select from st 1 * * * * portion* of 


G. Bo wman'i Administrator, 1 ItoHao; SuTrtJSTu. 1 “c‘ 

B Y virtue of a decree of the Louisville Chancery .fsoou Buiidlugs,*c.,ag-ii.*f!4.ssord*n;a s e by Fue 
Court, rendered in the above cause, the undersign D. S. BKNBDit T, President . 

ed,orone of us, will, on MONDAY, the U h day of Wm. Pnaiasn, Secretary. 

> Chaucery. 

WILL continue to mak,) msuisnce un 
UulUol Steamnoau, on Cargoes persao.c, 
or Veasels, by sea, laxe.cauai.or river, acd 
to sod from Atlantic and Foreign ports, ax J 

481 Main street, near Fourth. 

Nurlhwcet corner of Floyd and Market streets, 

Louisville, Kv. 

December, 1862, sell to tbe highest bidder, at public 
auction, before tbe Court House door, in the city of W.B. Clifton, 
Louisville, on t credit of 6, 19, and 18 months, for equal a . 4 . Gordon , 
portions of tbe purchase money, tbe following described declSdt' 

piece of Land, to- wit: 1 

165 feel of Ground, JEkVh'iisiiv 

Thos.K.W iU*>t , 
Beaj.J. A Jains, 

W . Hails;. 



G OOWN by Kxpr<-H«. — Received this morning, by Family Flour. 

express, the following goods: 

3 dozen super large size Merino Undershirts; 

3 do do small do do do; 

2 do do medium double-breasted Shirts; 

1 do do do wrapper do; 

3 do Jo brawn English Cotton Undershirts; I 

6 do do do do do Drawers; 

3 ito do Merino Drawer*, assarted; 

5 do do ladies’ Merino Undershirts, asst’d; I 

2 do do do Cotton do, do; 

7 do do do Silk do, do; 

6 do do gents’ made Cloth Gloves; 

3 do do do Fawn Buck do; i 

1 do do Lamb Skin Gauntlets; 1 au2?d&w3miaf 

1 do do Pur do. 

The above goods, and a great variety of new articles, 
can be seen this morning st 
ded TAYLOR * ARMSTRONG, 481 Main st. 

KT Keeps constantly on hand tbe best brands of j in tbe city of Louisville, and bounded as follows, viz: 


Every variety of 

Beginning at tbe southeast corner of Shelby and Frank- 
lin streets, thence with Sbelby street northwardly 160 



Capital, NIUU.WOU -Met-ured and Invented 

8-» A YAN D 30-HOW R | 

BRASS : proved security, bearing 

O-NT rv/vT'n until paid, and a hen will 

C T iOC K S . sale to take place about 

Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. 

party of expert huolera recently spent a few disciiseion iu tbe Cortes. Such delicate uego- dc9 BRADY A DAVIES. Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. 

daya m Crow Creek county. TLe attention of 1 tittions, at least ia their incipient atageg, „ wc WB will sell at cost, for cash only, our 

the party was especially directed to huntinv ougfat * lway,to b8 conducted in confidential r J , £ , , * r: D '’to T “ b * ' — extensivestochof Watches, Clocks, and ; 

t, J, b..„, 5 “r™ ,ion ’ w,tb ,he u! "“' « •"<> , « .... by fip% sa'sizsvtw? .kssst, 

•rcb, of tke fo,e,t were found. ,Ub U. Mi.Ute, of F«. b^a dv , DaVU^ KAgATvttSliai 

■lain, one of which weighed nine hundred e *8 n Affairs you might introduce the subject by — 50 hhds Sugar, a prime article, received give us a call nefore purchasing elsewhere, as our 

,ou,d,. Alaocl tb, wtaofo time w„ „ tU i. f RTER. SSS 

fighting these raona’ers, and the aport wa* atotion will make an attempt to accomplish a T3« N, *.— 160 bbls Rosin Just received and for Bale by e s ^ - J e we' r y',^* J°M .I te r ui* !' W hfc ii' can cot ' be su^r i *u27 d&w3mif 

found anfficiently exciting to please the most revolution. This must be well known to the dc9 BENEDICT a carter. passed in the western country. Annexed is a list 01 

WB will sell at cost, for cash only, our 

extensive stock of Watches, Clocks, and i 
i / Jewelry, till the latt of December.— 

» ,e by ^ - « 41 Those wishing to avail themselves of 
VIBS. , _ y/r jl this opportunity of purchasing Chiistmas 

'present* will find it to their interest to 

received give us a call r.efore purchasing elsewhere, es our 
stock of the above narae-.i goo-ls is compete, and every 
HTER. article warranted as represented when sold. We invite 

Opposite Dennison House, 

r Cincinnati. U. 



New Haven, Conn. 

feet to a 2U foot alley; thence with said alley eastwardly h. II. Goaoxba, Fres’t. Lewis B,sio.*,6ect’iy. 
105 feet; thence at right angles southwardly 160 feet to , . 

Tbe purchaser will be required to give bond with ap one down a*u> insure, 

proved security, bearing interest from the day of sale 44 Wail *1 \ 

cunly P4id ’ * lle “ Wl “ b * reUi ” ed “ • Jaill0,Ul **' | Exam mso PavTiciaxs-Dis. P^es, Cofcsco.t, and 

^ sale totaksalacn about It o'clock. A. M.. 01 said day. RoB>ld * 



Western Agency, 

T. SMITH & CO., 

88 Main street, 


Also — S kth Thomas’( 30-HOUR CLOCKS, and Biro 

TRY Capita 





Capital, 91041,004 — sararad aoa lavraied. 

H. H. Good* an , Fres’t. Lewis Emoa, Sect'y 

HAS two -lepartaeuts — Joint StiM.k and 
— tj£L' Mutual— offering great induce menu to too. * 
desiring to ins^ie. 

JAMES M. MOOEB, Agei *, 
44 Wall st., between Mam and Water. 

: atten’ion of dealers to our extensiee stock of Watch- F°’«® at low prices 


some of the leading articles in our line: 

176 Gold Lever Watches, asst’J patterns and warranted; 
50 do Cylinder do, do do; 

100 Silver Lever do, hunting case and open dial; 

60 do Cylinder do, do do; 

120 coses 8- lay and 30-bom Brass Clocks, superior qua!, 
ity and latest style, warranted; 

enthusiastic hunter. The deer and smaller Spstuah government. In order to convince him crystal, pai, ACE-NEW FEATURE. n^^idUvV^wftcbM,” st’ “pattern* 1 

game, such as ducka. uuaila suuirrels etc f* 0 , / * ° nd f rlfn “* h 'P towmrde Spam _ _ 50 do Cylinder do, do 

• • ^ * 4 ’ ’’ tetth which thia government kae acted, you might 100 Silver Lever do, hunting case and op 

were found in great abundance. Peraona fond read to him the jirtt part of my dispatch to Gen. » ,mf?rn, 60 Jo Cylinder do, do 

of exciting field aport, or desirous of ridding Campbell, and the order issued by the S> cretary liU u^nd'latost ’'warranted- ^ ' 

themselve. of dyspepai. and ail kindred ilia, ™ ar *° th ' «*r**»*V General in Mexico I pro^mre 01“!^ t‘%^ P^U^ve'^dM Tn ™ 

could not do better than to take a week’s hunt * nd to the offieer having charge of tbe embark- hating DKPARTMBNT to their establishment, fo do ^m' ^resftver holders ■ 
o take a etk s hunt , , t , on Q f our troops 8 t Vera Cruz. \ou may which they win keep constantly supplied wiih choice .£} do Silver are “noons sunenorau 
m the Crow Cr.ek cou ntry. then touch delicately upon the danger that Spam 'tTi nS e 1^ Gou^ ^t C f 100 d ° Butter KnTves, s£lt and^M 

may lose Cuba by a recolution in the Island, or they will rmnish this depfrtn.ent with ttPe ve^ test ar ^ 9‘? ld s P® c “ fc “"'t 

* T Tbe sea serpent has again been aeeal— tUat ,l B,a y be wrested from her by Great Britain, I icles which caa he ptocured. It will be under the j® ° B «orte.i naUcrns- 

Captain Vail commander of th» .tin R.,h.m should a rupture take place between the two j s P ct ' ,al superintendence of Mr. Gbobox Dblph, whose 500 Looking Gis“«es as*orted P eize«- ’ 
wIThaViT u? r #h ' P B ' rh ,‘ m * countries aruirg out of the dismissal of Sir Hen- “BPp&a^^ wfths™ on ™ ^^T^«“p^efcutler, 

.T “" 1Ted at MtdllS fTOm Eo ‘ lt ‘ d 00 " Bui wer, and be retained to pay the Span, ah | (bL^ortert no ice*. “ * “ fUr “‘ 8hed W ‘ th b “ PPerg °° »? a d « Diamond Jewelry. 

the 16. b of October, atatea that the serpent debt due to the British bondholders. You , dc9 LUPB & hambright. dc8 BOOT « mown, 

mmum.iM.. FRF.VrU'S IlftTI 

40 do do witn silver holders; 

160 do Silver P,ate Spoons, superior quality; 

100 do Forks, Butter Knives, Salt and Mustard Spoons; 






Having made large additions 
LJa to his stock, would colt the at 
ruLteution of buyers to the largest 
U*#ttnd test assortment of — 

For It cures COLDS, COUGHS, Ac. 

CS” Sold by Druggi.ts, Grocers, and Confectioners. Jm 
no8 ddtw4m 



Orrica No. 6 Coubt Plbcb. Locuvillb, Kv. ■ 

W ILL practice Law in all the Courts of Louisville. I 
aud in the Court or Appeals, at Frankfort. , 
no29 J6t I 

. U ANTED to Hire-A Negro Woman, who 
is a good cook, washer, and irocer. 

Also, a Negro Girl— one who bat been accus- : W. B. Clifton, 

KxBMiniaa r*v*ic:aii — Dis. Pyies.Colexcott. and 
Ronald. )*b1s 


Gf.ce aver the slore ef genediet + Carter, Main el.. 
With 11 oviMpaiaao Cahxtal op 91^,000, au. 

PAID Is A3U> A aliOPLVa, 

WILL continue to make insurant UA 
Hulls oi dteamboais, on Cargoes per same, 
H^gXar Vessels by sea, .ake, canal, or river, anu 
and from Atlantic amt Foreign ports, and 
also on Buildings, Ac., against os* or damage by Fire. 

D. S. BENEDICT, President. 
Wm. Paaruan, Secretary. 


tomed to the care of children preferred. 

Apply to A. J. ROBBRT* A CO., 

no29 Sixth sL, between Main and Market. 

A. A. Gordon, 

Thoe. K. Wilson. 
Benj. J. Adams, 

Wta.T. Barney, 
W m. C . Hite. 

AJN 10 u, » «««*. woum can tne tt Turoianrj tvor 

^■jralltei,uon of buyer* to tbe largest^ ^ MAISON D OK, 

wiffl 1 I I J r. ! test assortment of— No. 543 Main street, between Second and Third. 

Sa4ldl«6, Harness, and Trunks. T a dies* cloaks. — T be iact supply of tbe season 

. . . . • is now received, and ladies can make a selection 

" r r ‘ Vea Engla.d on : ry Bulwer, and be retained to pa, the Spanish thrih^teM «dce‘. ““ IU ‘ UI “° U ™ ° uppe " d « diamond Jewelry, 

the I6th of October, atatea that the serpent debt due to the British bondholder*. You dfc9 LUPB & HAMBRIGHT. dc8 ROOT a BB O WN, 85 Foarth at. 

»« w — frences hotel, 

k..d .Dd .bout tbin, (.el ofMo'bSi ,.!! of. •<*.„. ^ BSHSff “ K “' l “' 1 ‘ ” C * r *' r ” f v~.ur.« ..d 4*., H.ilu...,., 

.... . . eel ®* body were . tut its acquisition by any other nation. Count Julien, or the Last Days of the Goth, a His. ( Opposite the City Hall and Park Fountain,) 

ever exhibited in one house n the West, comprising from some of the best and newest styles imported. 

Coach, buggy, Dra;,Cart, Wagon, Stage, and Ommbua notddlliins I, RAPHAEL. 

Harness, at all prices, of every description, msnufsc- 

tured from a superior article of Northera and Eastern J. ELIOT, 

Le 4lsoVse b ve t r h a* new styles oTSADDLBS, quite different A TTOKNKY AT LAW, Corsican*. Nsvareo eouoty. 

frnm .uuthinu.u.r 1. 41.1. TtllS. ill* WII 

. ... I 11 ,lt acquisition try any other notion. Count Julien, or tbe Last Days of the Goth, a His 

distinctly visiDie at times; a nisne was also I And finally, you might inform him that, un- torlcai Romance; by ihe author of "Guy Rivers " 
distinctly aeen, and fins under the Quarter- and der a11 lheBe circumstences, the President had Blvou » c ' « r lhc K ' v “ Suitors; by w.H. Max- 

. ... .. H • ,uu arrived at the conclusion that Spain might bs Tiie Ginsev- bv g p r James 

! un ? ,D ‘“ “ eatiaatod .t from willing to transfer tke Island to the U. Slates The' Robber] 8 ime. 

idO to 160 fact, with a giric about the size of for a fair and full consideration. You might l' he H ©ir« or Randolph Abbey, a Novel from the Dub- 

■ I . _ .• iln ITnivarcif t M s m / 1 n# • kv PharUa Tan** 

a barrel. 

The Gipsey; by G. P. R. James. Ejjj 1, 1819, and refiUel and fumichei August, 1858. 

The Robber; by same. .HSLUe i rusts that for convenience, elegance, comfort 

The Heirs of Randolph Abbey, a Novel from the Dub- wul economy It cannot be surpassed in the world. It 

a University Magazine; bv Charles Lever. contains more room than any other Hotel on this Conti- 

( Opposite the City Mall and Park Fountain,) ness and durability, surpass anything of tt 

»— v„ D if r.iTv vented, and meet that desideratum oftra 

new * or* C/iT*, thing light and durable. 

WAS built and openerl by the subscriber. May Also.common Trunks, Yaltoes, Whips.l 
;L 1, 1819, anJ refitted and furaiciiei August, 1838. and everything pertaining to the business. 
4ILHe i rusts that for convenience, elegance, comfort se!7 d3m 

Leather, by the best of workmen. 

Also, several new styles of SA DDLBS, quite different A ’-T 
from anything ever offered in this market. 

Hibson's potent Whalebone Ribbed aolld 
Wole-l.eatber Traveling Trunk*, which for light- 
ness and durability, surpass anything of tbe kind yet In- , — v 

vented, and meet that desideratum of travelers — some- ^ I *J 
thing light and durable. 

Also, common Trunks, Yalises, Whips, Horae Coven, 


J CU It 4P ff 



is insuring against ios* by fire 
— luctty or couuuy, and on Hal’s 
r Steam or Sai: Ves»ei4, and au 

4M3kir property by land oi water, toot 
from any port m tne United states or Rut ope. 


A.L.Shotwell, WilUsin Gaivtn, 

William Gay. Jno. W . Anderson 

James 3. Luhgow , bamuei P. Weisiger, 

James B. Breed, Benjamin C. Hor<l. 

J AMEB TR ABCB, Proslenl. 



nit**** is. ....I.* n i in,,;.;.*. H n Uni versify Magazine ; by Char les Lever . contains more room than any other Hotel on this Conti- APOLLO HALL, 

cue a* a precedent, toe cession Ol Louisiana Harry tevenworth, or the Young Officer of tbe nent, save oue only, all of which are warmed gratia. ixyyoNS. J. P. LASSRRRK, rerpectfuily 

to this country by Napoleon, under somewhat Prairie; by J. D. Nourse. They are all fitted up with marble top wean-stands, iVi. Ladle* and Gentlemen of LouLsvUi*, 

in forma tbe 
that he has 

Ftesb con and keg OYSTERS, at il per can or keg , of 

No, fri Third at., apposite Apollo Hall. 



— vnnr nwn «i ..t, , ,, nxeicnes in ireiann; o; n. a. inacneray. m iuv uiineoitie ritiniij ni iuci 

dally sales average 910 each, which ia a verv th* * no w ' ed E« Of the subject, Should The above, together with a large lot of new Books principal places of Amusement 

G.W *.♦.«*♦* tk* * * 7 the Minister of Foreign affairs lend a favorable too numerous to mention, can be tounJ at the “Literary dc6.i3m F 

iow estimate, the amount will be $80,000 a ear to your proposition, then the question of Depot,” No. 66 Fourth street. 

day. $2,400,000 a month, and *29,000,000 a the consideration to be paid would anae, and BROWN a how. 

a « 0 ,? e, l t l Or V C1 ? be tound at the “Literary dc6 d3m R. FRENCH. on Monday, September 13, 1862. and continue every ‘ dc4 J3m* JOHN LEGGBT. John Pergosou Jr JonnA ^Dunlop 

.. 66 Fourth street. Monday. Tuesday, and We loefclay Bveulngs, from 7 _ . u * ,!l7’ ' !, * r.,. o 

BROWN & HOW. 13 KHOI.VBD by tbe General Cenneil That hG “clock until half past » o’clock. „„ Bndgefotd, Choa.Q. Aimstrung^ 

^ — XV Honor tbe Mayor be directed to advertise for pro- rcV*Private classes, or private lessons attended by ap aJ.vJI.H M , _ WT * 

Peas! Gold Pena!!— We have just open- P°*»ls for renting out tbe Ferry privilege at Portland for piyiogattbe Apollo Hall, oral J. P. L. ’• residence oa yn, FROM the subscriber, residing oo the Tay- pop RBNT 

rge and complete assortment of Gold Peaa “Morten years, and rcpo.t the same to the General Jefferson street, south aide, opposite the Odd Fellowa’ F fdt a-T lonvUle turapi he. about 11 mile* from Louis. * 

to which we invite the attention of book. ^ u| tolUor confirmation. Dl „ Hall. f Varieties copy. J sclldfcn rTTT villa, a lares BAY HoRsB. iku h..,r. hi.* A HOUBE wiih 4 Room*, au tab e fer most say kind 

others in want of the article. Having re Cora 11 ’ Coun - _ very neavy built, heavy mane ood toil, two white marks -A. ot buMnesaand dwelling — Mluatad oa ike scutliwe.t 

n direct from the manufacturer, we are Joun V. Vaxnom, Cl h Board Cora. Council. NOTICE, on neck from the collar, pacet very quick but awkward corner of Slxik and Market. For terms, apply tu Mr. 

ell them at re face I price. 0 u ^^DLK.PrM’t.Boaxd Aldermen. rpHR copartnership heretofore exlatiuv under the firm and has two -indgaU. one on each tend leg. 1 will pay O-Ne,., Water street, two doer, from Tmrd. dcSdlw 

BBOWN A HOW, 66 Fourth »L a^ pprovI^Jv 29 IS6® J- of H. WORCH & CO. will be dia-olved by mutual » very literals ward to whoever will inform me ~ Z ZH 

JB.-2cases7 4 Shawls Just received and for ’ JAMBS S. SPEED. Mayor. conreot on tbetest day ofJanuary, 1863. Tte bu tines. w ^ 0 j l 3 ^^ t h,m ' HR\RY HOKR T “^J^n^at^, cT^i^yftelud * 

[dc8J JAMBS LOW & CO. — of the firm will be settled by Messrs Tachau <fc Muling deg awtw HBNRYHOKB. ^ ’ h a ns .'«* in a ro 

OKAI.ED will be received at tbe office ^ h ,? ”®^“ ly by the term* of Ji«»oto- 8LIBFLH8 3IUHTA. — — 

cTv e* dia nd°f o'/ sal e*bV * ° ° RObe *’ embr °‘ der> 1 m « A ™VRRR Cough will .ft.n keep a person awake a D%^tel 3 .y C ^?fo?^. C bT** , ‘ 

eived and for sale b y ^ ^ tug *E***2T7" “> ^ ‘“ d ^» d •« ^ UmM LOW ^ 447 Mem at. 

-2U0 doz BogUata Horn Bedding Combs re. Jomdte' d made profluble*' m u] one that^uW^ut'tte ” rHAg g" TACH Au”’ teHt^rtTi U^e^^^Vor**^ 0 ^’ ^ ““ u,tr, « wd 

jaawaew.oD. l"S5ta^*- icmumaav.. I «* SSiSiSE T ,*£Sa A 5f«. “'£i5K“'‘ b "~“' K?A3. • rcTrui. a “~“ . co. 

. , . wholesale and retail, No. 468 Jefferson street, between 

be Gentlemen's cIms wiU positively commence Third and Fourth, north side. 

iday, Septem ter 13, 1862. and continue every dc4d3at JOHN LEGGBT. 

TT . • » >,.»* |,p^ n 5 ... ' nonor tue mayor ne nirecieu io BUTciure ior pio- aa”Private classes, or private teaaona attended by ap 

y**r- The Naw Yorkers csriatnly do 'take a ?c U A- t a I “ rD l 1, heu with information in old Pens! Gold Pena!!— We have just open- possis for renting out tbe Ferry privilege at Portland for p iyiT |a tthe Apollo Halt. orat J. P. L.’s residence oa 
littla something.' « ,8 P 8lc “ wtncl^ will enable you to dig VT ed a large and complete assortment of Gold Peaa ®! eo n yr» r ;. and rcpo.t the same to the General Jefferson street, south side, opposite the Odd Fellowa’ 

STOLEN, Cl Ah INMIHANAI. iV.ltPtlkl . 

Ormca No. 416 Main Staext, 

Opposite the Louisville Hotel, bet’n Sixth and Hrmik 
Charter*!! CaytUI-^Mttjge. 

Os wniou *160^)00 i* rats m ano itcrtta. 

CONTINUES to insure axareii 

' r 

. t- ^^.hoat*. *p ’ o er good Vessel*-- 

Also, on Goo s, Stock, Ac., car- 
ried by River, Lake, Canal, and Ka .road routes; and on 
BB7 of the navigable waters or high seaa of the comma-- 
cia world. R. UKGB, President i 

N.C. Somuiss, Koc’y. 


J. B. Haynse, Robert Beatty, 

John Ferguson, Jr., John A. Dunlop, 

James Bndgeford, Chaa.Q. Armstrong. ^ 

mr3 dtf 

tin something ' which will enable you to dig ed a large and complete assortment of Gold Peaa uveorten year*, and rcpoit the same to the Gene 

CUSS that question. In justice to Mr Calderon and Cases, to which we invite the attention of book. Uounci! for confirmation. 

r . ~ TT I ought hereto observe whil*. ’ keeper* and other* in want of the article. Having re BEN. W. POLLARD, Pres t B rd Cora. Couo 

Caacum a Joes.— A fellow named Wills f * 7 . . whil< gwing me tbe ceiv V d them d)rect from the manufacturer, we are Joun V. Vannum. Cl’k Board Cora. Council, 

aa kanled nn in Albany the other a*, e before stated, tn regard to tbe net enabled to sell them at reJuce t price*. W. RIDDLE, Pres’t.Boaul Aldermen. 

«P “» AJt>any the other day for , « moU nt of revenue from Cubs which rf. n h*H dc8 bbown a how, ee Fourth st. O. H. STnaTTai., clerk B’rd. Aid. 

------ l .cu icuuneu Approved Nov. 22,1862. 


wm hauled up in Albany the other 

■triking a man named Joke, and find *6. He old Spain, he had, not then, and has not now, 
plead, ia extenuation, that he thought it no of- tll « moat remote idea of our intention to make 
feaos to ••crock otoks. *° attempt to purchase the island. 

* The President would bs willing to stipulate | 

I T Th* first tier of pillaia of th* New Yolk ^® r **• payment of the one hundred million s of 

Crystal la not yet up. It wiU hardly be TS'iV’ i !, the “• xi “ UBl 

h* Mas noit, 7 * nd f s Pa«n should be willing to sell, you will 

ny mnj iiM u , use your beet effort* to pnrohass it at a rat# as 

S HAWIJi.— 2 cases? 4 Shawls just received and tor 
sale by [dcBJ J A M BS LOW A CO. 

» OBBrt. — 1,000 colured Merino Rotes, embroider 

9 ed. received and for sale by 


(Varieties copy.J 



A HOUBE with 4 Room*, su tab e fer most aay kind 
of buwoeseand J welling— situated on lhe southwest 

T raveling *m BmImmBm - lyaryiaiag 
destraMe ia that way caa always be had of 

dc4 H 4YH8.CH AIG A CO. 

D K S al e s a — 3 case* send cotwsad Do Lame* re- 
ceived this day tad tor sale by 

acB JA MEB LOW 4k CO.. 417 Mam «. 

C OHDM.-200 doz Bos 
calved and tor tale by 
l deg 


itof BRY\N’8 PULMO- — - — 

ap tha Cough, and a good pnuHOia.-i uoaa* aasall striped bloc A and 
■»!« b J ______ vT whita Qiaeaams recotvod and for sa fa by 


tbe ill-fated Reditone. The bull baa been Hal tbaUuoper, if not tbe most delicious I 
liised, and ia now at Madison. bave ever eaten, tastes very well to a hungry 

O* Capt. Wright, of the wild Wucone.n, is ™ D * wbo »« tired * I * J - Djn,t 8 *T «<>? 
about to contract fora new boat for the Mtdi Ye, ‘ Suppose we take ■ smoke, nml then e 
»on trade, to be 300 feet la length, and to have 8tro11 throu * h the market. You don't smoke? 

more power than any boat of her dimenaiona 1 COafcS8 il i8 * bld h,M * and 0De to which 1 
afloat. ®m not addicted, although l do occasionally puff 

, the fragrant weed, Let’s be movirg. 

O' We are mdebUja to the officer. of the Taia market i# lh . , srgest and Wldeat , n th# 
fine steamer W. B. C.ifton, for New Orlean. city> , et> as you 8et?f ia not suffio : ent | y lar t0 

v e T: 0f riTCr D \ W, ~ ^.commodate all. What a po.sant scene to 
.ii n e t ew Orleans on the SO.h ult. look through the house, with its numerous 

O' The W. B. Clifton, Capt. Spotts, leaves mekii g all as light almost as day; then 

for New Orleans to day. She is an excellent outaide here, at tbe west end, the dim flicker- 
passenger boat, and we recommend her to the i°S candle or lard lamp casts such a sickly look 


■ new boat is to be built from tbe hullo 

THURSDAY. DECEMBER#" Um! “e iM-faUd Redstone. The hull baa beei 
• — _ raised, and ia now at Madison. 

- :^ e :r ment3 mBeTU>d “ the DaUy Cap <’ Wright, of the wild W.ecouem, i 

democrat, have an insertion in our Even- about to contract for a new boat for the Medi 

S 1 • l‘*tla. | *on trade, to be 300 feet in length, aud to havi 

. r u — more power than any boat of her dimension 

1 hi kivir and W either — Tbe river oppo- afloat. 

fFurthe Louisville Pemnrrnt.J 

CTA new boat is to be built from tbe hull of i WALKS ABOUT LOUISVILLE, No. 12. 

site this city was stationary last evening, with 
seven feet four inches water in the canal. 

The weather yesterday was cUar and 

D* The Criminal Court was not in session 
last evening. 

O’ We are indebted to the officers of the 
fine steamer W. B. C.ifton, for New Orleans 

ET Brewer's Panorama, at Mozart Hall, is traveling community, over everything compared with the blaze of gas 

rr:r:; T: ^ ***■. >«•« »» „>« ^ ^ 

.!L 1*' TV N,w Orleans 03 S.turii,,, without foil. wk.t wb.t ch.ff.ri..,. 

dai.y. Mr. Brewer a eucoeaa in ihia city has and even what love scenes— wonderful-vta, 

bean even better than it was ia St. Louie, <Q* Shipments were making to Pittsburgh even love seems, strange as it may to 

where he first unrolled his magnificent Tcsterday at fifteen cecta per hundred for pound yau. 1 was passing through one Selurday 

isms for public exhibition. 

tew Oliver P. Harris. who wts arrested on 
Monday for passing himself off as a watchman, 
does t:o‘. reside in Harr Blown, JnJ., as westated 

freigh! 8 . 

night, when i was attracted by the attitude a’.d 

O" A new ateauisr, called the belle Quigley, B,,nnei of a youne man asd h a lady ccmpanion. Mart sigh*. a«d slab, 

arrived at the whsr/ yesterday. She was built Surely, thought I, they select a very curious And cruh such pleasure as I can- 
al Pittsburgh, and is named after a beautiful Pl*c* to mike kve; then being preBied by the AUs, lam a married mam 

young lady of B jwlmggrein, who is niw in crow d behind, 1 was hurried into very close — — 

our city. The Belle Qjigley is intended for a P roiitE '*ty, when words dropped '..p m my cars Dickens, in the last number of Home 

Lament of the Married Man. 


The days are gme when I could rprrk 
Kar h merry, blight eyed girl I met. 

For now they pass, with rcarce a i.od — 

To olher beaus their ups are set. 

Their naa’s no longer sb p to smile, 

And sweetly ask tre, "Why so pile! * 

The cards to dinner s ome no more - 
My own fon I home is rather stale. 

And I, end 1 , 

Must s gh, and sigh. 

And catch such p'ca-ure as I can— 

Alas, I am a Mai tied mini 

They once would ptaise my "charming foot’’— 
My neat frock-; oat of glo-ay jet 
W.;u <1 "fit so neat!” but now no mote, 
Although Platt Evans mts It yet. 

Kata ball 1 chance appear. 

My face with knowing looks they scan, 

Aud w hisper to their cousin near — 

"Why, Kate, he is a married man!" 

And I. and 1 , 

Must sigh, and sign. 

And catch such pleasures as I can— 
Alas, 1 am a married man! 

'l is hard to stiy at home always. 

And gase upon r. rng ’3 face, 

Tna', loveiy in its summer days, 

H -th neeu by h-gaar.t time defaced. 

O, would !hst youth could cemo again. 

Ami t»rl<ig ms ba K my vanished dream, 

A no kindle res my Ada’s e>e. 

Where love h# h iost it early gleam. 

Hut I but I, 

Must sigh, and sigh. 

And c»uh such pleasure as I can 

Alas, I am a married man! 

LATEST STREAK the road to health. 


e 'UK*l OF A DlAOaUanED LIVBrf A.vD tt.v U 
/ uiuhsi ION.— Copy ol a letter from Mr. K. W. 
Kirkus. chemist, 7 Frescot street, Liverpool, dated 
6 .U June, 1851: r 

to Piojtuor Hollowa},— Sia: Your Pl:la and Ointmeni 
o*ve Stood lUc fcijr.eet on cur sale list of Proprietary 
Medicine' (or some veais. a customer, to wnom 1 cat. 
reler for aoy inqulitea, desires me lo let you know the 
pa,Ucuiar» ol tier care. Hhe bad been troubled for years 
— — — . — = whh a disordered liver and bad digestion On the Uai 

1 roui a >• W O; let. ns ® cc “**' on . however, (he virulence of the atter.a was »o 

1 ro •*, Jtew Orlenne. 

New Orleans, Dec. 7. 



The superior steamer KCLIPSB, Sturgeon master. 

if— • _ This floe steamer will leave Tor ibe above 
- mtermedlat* porta ou SATUBDaY 

ihe liih Dec., at i o’clock p. m. * 

For freight ot passage apply on br^ra o 


Or C. U.18HAM. 


-—I -v-wvv.,ihtj VIKIICULO Ul me IlllCft WUIO ». , .. . ''■•wvnn.iw. 

aUfnuog, aud the u JUaiiu&uou ?«t in so severely, that r ^ e P**^nier steaaief CLIPTOU 8 D J tL« 

.oubts w. re entertained ol her uct being to bear up vwi» _ — . -^•••s 

Eton. h,. awl, ned; 0»io M 3> lo 4 30, Rio 

oeffee 9 to 9^; Chefse 11 lo 12c. 

lag dose she had gie.t rc.ief. She continued 

Aniveil— Steameru Chaa. Bclden and Am- Vi- alu, ’u«h she used omy three boxes, she u 

bataidor. no V ,nlne e,l: ‘’>ment oi perfect health. I cou.U have 

Going to night— Yubs, Midas, Faaoy Smiths & °'. tkc f i° aiuk! 

and Hungariau. 

speaks much in favor of your astonishing Pills, 
(aiguedj k. W. K.IKKUS. 

NlV OtLlANB, DrC. 8 . 1 ^ ^ K. W. K1HKUS. 

The ateamahip Pbiladtlphia has arrived with a:< u 8 ?i W v f n sviH, 1 !? OF ■BkUMATIC 

Ojlii'ornia dates of Nov. 16 She be* 200 pat- 


•engers, rnd sailed in company' with t e Illi- °° yy #/ t*Ma£5Zl& X ^5^/32 ^ "•* 

“nA £ r oS , ^'?n *' W M° m d 200 P,Br#,i « erS Margaret M’Uo..„ig.n, nineteen y ears' of t^ w . wl6 . 
and 82 25 D, 000 in go!o. The city of Sacra at New Town, had been suifering from a violent rhei.' 
rflcntj is in ashes, nearly every houta having ®*tic fever for upwards of two moatns, whicn nad tn 
been destroyed. Many lives have been Inst l,re| I do^rived ner of the use of her umhe ; du.inj out 
4 Vhtt deal»n«>l*a fir» k CCn 10S ,' P jrl J »he was under the cere of the most eiou.ent 

A very c ive file has also been experi Uiedicai men in tiob&rt Town, end by them her case »u 
enced at San rrancisca and et Mayavuie. -on»,dered hope css. A friend prevailed upon her to 

Tba sienna propeller Philadelphia was da 1,1 Hol,uwa > s cetemated Pols, which she couser.ted to 
s’royed by fire on the 20:h October, io the bay iXreit n c“e“" red ‘ Me,h0rt,P * Ce ° f lime,he y etfecteU 
of Valparaiso. p * 1 

The majority for Pierce and King in Califor 
nia is abcdt 15,000. 


wr Metsro 8 . O. Henry fit C». request us to Louisville acd Green nver packet. | which were not intended for them; tbe only hold Words, gives the following judic i- j S *p r ^a* oTeOerli^rnm H™ 

Oirction that they will sell this morning, at Her dimensions ere as follow*. Length, 145 *P° Jo £7 1 c *n possibly fram? :c my c. wn mind for OU 8 hints lo travelers: — 
the,r auction rooms, a choice lot of fancy marble feet; Leaun, 24 feet; depth of hold, 44 feet; she ,elecl '3g » Jch a p ace, is tba. U, t y n i t heve Star| . wj(h ag j iu j e Jui 

a;eb and velvet furniture, with a variety of tea engines with 14 inch cylinders and 5 feet ! C3m '' to iuok ou » aild then ceemg the ciowd to A earpet bajr with n CO; 

clhCT <f° 0,i •mclea necessary for housekeeping, stjeke; two boilers 22 feet long and 42 inches much en « a «* d » e£ch or » ia 15 &wn traasac ; s enoTJr »h f., r * an v man 

'I his lot is well worthy the attention of buyers, in diameter; wheel 22 feet iu diameter aad 6 ! ti;>c8 » 1121181 hsTe concluded tbit tbty would Dot case toroid •! uniform 

_I U : : .. . feet bucket. bi noticed. I hardly think, however, they C ni„ tD “ ’ 

The clnper Sovenig. of the Seas arrived at ^om m,mt. T^i^cn 

Private letters from Havana, per the Cherokee, 
state that the captain and crew of the Ladv Suf- 

r.iL u i . . i i*i a . * 

'on Thtie <y ie» propritiort of t At Lynn JJ- 

vtrlutr, te\3 can a. tick f t the follcviing tialem m. 
iunul 2 d, 1861 . 

To !*rc ertor Holloway— aia: 1 ..enretobear teaUinony 



Or BouGa a ACSSBLL. * 

Theliue steamer CHANCELLOR. Bacon. master. 
ffS? w T hi3 flne ,te * iner wil 1 leave for the above 

n\V m ??A te . P ? Tt t 00 sa TIHDaT. 

. mu., at 4 o'clock p me 
ror 1 ; eight or passage, appi v on board or to 
BOGGS A KDsaELL Age rta. 

Mart yaw oiii.i. tss dx ugo hivul 

The steamer PEESTON, Hayes, maatar. 

TMaBne uew ateamer wUJ leave tor the 
miermeUiats portt on THl 8 

DAY. a b in«t, at lua m. 

vor rre.gat or paasago apply onboard oi to 

*• ». Moorhead 

Tk .. Kw,t OKI ttM 

The superb „e Slnei G . w KMOall mMU . r 

fiZeJithetbuMt a ?* en * er ,te *'»er wiii to# veto, 

l>.VY, the ig h P °' U * >8 ‘ * 

,/° rrre?c: ° r »«Me 

*• s - MOOS HB AD. 

FOR NEW •UlkTnZ * 

Start with as little luggage as posable ^ti\7R^mon^r , B W ri h ha8 : au ^ d '™ uch t^h.^m’The Th.«-Er-«i. f tow* 

- . ... * pwsioie. | e*tite among the British residents Seven stomach , which wn a, so accomplice] by a nftonoesa oi H. H. WlN-LoV. . n 

L B. While Las entered upon his duties 
ns City Marsha!. 

(O* The second lecture befjre the Natural 
History Society is postponed until Thursday 
evening the 16th inst. 

Sam'- to look ou, aad then e£rit!£ the Ciowd to a j.,,,,,-,. 3 » isauie. exoter, eat among the British residents Seven stomach, which waj a, so accompanies by a shortness oi 

much eneated, each ore in 1 = wn tr-ascc . ® ,lr P elD8 ^> w,Ul ;1 toa - case at bottom, or eight slave ships are expected on the coast ; breath, Uat prevented me from walkieg about, lam 
engBfero, eaco ore IC . .as/ic , g enoagh for any mnn, and a small tin and nil the BrilU-! Vessels of war are croizimr ofi 2 h ® 1 • r.°«v*rulx*t*edtn« m, Advar^d natB 

•lacs, must have concluded tbit they woui i not ® ,, J r ,. , . m “ u un r h« i<lan,i a«/Ritin<r m . U,Z1 "» on ot uil. the e Pul* h ve so relieved me that i am 

i* nniirvd I 1-ardlr th = r,l- Case hold a Uniform, which IS an I d ' a 1 1 I u. Tai81 * thaob ' ,OUJ tfti ‘ otters about ' b- made acquainted witn their 

^ e are indebted to the officers ol thp|g 
John McFadden for a package of Pittsburgh j 

tioDB, must have colluded that they v. oui : not case toehold a uniform, which is an ah- th * isla " d - awaitiugtheir arrival. Tula ia the ob . — , uwu , - - - T nnr 

b. noticed. I lis.dly th.nk, however, they s0 ]ute neces-utv to a man settino- nnt .l^t of so many War vrsaels being collected at } iim now readered, by their mean*, com para 

w.m clculaUng enuugh B,*.!,, ih.uh. F.? Sl. !S? i “ H * a " 0 *' , J I S 2 K:*i!K- St?? 

greater the crowd the greater the E;litude. Ah Li® i? d • r or the rest, a plain A new revolutionary paper. Vox de Pueblo 

. = uu c . ! blank mnrnintr rnnf wilh ctm * ^ l ; Iijim hnipn K fnr»a.rl \f.t» n vo a r* <• i. 

tell you thst there are ir.auy curious, eattr 

black morning coat, with grey or brown h** been sorted et Metanzia. It is published iu 

tainutg, Isu^bable scenes w 

- L traveling dress. A black coat, some liuht 
, A«Zn >' a i Equinox, corn- wslia on Saturday evening, and I make it a dress waistcoat, and one pair of dre«s 

landed b? CaDt. biOO D?aa. fnrm#»r!w .if th* DOint. When I want lr. ’purr, n 'ntc-m in knman « » * . 

cur.cus, enitr trousers and waiscoat, makes the best inan “ scn P-^ » * nd lcvcral eopies lidve ba«a seat to r . , . s . 
ithin the market traveling dress. A black coat, some liuht I l “ e Captaic Geaent ' W* 

jnce or psia, which 1 ecu! 1 not do before. 

(Bi*m>.l) HENRY COB. 

North street, Lytc, No.Toik. 

. “ sad,i<1 br Capt * 6im Deaa » formerl * P° inr » whea 1 w » nt ‘o 2 “ human j trousers, is an ample quantity of outei- ! 

„ BuCkc J 3 St8le ’ leBT6 * for Pittsburgh this morn nature, to come here, which I do nearly ere- garments; six shirts, the same number of 

n — — - ^tuu, iuiiuciij ui me ” 

T T . r 1 P ' e ' ^ uc ^ c r® State, l.e.eifot Pittsbu;,b thi, mo, a MIM.. 

P ’' e " io s . Sb, w„ built fo, a» Luuinill. und W -»* 
.»d «,u«t„e M ol perfume, !, ussurpuMd p, tu u, t h, .ud i. de,i,ued uu . ( But p, 
bruu, «el.v. ueeu. We le.,n Out it bMt M „. ‘ lh. «.i, 

Is fast gaining celebrity in this community, and the _, 

that the sales arc tap:diy increasing throughout 8 '- t ’ ttD boat hands at Mobile, Btruck .. 

the country. The ladies have decided in its for hl 8 ber W8 «* 8 1 «»‘- Their old ’* ; 

favor, and of course the gentlemen will not l atc **Q • « -V-h-tbey now demand 860. 
question their decision. ^‘ je ' a, "' r ' !s w fi° discharge cagoea from the 

— _ — _ bjats have also struck, and ask 50 cents on e \ e “ ’ 

ILF Messrs. Lnpe 6l Hsmbright of the Crys- hour, instead of 25 cents, the ra'e at which 

From C'laclftiantl. 

Cincinnati, Dec. 8, a, 



Ktiiuu-d Complaints, 

pairs of socks, two neck and six pocket pI pl” a “ t, fc 

nm- » ^ * Biotcbcs on tko Skin. Lumbaso. 

The river u e.ationary md trie weather is Bowcicompiainu. 

• ere ic ndtrfully ejketinmg :n Ike 
■.toing oo rnpUinimi 


J ui ndlce. 

Liver t cmptxlnu. 



But pass we iu. \s veu -ee r,n on» s-d* nr i,.,. . • e ’ » i „ P OCKei Flour Las declined, and the market clnatd Conatl 4 .*UoBoftheBow 4 b, Keteatlon or Urine, 

p “ as y^u . ee „n on, of handkerchiefs, and a rolling Russian dull; 700 bbls sold «t f 3 81 to 3 95 - nsLeTr »■<»*'"»««>=. scrofui.. or King’. * 

e general Dromecs.le is n.-cnnit-A nj.Ant l.,i .i : . . ’ . . uu 8 . J of to u vo, oats arc Deb-iuv, s ire« 

the general promenade is occupied threughout leather dressing case; one pair of^Ts »,* 

the tn.irt leiig h of tbe house by the ms^t on, and one oft (elastic kid dress boots 36? for •’id 33a for old. Dysentery, 

stalls, while fruits, vegetables, butter, egga, pack best,) and a pair of slippers; a Mur- a betl * t fe , e!hg{ u.V.iarine. 

chlckeL', &c.. with « reuerai vurieLy and h..ry rmf. Guide B.ok, a case Sf Mordan’s S.ImoT M OlLjV’flJies 
artul. sta.i here ani there serves to break the pencils, and a sketch book; an India nib- ! Jre changed. ‘j 0 ; 5 ** 

the country. Tbe ladies have deeded in its ht h, 8 hcr wa * es 00 lMt - Their old v^t.'-blc-s, butter, t-gga, pack best,) and a pair of slippers; a Jtfar- 

favor, and of course the gentlemen will not *^0 a m.’«th-they now demand 860. ! rb "i? “v*®** ‘ and faocy ra,, s Guide B-ok , a case of Mordants Sales of eLv?r a,-id at S 

queation their decision. T;ie 1,bort ' rt wto discharge cagoes from the * U , b r * 1,11 lfc “ rrTt * l ° break ltc and a sketch book; an India mb- are chiriged. 

— — _ boats have also struck, and ask 50 cents on Te *f eta ' jl<; monotony. U’hat, .io y iu ray, my ber bath, a sponge, and some soap, with 

O' Meiers. Lupe & Hsmbright of the Crya- hour, instead of 25 cents, the rate at wfcish la0? “ Mr cbrs » ‘tatchca, :!i you buy my a strong purse, is the most complete kit From Pltc« 

tal Palace have added another feature to their ‘fi e » E aT e hitheito been paid. The Herald “* ?cUet7 D.-xen boxes fw half a &. me;’’ and j necessary. All tho rest is more bother Th Pl11 

esUblisbmeut in tbe acquisition of a restaurant that at the present rate of freigtts, these °* iit ' 6 -”' F ; be waits no? for •/ jr ‘'no,’’ but c-n than it is worth. A traveler can get his weather 1 * d oud y ^ a n (Tc l o'! 
d#psrt>sc-nt f under Ifce immediate superinlen- w »«cs will ab:-orb nearly a 1 the profits of tbe Aad fierecoaitb tl.e veuder oi bool s, washing done at any of the great hotels — ' ~ ‘ 

Kro'u Plt.-yhari-L. 

PlIT BL’rtG!!, D;C. ti, M. 

i onsumpison. Scrofula, or Kina’* Evil. ! 

Debility, Sore Tbroata, 

Drop- v. Stone anil Gravel, 

Dysentery, Secondary symptoms. 

Erysipelas, Tic Douioursut, 

Pei ia!e lriai(.(!artt1e*, Tuniore, 

Fevers of all kinds, Uicers, 

Ventreal A .Tec Ilona 

, , . Worms of Ail k.nJa, 

> ricad Acba, Weakness, Irom whatever * 

i diee-.!:ou, cause, 4.,.. &c. 

Lw - Ao! 1 *t the eitabllkhmeut of Professor Holloway. 
211, Hirai! ,( ue ir TeuiMe Bir, Lon Ion.) an.l by all re- 

H. H. WINSLOW, Nortor . 

writ k Wi *l leavs as above on THIS DAY a a 
-^instant, alWo’clncs* ». ** 

Per mign: or passage applv onboard nr 

VOK NT. 1.011*1 " 

The line steamer W ASHINGTON CITY, Ebert mt. 

i JEZ-je pT h, !u w *" ,e “ v,: r ° r t! »* 

isSfh*wS- r?»w . "’’-t eiiale lanU.naa on TLIA 

D tV, tne at Ins*., at 8 a tn. 
for r elffct or peas , se a. ply on board or tn 

KHH ST I ni ls. 

Thn steamer FOREST CITV. Murdxk ma-ter. 

- JS2^to-r 1 i hl i»? De ' ’ mer * 1 1 ,e ave for tbe above 
^4fcr? nd f rme ate P B yj|i s nav 

l^^^BA- Dec if): h , at 9 , ’clack a m. 

Por frelfht or passage appiy on board ot to 

V»»i »T. I.ot |s. 

The pnssevger steamer YORK ST ’ TB. Wt-odw ard. 

. 1T9 i iiteanierw eavntortn* 

’* Mu:e rort;« an T M 1W 

MU[r. v forrs oa T^IS 

For -reight or pas^ass appiy on boar ! art© 

•- 8. MOORHEAD. 

KOK SI. DOl J-n 

—. .... i ’ * * ’ ‘ 4pectab.a Dru.-jistsau'l Deslei* in Medicnu* thro.;ghou- 1 • ‘ ’ 

There are o feet water aud at a s ar.d. The the British E«npiio, *i a of tbe- e of the United states, 1 ,os r 4 .ier rditi.-r. 

in auxee, et J7| cents, 87 cc.its, *nJ Jl aOeach. '.Yuole . 
suiebyihc j .ln i;ui Drug house-; m the Union, and b; : 
Messrs. A. D. A D. Sends, New Y- rS. 

' * ° uu W1 " ii- Toe Eclipse arrived from New Orleans 

add to the already large patronage of that | gal night , bnogin? na dates to lhe 5r#t initi I 

Ii BAil 

e^veriy reid by tht mu!titude f who for oost ot ' carrjini; an old one about for 11016 

9 Q* Mr. A D. Marsfi-rid Las a complete tm- of all that is useful and elegant in the 

She had a largo number of pasaeugers and a fine 

To Mr. Smith, the accomplished oltrk of the 

w ay cf furnishing goods. His establishment is E 2 ,i P* e » «e indebted fer papers, &c. 

cne of the first of the kind west of the moun- 
tains, and will meet with an abundant patren 

ET The fine steamer Chancellor. Capt. Bacon, 
arrived from New Orleans last night. We are 

amueiLiciii or eicilcirent tv,. tin the y- tlow 


Au, I declare here is pretty near a whole- 
china store, crockery, earthenware, and nil— 
and tin thop, too, candlesticks, snuffers; thrro 

a week. A good cloak i? boat for travel- 

cintLUsivi: evidence:. 

Img in winter; an oilskin cape may be j Hrr««o,, 
uselui m summer, but do not curry either ; -vbicharsda-tygivfnto ho 

rpHE compound fluid extract ol Yellow Dock an4 bar- 1 
sar»ari:la has prepared with paiticular nftfUM j 
to fem - 2 comp uiats. tncipieot Cou^uciptiou, Barren i 
uses, Leucorrhea, or Whites, Irregular Meustruation ; 

t Viriim nostruma j Inc^ntincoco of Urine f tml general gloom j state of Lhe 

X “ 8Urn ! n * a T CUrry T el i? e , r j *f h * r8a ‘ i,y 8i,:fn t0 h ° l,a ' ,UC fur J1 ^^ s of lt ‘« -ii «• cure ! by dr. Guy ou". Exuact 

aoout if yotl do not want them. In Bel- haD.wehiveeverbaenaversn to glitlns credence to Dock and Sarsaparilla, which gives immediate relic’ 
glum and Pru«sia yon may send a small l^ e “- from the numerous respectable testimonials ry renewin'* tae foundation of health and .trensth the 
portmanteau or carpet bag cheapest h, th l V,rtU r* #r ‘I* HYPKRI0:T P, ’ UI ° w, ’ h whic !» »e bt od. a usutraiizea a«.t humors, s.upj u.i,.aiu (i i 

giutrt and Prussia yon may send a small ! !hem ' Butfroin the numerous respectable testimonials 
portmanteau or carpet bag cheapest U ° f "IT HTl ’ RRI0:T FlXIa wi,Jl which we 

i — c , ? . » 1 have fteea luvnre I a nerusii. we werj I- clliieil rn ml. 

age so long «« iia slock is ao full and compltle. indebted to Mr. Butler, the gentlemanly clerk, 

~ — 7 for New Orleans papers and a memorandum of 

O' Gen Brawn, fuimerly propiietor of tbe river news 

Cincinnati Sac, v.-*« in the city yesterday. — . — — . 

lyGen. Pierce, it ia said, bia presented a 
iD * Le Indiana Leg mature commences on valuable silver mounted cane to William But 
the first Thursday in January. It* sessions terfleld Esq . editor of the New Hscpahire 
w.ll be held biennially thereafter. Patriot, ne s maik of oeiaonal 

J5* Sicce tbe organ zit:on of our governm^Bt 
there have been nineteen SacreUrtea of Slate. 

Wx'Hinctok Natural Monument — The con- 
tributions received at the offca from the 1 st of 
November ty the 21 of December amounted to 
85,202 30— mainly subicribed at the polls on 
the day of the Presidential election. Tne ex- 
fsnditim s for the raon- ment during the first- 
named month were $2,633 24. 

A Gcoo Institution.— I n Bds'osi there 19 ea- 
tablished in iost;i.ution for the prevention of 

nmencea on valuable silver mounted cane to William But l{ ail h,s ,oul Uy in tLe end of thst stnok:i g ; - — — I 

Its sessions terfleld E»q . editor of the New Hecpahire I0,, » * ad h# WM tvyir.g tomck it ieto his m.-uth. California Rig. — E verybody has j 

Patriot, bb s mark of personal eateem. See that old dtrkey filling bis poo u eta ficm heard of the Arkansas preacher’s bag - 1 

’ ■ that chestnut c’s-d, end jibbt-rirg away high^ S a S e > ‘hat consisted of a pack of cards, - r " T 

government IHTThe gold dollars counterfeited by the per- deiighted with blj own loquacity. j “campmeeting hymns,” and pair of spurs, 

ea of Slate, sons just arrested at New York, are a aid to be “How do you tell cb- siiiuss?” j but we think there is something netv in \ UC 

The con- ‘ 3c8U ‘ extouted, and, except in their “Five oents a pint— ten eauta a quart. * j the foilov. ing: — 'ture.G 

i the 1 st of we '* kt » we, ‘ ca,c oIated te deceive. It ia be- “Giv 6 ue some." j “He had been ia the country two ,,^1; 

imounteri in l»«Ted that thousands are In circulation, and “Make histe, old m«n f I want that meanute 1 ^ eelt9 ’ an< ? in tlle mine* half an hour. — 

wine n; turning grey, i m p rely coupauiiiei 
vcg.-.aftle attracts, and Fa:e !n its . ppiicxtloii, 

For ii!j wft iie.-ale an l rets!! by 

G. NICHOL \ 8 . 

SaASDoavutj, Va., Aug 93, 1369. 

1 certify tba'. M«r» ;4 »>re, a > ug female of 18 or iu 
yeard of a-;e, nas ueeu ia civ faiuiiy for several 

“campmeotiRghymn?,” and pair of spurs, 
but we think there is something netv in 
the following: — 

At h:x Wis Manur-ictorr, Per'itnery ami Pmcv ir- ic “‘ 3 >Be ul 9 ea to< so-uo two or tbree years - 

i*c23 NoSI, Po irin si., fte! vfii-'acd ,i.rit»» * *S‘ i r 'tfJiif:!y in p?noas of itu-aurualioii, durlat 

„ woitft li..<se sue i. a t taken a sevete colti. About tbe Ut 

-“*■ " * - * JJA of la-i April, ycur agent l.ero. Win. M. Kirendur, fur i 

kfY C. *’. rillfr-i N ft i’ll her »iu» aftotr.e of Dr. Guyvott’a Extract o! Vet- 

i CC^-fON Nil w UVKWV*V iimit M.v i-ui •“'* ?° c:; * n, f s&r 3 *P‘»**l* ou tr lei , and in levs men a 
V sirnpni V- K1 >KSDAY ANL ess s:g.»s cf i.cove.y were appareui. sac comioued 

: sue pc.Qg-r ve, uer EDITOR, j. B . Data master. 

. * 3 ? t T.V fines eemer wi ! ! C1 „ 

orT,u i,Ay •- 

Por freight or pas -age apply on h ard or to 
| 1. 8. MOORHEAD. 

a- o.K p ■ i rsHi K«i h 

Tbe fi&e steamer JOHN MtFADBN. Coie masrer. 

try k. v ,T t ‘i' > turo.-,..- pAA-eewr steamer 

‘l t ■'?' »n.i ii 

1 * >AV 9 h *1 S2-. 

. a r tre) 8* , t , -r pssnsge apply uc bo*r<i <>» :i . 


K-.»K FlrTvSIIKU. 

The Bee steamer EQUINOX . Dean, m.s ?r. 

, tc? to s:e -"- ,er 1 *! , 1 leave nr The above 

— j^Jhan.l m-er. citaie ,crt« or, IHl.s DAT. 

he 9*n test . s t 19 o’clock, m 
Fur Height or pas.ago apply ou ooarj or to 

"■ c. Basham. 

fok HITTj-B» R«*H. 

The Bite alee.:,e. TWIN CITY, McHeivy iiater. 
g/mmf TWs flne steamer will ’eeve tor ibe above 
I^Qto^aod inierme iikte polls .... THiSDAY the 
•MRnM 9:h lost, at dam. ir^m the i. t k>. 

For height or pasaaae apply ol, -» . r ' -r 'o 

•'OK AUkAS.MN AND \V UlTh. IV to -. 

| The Ineatea-ner JENNY LIND Mu o d. rca.ier. 
Ip-; T h-j new ao -1 ’Ixht drought sieerr*- wRS 
v; 1 ;eav« for thr ah-ne an *-t- -nr * ata eoain 

8 f®BSon THIS Day. D ec. 9 U>« m. r 

i For iie-“tit oi p i.-^aje ipoiy on b. »ia u 

•* 1. S. MOOEHBA J. 

8ATURDA . MORNING, at 3* o’clock, . 
I ture, Groceries, Dry Goods, Ac.,«vc. 

VOH IHk lVviy tiSVKtC. 

“lie n&.'i been in (he country two I ti Oat Uoy aa.ea attended to in city orcoantn 
r , , • , . ui- K»r cash advanced on consignments. 

A Fund, uatiig tbe until sae ha-J taken five bottle* of it, I The hie steamer 8 Al'RAhiENTO. V rever m -itar 
slid couaUere I heise!' perfect!} well-, a.ihcuah wheu 

tbe public will do well to be ou their guard id — empty it quick; don’t kten these gentlemen 
relation to them. weitin^” 

ET' Lola Montcz end the Infant Drummer ar- ! 
rived at Charleston on Monday, in the steamer 
Marion, from New York. 

Lock out for tope Matchis — Tho Boston ! 

pauperism, which appeals to be very successful Herald s*ya that a home in the South Cedar 
in its operations for preventing pauperism and place came very near being set on fire by matefc- 
beggary. I ta object is to furnish those who are ea which the rats had dragged into a hole, aud 
willing to labor w ith employment, and to inven- where they become ignited. They were dis- 
tigate the condition of those who may desire covered on fire and extinguished, 
pecuniary relief, with a view to prevent trnpo- 

uifton upon the benevolent. Their reference 3:r “ Y,nkee Locke," the delineator of Yan- 
office, bes des being a free intelligence office for ! tb c * 19rac ‘ er8 aQ d eccentricities, is playing 
the poor, is a sort of general headquarters of] Wlth Jre,t e clat *° Pfi » la del l)hia. 
viaitors of the poor and almoners of charity,! rr r On the 1 st of J. n„.„ 


“Lor’ bress you m»«v 9 , I’ae puttiB’ ’cin aw?y 
*s fast at possible. I love* che.s’cuti, I do e, 

! or I wouldn’t buy 'uos. I don’t s‘.an* on tri- 

i fles mysef." 

“C.tae, make bast.-, tid man—" 

“Gor, massa. I’m mity fon’ of nuts, or I 

; A i, , • , . , , „ t-mr i.«.sa aavanc 

weeks, and in the mines halt an hour. — uarcMii always 

He ha<l just returned, „as mveUnf ! SSUShKiSIS 
through town trying to sell his utensils Jv* 
preparatory to returning to tho States. — — 

L** Cislialways reidv when ^ootls are sold. Try ui 
ce «r J be convuice-l of the fact that so,ne folks car 
bust ue 58 right a. welt as others. 


■>nJ cou*i ><»rtf i r.eisa!' j-eifect!} well, although whvu 
-ha com c-.-r.te4 ia* ug ta,. n .,erSlcioener aiieccmg pay- ! 
iiciau pronouuceU er incurable. She vv*a, auj 
oaJ been for a long time, fleiiiious. 

Flease read Or. Warder’* statement of tbe above cam 

of Mary M jorei 

Hx.nuonvills, Va., Aug. 93, 1822. ’ 

“C- me. nuke haate • Id man-" .hoots and a smoked ham in on-.- hand, NO. 499 main street. 

r fa piece of perforated sheet iron, a coffee- A ■ lh * '* f* r ««ivarced. we win e » the re- 

“Gor, massa, 1 m mity fon’ of nuts, or t J • . , , ’ , /V ',:a!ader or our Ntock of Household and Strambo^r 

Km h„ r P 01 HnC1 fr J !n ? P ,n I' 1 fh e other, a pair of Furnlahia;* at greatly ieduced prices, in order to re. 

wouu,n t buy uu, bu. I don :’ oa tnfie-s, jot) x di * ’ ,f f u . • ^ t . duceour 3 tock nepoato., to got 3 east. Wa would 

IdOD’t." j u j 1 ruuoer D,,ol3 > wu, l pants Hi s^y to P r-or.a In w*.,t of FurcHhlngs that cow is the 

regular e»icnd*i;g physteton. Our i.pinicn* were thdt her _! 

r-corer; war uupo-vib:#. i learue<l mat her disetae W#.}. a,.,.,,,. 

caused ia jre tb^n two years eso, fi »ai irreaularltv _. ****** 

m hsr per.oda of Kieustruatkin, caused by lakinga severe | T “ e ncw an ’ l * 1 uti'ul str.m-r 

er— > ^ This fti.e steamer iriii leave ‘or -fte aeoue 
fs .i ietenaetfiete p rt* tn 1H!S DaY. 
Bto i-«c. ajl., at to ai,:. 

Forfieigkt or passage apply on hoard, or lo 
** C. BASHAM. 


The steamer MA TTIk WAYNE, Ree 'er roa^tef 

_ 'Dulses eaiuer wit! lesve f-.r :be shove 
.nil Inicnueui. t. p., t TH '.-sD »Y, 
c*r55 vtiu- Sift iu>L. st 10 a m. 

For freight or passage t}piy m b- - to 
ti7 I. S. MOokHEAD. 

V»‘h BOttUNW UKftL.V 

tdched, thrown over one shoulder, and a tine to get b^gaut. 

nnir nf . r k O >t sto* !t consists partly as follow; 

pair ot D.anket? under the arm. Over Ki h Velvet Cerpetirg; 

Do you see that wc-man yonder, with the pair of blankets under the arm. Over 
faded black sun-bonnet and ths old plaid shawl, the other shoulder was a long-handled 
with the little boy by her aide ciutchiBg et tut shovel, from which was suspended a 

“Wfca'.’ll you have, nca’am?’’ 

O* On the 1st of January next the Eale of 1,1 WdDt a little piece of meat for my Sunday biscuits, a pickaxe without a handle, and 

where information is ooilected or obtained. By lottery tickets will be forever prohibited in | dinner, how do you sell itt" 

!ier shoulder was a long-handled R|CI L ®i ru n* eU . c “?f li,18 . : - 

i from which was suspended a, Extra s-Diy; 

lettle containing a pepper box, a 

mining shoes, a piece of smoked cotton and cotton chain do. 

a Spanish grammar, several sea ' Rich Baun de Laine; ~‘ 

*, a pickaxe without a handle, and R Unimi°D« m 'irit 111 ' ’ 

from which was suspended a 
•nd 'eccentrioiti ee," ™a pla'ying | d,e " 8 Sbe b “ H 8 h ' 1 ' 6 ***** UDd£f °“ C srm camp-kettle containing a pepper box, a 
In Philadelphia. and a little basket on the other. pair of mining shoes, a piece of smoked 

these and ether means much hap been done to Virginia— ao saya the law, 

discourage beggary, acd prevent pauperism acd ' 

lte attendent evil, crime. A similar institution The Campbell Minstr 

would do no harm in this city, notwithstanding f® crowded houses in Mobile, 
we are fre<*r of paupers and beggars than any ~1 

other city in the Union. .F The f >etroi . t . f dTerti 

Irginia— ao saya the law. “You may hcvethstsloik, tca’am, for a dime ’’ . soap.” 

Look, she tekes t l i« meat, and gives hina a ! - ■ ■ - 

fttT* f he Campbell Minstrels are performing one dollar, worn-out, e'ciost tore up Tcnnea- i fF 
crowded bouses in Mobile. 8£ # bill. 

iry* Th(- l^TZ^Z , ‘ Can ’t f» k ® fhu note, ma’am, it’s too much I 

one pound each of sugar, coffee, and bar 

A Novel and Intirutino Case. — A case 
which presents some novel points, is now un- 
der consideration l y the authorities of New 
York. The circumstances are in brief, as ,'ol- 
Icws: The British ship Fitxjamea, Capt Hoyt, 
•mved et quarantine, on Wednesday night, 
having ol board amrng other passengers one 
wounded man, a Jew, named Dres n.r, a na- 

| O’ The Detroit Adverlirer publishes an 

.obituary notice of Wm. R. King, Vice Preai- „ T . , .... , . 

r 1 dent elect, with accompanying remark.. It ' h * 1 * 6,gD ske kcaTe8 ' and 13 lbe 

will be gtatifying to hear of hia improved m ^ f 1C j, 881 “ ~ 

| health. “It's all I’ve got, and ail I could get for the 

tbree days’ weri I ju 3 t carried home. Come, 

ET John T. Ford, of Kunkel'a Minstrels, had Johany, we must do without tho bit of mest.” 

fFrcm the Memphis FncV n>-. d Erquirer-J 

Stolen Fruit. 

av CRARLse m. oxvis. 

Burnsley sneetiog; 

8 anJ 8-4 TaNe Linen*: 

3 snj t yar ! L!cea Table Ciotha; 
H-jcr Tmvela; 

French Towel*; 

U'eb'o Covers; 

Pi-ino Coverst 
Alleudai 6 Spreau*i 
Lancaster Spreads. 

i U l'i cold, laid dm *to her ccain, hut soon after learutu 
lhe that she was 3’ttin* wen. i v._. much surpr.*©,! nt -his, 
amt, on inquiry a* to what could have caused tnb =amlen 
cneuce, wes -Dloim-i : (by Wm M. Kiten.’ui) 'bat she ' 
hsu so. u taking Dr. Guysott’s Extrstt *.f Yellow Dock J 
ecu Sarsaparilla I nave sime hearJ of its great effect* I 
in otner cases !>) this vicinity. I bave no iuilucerrieii' to 
make this, other than it may induce others I 
afflicted a* wa< tne su -jeot of this statement, ’o try tbe I 
Ytliow Do k and Sai*aparil)a, believing, as I do, tbit It | 
, is pusses'.ei* ut man » tn client qualities, and adapted to | 
many disease* Incident to the humao family. 

A. 8 WARDER, M. D. 

03“ Put up In quart bottles, gl per bottle, six Dot- 
tles for go. 

Sold by J. D. PARK, Cincinnati, O., 

Northeast corner of Fourth and Walnut streets— en I 
j trance on Walnut street— to whom all orders must be 

BELLE QUIGLEY, Etlrd, master. 

9 TS *. Th ’ 9 rE » a,ar Preset steamer will e**e for 
, intermediate peris ca THtS 

AM HR-i* DaY. tht 9th iost., et 4p n. 

Por freight or passage apply ca boaid rr to 
1 9 _ V. BASH&St. 


Tbe ADELAluB. Van-.i.k e, waster 
tr - ••} ^ Till leave for the aheve aud In ermeuiat* 
I A lMft J ports on THIS Da Y, tLe 9 b meast, 
igto 'ill'iw a: 3 o’clock p m . 

Por freight or passage apply on hoard r-rto 
d9 C. BASHAM. 

J. W. GtmV.e A Co., B. H. Ilaycraft, Wilson, Star- 
biru J« SiAitn, Sutdiffo ft McAllister, Kobinsou ft Cary, 
J. t». Wuler ft Co., B-.-!!, Kohlnson ft Co., Vsugftab ft 
Blackwell, Luulsvil e; W r iu*tand!cy ft Newkirk. New 

•»«p s-naisiuen, r-wpc noyt, a amaahing benefit at Savannah, last week. “Stop a minute, madsin, I guea 3 I’ll ’.-ile the 

arrived at quarantine, on Wednesday night, | . ~ — t bill; here ’a your change.” 

having ol board amrng other passenger* one i O the u. 5>. Mint in I hiladelphia has been 

wound. J min, a Jew, Dtes n I. . ua. ! "’PPl-d with ...en of the c.lebtit.J bank S “ e " he k "°“ * I’ 30 ' ooafuted 

ti.. of P.I.qJ, r.ud also . Griiu.u ,„„d ta .i“> .*hibi»d .. tho Wo.ld-, P.i, b T M,. •» Wl ~«Pt coneotl,. buUo.-. ,ou «. 

I«iu Bjri. It tpw „ d thrt th... "<«•• * b,,, > * ‘T^’ *T“ 

.. r u . .. ... . " — assureasi ive. Look, he roi!e up theateok, 

when the ship wsa about thirty miles from IT The Cincinnati Atla. i. now issued a. an but not the one she bought-a l:rge. finer one I 

Sandy Ho^k. bad a dk«cu«ioij on religion, evening paper. Don't ask me what 'a the matter; can't, ousee? 

and tUt in the exciteme.t Burr stabbed the | ~ — “ I can’t help it; my eyes must be getting weak; 

other with a bowie-knife. The wounded man O-B.lly Bowlegs and hia tribe are making thia llM 1S too itfoDg foT the01 . it 
was sent to the Hospital on Siaten Island, and arrangements to go West. 

& D‘ The U. S* Mint in Philadelphia has been 
. ! anpplied with seven of the celebrated bank 

live of Pcland, end also a Germau named Au- * ccks e * Libited at the World's Fair by Mr- 

guatine Burr. It appeared thrt these men, Hobb#> 

when the ship was about thirty miles from O' The Cincinnati AUaa ia now issued as an ! 
Sandy Hook, had a disc ass ion on religion, evening paper, 
and !bat in the excitement Burr stabbed the 

the other given into tbe custody of officer j " 

Keefe, one of the chief’s aide, who now holds 0B 8 barrel of flou 

nia m tbe Third Ward Station Houaa. The c ‘ nnat * to New York ia $1,08. 

U. States authorites say they bave no jurisdic " ’ 

tion is theca*., as the murder, if it shall prove . , . Wl 1 18 F eB ^og at Fred< 

to .be, was comm t .ed under the British flag, i 

There are two other passengers in custody is jyA model of San FfaacisCo is cxhibi ti in I 
witnesres, Patrick O’Sullivan and Hugh Sav- ! Philadelphia. 

age. Tcis case, it ia thought, will involve aome — . — 

new qneit-.oui of international law. In the £?*The last arrival from Tampi 
meantime tbe British Consul has been notified a great deal of sickness in thatcity 
of the imprisonment of these three persona, and . 

we suppose that he wili take measures to bave O * 1 °* 8 years crop of cotton l* ei 
lhe priaonera sent ask to England. i -boUt *>000,000^ 

them water. Well, that 'a a pretty ccene-God ; 

O’ The freight on a barrel of flour from Cin- ble “ S the >Jutcllsr ’ 

cinnsti to New York is $1,08. Ob, those villainous cigars! I believe they 

— make uoy eyea sire. Here comes three more 

O* A will case ia pending at Fredericksburg, young sprigs puffiag away * 
involving $75,000 to 8100,000. T . 

__ I ahonld like amfzit.g!y to stay a little longer, 

0 *A model of San Francisco ia exhibi ting in but “ j! tim ! t0 * 3 hotDt ; Ecd ‘' reP ’ rS '° f Sua * 

jiiadelphia. d * jr ’ Thia Saturday Bight market tat very great 

— convenience to ths laboring claiaer, enab’-ieg 

OyThe last arrival from Tampico reports the ‘ n to haTe freeh 8nd 8 ood foc<J fcr S^aday. 
great deal of sickness in thatcity. It is also convenient for lar^e fam lies whocaa- 

not lay in enough for two days. 

0 *Thia years crop of cotton ii estimated af 
about 8 , 000,000 bales. 

■w One morning last week we saddled our „ . . 

horse, took our net, broke for tne wooda, caught 8 * r * Dd P 8rade to day 
sixteen quails, siabulated onr quadruped, and _ 

breakfasted as the aun rose Think of that, ye fttrTbe Democrats 

iout 8 000 OfiO Kal^a * The law {een > 3 Dot !c he noticed a-, a!!; wonder 

, , ustes. wheie the raarket-master I*. On- week ago 

' less than six pe-aoos kinuktug :n the i>ia:ket house, all 

XTTbe Firemen of New Orleans are to have in the space of five minute*. 

t envy not the monotene 
Of him who saf.; reposes. 

His throbless heaJ upon the zone 
Of some fair creature quite hi* own— 
Perchance h» often dozes. 

Tho* Time, with Love, I* very fleet, 

With stolen love 'tfs fleetest; 

Tho pirchs-ed fruit Is very r.w'-et. 

Yet "stolen fruit 1* sweete-4.’’ 

The turn who has a ri,\t to look 
Within an eye like morning, 

Frol* like one does with some dull book 
Tint one ha* read —a baitless hook — 

And so he falls to yawnlrg. 

Bur he who stoals a nurrie 1 K’ance. 

When--raa’’ or "paV’not looking. 

Feel* all thetbo-mhts tnat in tt dauce 
Mure eloquent for "hooking.” 

"This hand Is all my own, my love’’— 

Th*n, loosely, f r ar. hour 
T hose hand* are clasped— -»et resile**— rove; 
He slip* and q-iits it for a glove, 

4n 1 she plays wi:h a flower. 

But oh! the tli rill tnat wakp* the heart 
When ’neat h the table mins'e 
The han )* that orly meet to parit 
Ore it goodness, how ’I due* tingle! 

A 'awful kiss become? a bore, 

And soon gets out of; 

Bat tbosa rich kisses neir tbe door— 
Convulsive hug — one wild k ss more— 

Good graciou-1 how they smash one! 

Y ■*, Ti ne, wuh Love. Is verv fleet, 

B.rt with love stole *ti* fl*efpstr 
An I tho’ the p lrrh-Sid frut he sweot, 

Y'et "stolen (ru.t l* tictc'.tat! ■' 

MfEvrHis, Nov. 21, 1862. 

Daily Review of the Market. 

Wedneiday Evening, Dec. 8, 1832. 3 

Also, received this day, per steamer Telegraph— Albany; Meriweihcr, Jefferson vllto; and by appointed Bu ‘° 
fi pieces rich Velvet Carpeting; agent* in every town in Kentucky and Indiana 

FO.-. W4 8 .SU KiVfck. 

Steamer FRIENDSHIP- Gro », master. 

,i- THE Fr endstiip will run as a regn-sx 
^ii-Jfcpack' t f> m LonsvUto t . L .yette, la., 
unng the sea* n, acd wi : leave un 1 t'Ki. 
| DaY ..okMSG, I8;h n*t. , at to c’c uck 
I Tor freight or passage apply on board or to 
| no :8 t. S. MOORUBAD. 

6 d* do Tsp.-stry do; 

I To which w« invite the attention of ladle* andhu>ers 
| generally. 

j dc6 HITE ft SMALL, 459 Main st. 

COPP & BARNETT, The Beet Remedy ever Known te .'Inn 

•VO. 417 MARKKT ST., CORXEti OF FOURTH ^ or ou ?'*. Cold*, Asthma, Croup, Hr on chit- 

A RK row selling off the lineet, ben, and cheineu ! ,a ’ l*fl*****' Bleeding of the Lungs. Lhfi- 

assortment cf 1 cult Breathing, Liver Affections. Pain 

Frenelr, > egli-h, ond Amerioan Dry f.oorta or Weakness ot the Breast or Side, 

To be found in i hi* market. Those not averse to get- First Stages Consumption, 

ting giio.i b*ri9ios would do weU to call and ex mi: e ^c., 4f c -» tfC* 

I ta NoTiCR k — COPP ft BARNETT do not profess to l 8i tort,thl. Balsam is pecutiarl v adapted to every dto | 
* Ski-i. ,re at Cc»r,’’ out reiy upon quica sales end ease of th Lung* anl Liver, which U produced by our 

i regular pack els. 

\\ istiii ji Balsam ol 'W ild 1 Ii 6 rr\ ! united states mail. 


| small prunt* for their success in business. dec 


WM. E. JOKE*, 

No. 440 ,‘larket street, 

I re28 7 hi / 1 door bslcvo Fourth street. 



Mabkit sTaiiT, itiwisa First ano Brook. 

re A complete as*ortn.ei:t of Builden,' Hou-e--^ 
j 50 kerpers,’ agricuitUTai. fancy and general H.rd 1 
tjgk ware, l.-gether with Mechanics’ tools ul every 'I 
^^desctip-ion, all of which are offered or a* fa J 
[ vorabie terms as any house In the trade. del 

ever varying climate. 


TCK* or “W.SIAtk’S BAL-iA* or WILD ch-bky.-’ 
Mt. Kdsn.Kt , July 24. 1832. 

Messrs, tlarcoiirt, H urn-d + Co. — Gists: The ‘-Dr 
Wi.-tar s Balsam ot Wild Cnerry’’ that 1 bought of yoc 
has beei- of such signal benefit in my family, .hat 1 w:*b 
to make its virtues known tor the benefit of the public. 

My wife toon cold at lhe time of ner confinement, 
which s«tt:e<l on her Lung*. The physicians pronounced 
her disease consumption Sbe had profuse nigbt sweats 
and bad coughs; sue was given up, tor we despaired ol 
ner recovery, anJ her cml l partook of her complaint. 
8be then commenced taki g " Uul*r’i Balsam of Wild i 
Cherry , ’* and toree bott'.es effected an entire cure with 
uer and the cbl'.d both. 

1 have no doubt that they would have now been lo 
their graves if they bad not have used WLtar’a Balsam 
oi Wild Chtny. SETH R. SE ARCY. 

sifiuutrHSh HtV'hLI »r. . ,-^auai 

Mcenmer rKlAUKtrU Carr. 

One of the-e splendid and fast steamers, will leave be 
Mai! Line Whxr: Bout, from the foot of Third street 
dally at 10 o’clock. A. M. 

For Ireight or pussxge apply or to 

KOk *»T. I.Ulils. 


The steamer FASHION. Z. M. Sberiey master. 

0 mm This splen-iid. :ast runnir g, light draught 
steamer will leave a* ab ve on Fttl. 
r DAY, tbe i0;n inst., at 10 o’clock, a. m. 

Por passage only apply on board or to 
d9 C. BASHAM. 

FOR B > Wl. INU GKaM. 

Tne steamer LOGAN, Comba, master. 
mr-, Will leave as above nit FRIDAY, Dec. 
10th. at 10 o’clock. A M. 

For freight or passage apply on boerd er to 
*19 C. BASH a M. 

I WATCHIk and Jewelry —I nave J st 

I rercived a beautiful assortment ul Wa-.cbes, Je*. 

,a J3( Iry, and Faucy Good*, to which l wouul ie- 
fpectiuliy ievite ibe attention of my friend* end Cuaium. 
ers, as, in order to I educe my stack before the Ittci 
| January, prices will be made very low for cash 


d:6 463 Main st , bet. Fourth and Filth. 

Seth R. Searcy, whose certificate ie above. Is a man of I REGLLAR KENTUCKY RiVER PACKET, 

a* much veracity as any tn tbis country, aud a man of 
good Judgment, and we place entire reliance ou his state- 
ment. HARCOUKT, Howard ft CO. 


Robert Kuidcrson, Justice of the Peace iu Rush Creek 
lowusbip, F* rfitld courty, Ohio, and brother ot MaJ. 

K •« VK AMiFuK T. 


Thesteamer BLUB WING No. 2 Sanders mas'er. 

— Ttu* regular packet s-ean »r will leave 
...ftt-JIfor the above ard inlrrn edlate ports . a 
very W EDNESDAY, at 3 p. m . and eu 

General f-anderron. an officer in tho war of !8l2, cured 8ATTJHUAY8 at 8 » m. tor 

oi Gonvuniptiun by the c*o of’Wisui’a Baicaxa of Wl.d r rankfort, Oregon, and .Mundar’s Lauding 

0 £y“Tbe Demccrsta of Ohio, are to have a 

the space o. nve minutes. mgr^et ccniinuca firm and quiet, with light ie- 

- ■ - ceiptsof proJuce. The weather, this morning, turned 

li- « , , « r {quite warm. The river is falling slowly. Pork packing 

The newspaper published at Ot. t-ames, is almost en.lre'y euspended.ard will remain so nniil 

D l A.TttkN O Jewelry.— Just receivad a splendid ol Consumption hy tli* use of" WHUxto Baisaaa of WUd 
assortment ol Diamuod Fine, K. r Kings. King-, r Cherry." 
j Rings, Cros&e-, ftc , in the lue t style f settiuc*. ior Kcsu fa si* towmship, Fairfield co., \ 

dusted, sotaked, dried up, and pent up city ed- convention at Columbus on the 8 .h of January. 

tors. Maybe we did a’t lave quail piea and 

quail fries oi oui own raising. gj- >pjj e jfltg Seg Raymond are giving concerts 

RuskviUe, la., JocJtsonion. in 

l Reported Expre§$ly for the Loui twilit Dtily Democrat } 

invention at Columbus on the 8 :h of January. Beaver Island, Lake Michigan, a? an evi- j the weather is more fa verabto. 

— — — dence of rcrnarkHblc disputclj in convey Rniesor Gagging and Hope at iisiCi%r.Bi 6c. 

O" Tbe Misses Raymond are giving concerts ing intelligence by telegraph, says that Millers are selling Flour at $1; »»lea iu small lots at 
Cincinnati. “two days after the presidential election S» extra brand* wcnuoto*t?4 so. 

the result was known at this place, two *» «*»«•*«•" market we, u*t. .|de. of too ba^R.o 

O^rSwtmm nf Clubs are quite common in hundred and fifty miles _irom any civilized cont nue , * n Wr request. w„h r.iescf uc-wat 4 |, 6 - tor 

sale ov |d< 6] bEAKY FLEiCHnK. 

i lOi.O S.ooxele and i’lm, far Ai lot. tore*.— 
UT a Urge *ss>Uuiei.t oi fl-ie Gold, Medallion Lock 
els, with 1. 2. sod I glx* >ox, also a .aige aod oeauluulaa 
sorimeul ol Pins foi MiuLtures, 'or sale by 

f.l.D Fen. — The bes; Gold Pens low ma.'e are 

Kcsh Crbix towbshiP, Fairfield co., J 
Peoru?.y 45 18>l. J 

Dear Siri A* I consider that my l:ie ’.a* hern grratlj 
prolonged by ui j be ug cured of Consumpti t> by the use 
ot “ o-r.’* Bxisaui of Wj d Clierry,” 1 will stale 
the symptoms ol my case, irat others auuBarly adi cieu 
may be induced to try lets invaiuaoie remedy. 1 ex 
pei'.enced great difficulty in b.e.tbing; had the hectic 
lever with vioieu-. fljtoesof heat aad fi -queut cold chUU, 
witb severe pa.u iu my side aod breast, accompanied by 
a very oa.t cough; was very restless at nights, and had 1 

For freight or passage a.p.y on m-no ur io 

eft) BOGGS ft KU-SRLL 

JEFFERSOX CIRCUIT COURT-Criminal Term. Scol,tnd ' in England, and in other European settlement, consisting of more than a single comn-on, and 6 l« 6 j f>r fs-r and choicer Plantation Mo 

Ho*. Wm. F. Bullock. Presiding Judge— N. Wolfe 
Esq , Commonwealth’s Attorney. 

countries— but we bave yst to learn that we neighborhood.” 

bave any in ihe United States. 

lasses Is dull at 22:. Cheese uncharged. 

In grain we notice much firmness. Wheat stillcom- 

xoi.: ey me«r« i in all wS*cm where the W.nar s BaUameJ I ViU Uitrry. 1 heve used in ail 13 
pixint cuines l(T hi or tne Pen ilo?$ not suit U.e ootUct.sud I &ui now tree irom ill thijse complaints, 

hand, a new one will be given. for mv health is Rood. 

WtONgsuar, Dec. 8. rr-m M . „ „ 

IX-T Mr. Collins, tbe Irish vocah: 

Counsel for Boooker filed causes for a new ; D g large audiences at Cincinnati 
trial. Motion for argument aet for Saturday. 

Commonwealth va McGrue, stealing a trunk Important Discovery, 

and ten pair of pantaloons from Leri Siiberman; . correspondent of tho . 

confessed and convicted for cne year to tba has made an important discovery 

penitentiary. m volUic electricity, which may be ap- 

plied to tae cure of weak nerves. It is 

Beaver Island is settled by a Mormon in &rdic wc notice much firm net*. Whc*t *ti'icom-j 
community. The number of votes cast ! 4 m ‘ nli70i ’ Corn i. scarce, and sale, am making at «to 

O’ Mr. Colima, tbe Irish vocalist, ia delight waB l65; th j 8 t h e Northern Islander says 4 

a cro. - . n, , i: . ’ _ . „ . . .. . / D * 

csot good baled Timothy Hay ot $10 SOafll. 

stl.VlKt IV x re. — My a,s mrneuc of Silver 

ALL Ixsne *£>«• kat 

••laije .hi- .11)1(11 d *. ■ ot n»u 
-ecu* .'Cthoc uoni|Oouds lake a 
I into :fte stt m«c nftiir time lotime, 
.rust n**e * ^r.ieifv io deslioy 
e health ul lure cl that v.’.al or- 
van ..f !he ys-eir ,*• rh«i It 
- well tuown to .a tbe .» edkal 
ffrofe**ioi ,U:al ihe xcitve p- HKt- 
pie of a rauou . f L quid ' euKire 
xr. be P'n ed iDiicispeei.; why 
HIW* hru the use oi givir g leige aad 
! Wi star's Balsam ej WiUL Cherry. 1 have used In all 13 ixtuse^ u* u. •(.».. t The eriokteu> idea lha-’’taa more 
dot: lea, and l aux uow tree irom all Ihoee complalxit., nauseous the tittliib * tbe moie potest its* ff.cls,’’ 1# 
for my health is good. now discarded by all candid reasore *. aod t*. >- Indt-po- 

1 xmoow 66 years old, and have not taken any of the [xd:v prove. l witht ut a ’ ubt that SKY* >’> >D» *»ON- 
Balsai.t since i8 16, because my health is so good as not ir W afers, a msd cine of tne most agree-be end 
o require any mediciue. But u I should nave an? return pala able nature, is tiie moat effectual leicooy for 
ofm former sympions. I snood use Wisaar’s Balsam of roust.’*, Coldx. and their CAo-eaueu es. Theviev.ile- 

is about 75 short of the full number. The| Tne provision market lem&it.a qalet. Wo quotes Sait, Mu Weed, anl cream Spoon* «c„ .vari 
democratic candidates for presidential small sale of Mcs< Pcrkst #1C- 6#; Rump, It. In green ****** WO,knWnh u^qK*pLETCHBH 

ft T w-v . uemuurdiic udiiuiumts lur pre?iucuuai »uiui Mie oi ruia « •»« **• ** — 

Gfir 8 ?°T?! HY, i 7' A v ien .' electors received 154 votes. Strang, the meats wc bear of considerable sales at 6i*6|, for Shorn- 

® f h0 4 Ne o W York leader, received 165 votes for Represen- *”*'«*& {or hard Is firm, wlths..* of ^ 

Tho genuine Wisur’* Balsam of Wild Cherry has* 
fac simito oftkesignatare of Hesry Wisur, M. D., Phil- 

Com’th va Hart. obUiniag mousy under fais« : this: 

pteteuces from Reuben Liter. Under trial. “If a cylindrical pieoe of zinc is placed tisan, resident in one of the filthy places, ported, yesterday, at *6 23, which is the highest price t orrsoidby wiison.starbtrdftSmitk.suMitffeft mc- -VcIiA^wy. 3y'«no«i*i io»tuiaeis, a»u suenf*.s 

Com'th va Dunlap, stealing money. Verdict near the top of a broom handle, and an- leaves off strong drink, the usual course P .n thi. season. . tiakbs pleasure l’a tnormlig hi* emtomaes that hts vinX^ftB^kyiL J.‘ in ^ 

ffttilty, and ConviCte4 for one year to the peni- Other about fifteen inches below, connex- of proceeding is this: He begins to pay Pound Freights to New ui per nunmedi Minufacturlng Kstablishmem is no* In successlul craft. LouisviUe :Win*tandley ft a ewkirk,N«w Albany; ftiackSiks; 

inn k otOBOn . ,»n hsr hi. . hf „,.,ri,. acs Hpr P nt, Hnfhin^ Potatoe. 40c per barrel.flour 60, whi ? k» 7oc. tobacco §3 operation Mtoff now soppoud with me- Menlwetkov, JeffVreeavftte, and by appointed agent* Do JLusUes; 

tative to the Legislature. 

Worth Knowing. — Whenever an ar- 

prlme at 10c. 

The weather, rs we have stated above, turned warm 
tbl* moruiug which of course retards the slaughtering 

C sl.lFOUNlA Uald txed xi|4 ritlver Wasted- a lelphta, and "Sanford ft Park,’’ on a finely executed 
For which ea-to will be paid by steel engraved w rapper. No other can be genuine. 


steel engraved « rapper. No other can be genuine. 
9BV~ Price $1 per bottle — six bottles for § 0 . 

Sold by J, D. PARK, Cincinnati, 0„ 

If a cylindrical pieoe of zinc is placed tisan, resident in one of the filthy places, { ported, yesterday, at «e 26, which is the highest price 

lus nesa verv Urae rumner of Hoes a e in the pens* ~f° kate8 . re1 ' wl »'te»anJ yellow, for NortheastcomorofFourtband WalnutxtreeU— entra 

lusnesa. A very Urge number of Hogs a e in the per.. T sale at reduced pr.ces by v .„ vv _ nv on Walnut *'.reet-to whom all order, must be 

Prices continue firm, and a sale of 2.C00 bead was re* BENBD.CT ft KENNEDY. dressed. 

Com'th va Dunlap, fftealing money. Verdict n«ar the top of a broom handle, and an- leaves off strong drink, the usual course pei \ this season 


g. »*. KFLLI 

■Price 26 cents per bo«. For -ale by 


74 Fourth street, nuud.e o.' tbe >qu«e 
ncSdftw Westskle.bei- Main and Market. 



.Ye. *96 Market •.reel, iron east eg t«*4 ,1-seS. 

A S I am sbou? iep»'nug » y -ff'r*. 1 will s II my * sure 
stock at staple eaJ Dome* tc Drv Goud- a. cal. 



■ „ . • ■ „ poiauesiOC per Dsrrei.nour OC-, 1 UU. louiuuu ex operation teeing now support a with nist-rate me. eeniweuwi, jcnerwnvme! auu ay ap 

10D being made between the two by his debts; he purchases decent clothing hhdi cattle and horses 8*. mules 86, and -Irep ebames, he Is prepared to execute nil orders 'or Trim In every ".own le Keutuckv and Indiana. 

means of a wire, a person taking hold of for himself and family; he makes his habi- 6 0 c per head, from Portiaud. Pound Preights to Puts ^• Bd “wwVeu ^ F : inge,8tm or Butiow 04:86 ^ Jeodftwcow 

the top piece with the right hand, while tation clean, and provides good furniture; bnrglgc per hundred. of every description. Cloak Taaxela and* Loop*, etc. ngg*T andcremcme le Pardutrs #j 

the left is placed on the copper or lower he buyg a few books; takes his family to ... m “ Y n ? ia *l re . iy .._P. ,B _ l y . VT Kea««y- »ia. e cieitnw« at the wen known »Bd 

piece, forma a voltaic circle, which be- a place of worship; and if not content Louisville xobacco Market. llea> «. p. kully. depot, where eune bat ubxdanuaiswi 

* ... ... • « • i r . . . . Tnvsnxv. Dec. 7. Trimmlne Store. ICS wesl side Fourth st. . , ..^,.1 w 

it cost, kly stock now cut 
■lack Si ks< 

Do Lustres ; 

P.ala Mousde Lainet; 
Fancy do do* 

bob. john jotss, judge. tne lett is placed on the copper or lower he buyg a few books; takes his lamuy to 

W bdkz&dxt, Dec. 8. piece, forma a voltaic circle, which be- a place of worship; and if not content 

Commonwealth by Joseph Roberta Jacob comes powerful the more the broom is with being clean and decent amongst sur- 
Saith. a p. w. ; taU required of etch in tbe U8e ?’ The handsmustbe without gloves rounding dirt and wretchedness, he looks 

sum of 1200 fur one year *° 1 . tbe meta l* ar « *o contact, and for a better residence in some airy and 

Louisville Tobacco Market. 

Tubsoxv, Dec. 7. 

The axles at the three warehouses to-day amounted to 
IS hhes, »t the following pricen Si 66: 4 10: 3 9>« I 73i 

• n BEAT andcremenie |« SUrcheeere 

, VA Heady- *l*..e Cleihlag at the well known *Bd 

French and Bngti-h Chlatei 
Merrimac and Fait River Fruits; 

u of 1200 for one year »o that the metals are in contact, and for a better residence in gome airy and j7 S .3gV.4 W i4Wi3»'4*fi:«70i4»o:43Ci36O!3o0i 

the windows of the room should be open- salubrious locality, leaving his unim- 3f0:473:376 l 3a5i37S:*76i46O(486:40O!»70i*u0; 

Commonwealth by Alice Liecnessy vs. Sarab ed when the broom is uaed, so as to admit provable residence to be occupied by one 393:4 00. D a . wm uu we..*u ...c «». u.„. 

ford, • p. w.; beard and dism-.ssej. the air freely. The discovery iff invalu- like his former self, who prefers drink The ,»tes .t the three warehouse. t^*y .mounted t. i ^^“rSaTn^^^the “eeh^^ 

itee. 8. P. KfeLLY. 

Trimming Store, 1C6 west side Fourth st., 
dc3 betweeu Market an l J. ffer-on. 

tIAStt! CASH!! t'AMU!!! 

T tHB highest cash price given ior iiteamboal Furuiturx 
. at the new establishment, 602 Market street. Fam* 
ies declining housakeptug or desiung to leave the city, 
wtll do well to give ns a calL We wili also attend tc 

Edward MeCarty, Lewi* Mitohal, and Riobard able to females in a weak state for want j ing, smoking and gambling to the comfort 90 hhds, as follows: ?3W: 6 60< 4«st4 «u> 6 8Si 4761 
McCormick war* brought ia from tbe work- of active life; and for males it may be ap l and decencies of domestic life. 3 70t s 76: 3 ao:8 so: 4 66:6 00:4 16: a 76; 4 *6: 4 80=4 70* 

*• J ' ■ " *• 1 *■ ■"* •• 4 80= 6 08; 6 84. 

aadgav* bail. 

»d to axe handles. 

Temperance Chronicle, 

out-door sales with prompiuess. Auction Bales Mou lt' VY 

and every evening daring tbe week. a GENTLEMAN wlib • — -..--u w# . 

Jefildtf H. ft B. LEVY— B. LBVY.Auc’r. /i ara jAlnied witb all the Jlffereat branches of farr. 

- ■ ■ — ~ — — in*, wteees to oMate a sltaatton at maneger of a Ana » t 

C UB KS R.— 30 boxes Saglisb Dairy ia store and (or tki comlnx laqaire 1 -* — - * 

sals by [ooS»] A. J. ROBERTS ft CO. “c. ft Co., Be. «0 1 

Heady- riai-e Cleihlan at the well known sad Ginghams; _ 

'ar establishment, the MAMMOTH CLOTHING Utotc*. l * ssimeree. Tweeds. Jeeae, CeaMaete, and 

DRPOT, where none but subxiantial rarmentsar# man ^ . Lmseys; 
ufac ured at airicily ui.l'orm price*, miking It an object f bales brown cotton; 

tor tbise persons unacqui n'rd wi;h th* real value ol 3 4o do SMenn*: 

goods to patronize the old established Bleached Cotton* end SbeeUnmx 

M AMMOTH Clothing DEPOT. Red,whlt*,yM-ow,hrowe. green and ciaiet Ftenanie. 

note N R. corner Market and Poarth streets. Bleached end •?£ *•» 

N. B. No connection with «, othe r store ia tewm g ^ 

Tsrxsmm Cheek. Hickory, and Bed Tiektegi 

WAN xxcL». With almost e**ryth*«B •*«> perteleing la a ceaeptote 

GENTLEMAN with e smeil family , who ie well stock of Goods suited to the market and aaesoe. I In. 
at a islnieJ with all tbe Jlffereat branches of farn». rite th* attention of th* laities to an exatelaaxlon of my 

rteecs to obtain a situation aa manager of a Arte ft r stock before purchasing elsewhere. 

omlnx year. Inquire immediately at the More ef 9 . MARION MINTKR. 

.Green ft Co., No. SB Third st. del dgftwl dc4 4B7 Market st,. 3 4a*e* adore Third. 

m mediately at tbe store 


OUUEKI*HliK<ai !<<»( IL. 




W atchmaker, jeweller, and manufac 

TUREK or SILVER WARE, 79 Fourth *tr**t 
L onavan, Kt. au!9dtf 


Jtffla jnTi THIS Road is now completed to , 

B. J. OHflfET, 

Jfo. ttt Main street, Louisville, Aeutturkp. 

AM receiving dally from the manufacture!* a com- 
mute -lock of Hard wen-. Merchant*, builders, and 
inirai. ’ors will Bnd it to tneir interest to call and ex- 

EMTE have prices by this route, and are prepared to \A7 fcm* <-ood , 
WW give receipts upon produce through in quick ” ha re good Bread, 
tim.i. J. C. BUCKLES * CO. and unhe.ilthy. 

edto 1 « ; ood Brendf-Kveryone wi.hes to as,oll “*N ' *• A „ , 8Ud a ‘ hl * well known stand, on Fourth street, between 

uuick VV ha re good Bread, as a Dad ariicle is intolerable " ea,e JtneraonvUle at o o'clock, A. M.j Jefferson and Green, where he is now enabled to do 

& ! a" d unhe.ilthy. , „ . Q , Leav f ‘Rumbus at If o'clock. P. M.; 1>VE1N3 | n all it< branch*. Seller and cheaper than any 

I E. H. HAI CRAFT now offers to the public Ms supe | „" dsto P at »** regular stations to put down and take up other establishment in the western country, and at 

T1 ! rlor Yeast Powders as n certain anil efficacious prepara* | passengers. Uol °8 uJitn, passengers will breakfast at \ eastern prices. La lies' Diesses, Shawls, Scarfs, Bon- 

lion, war ranted to make the very best kind of Bread Morristown. . rets, Ktbbon% dyed to any shade or color. Gen- 

■Sf when go**! flour is used The iniierials used iu making rij this arrangement passengers will be enabled to take tlemen’s We am c AnDarei cleaned and d>ed at the 

a,«^- O. .... r a a. C «... . a « « tllC ear V eXDrp>S train rmn. M • « In.Iianan.lio .hn.laM 5 «FF«rei UrtUCU MUU UJSU lUO 

this Koad"n‘w completed"; iJohiWifs Dyeing £st a bl ish men t ! 

( olunibus, lnd , and the < ars are r |"7HK subscriber respectfully announces to the ladiee 
rudilug dally (Sundaysexcepted) A and gentlemen of Louisville and vicinity that he ia 

as a had article is intolerable 


N KW YORK AND ERIE R A 1LKO A 1), in Conner, equal to any made in the United States, and perftc 
tion with the Cleveland, Columbus, and cinuunati fsiaciion is guaiantied. 

Railroad. . „ i The proprietor is anxious that his Powders shall i 

Pas.-engers leaving Cincinnati by the morning Express tain a nigh reputation for purity and excellence 
1^5 . connect- I therefore icqucts that in all cases where, after . 
ngwtth the United stales Mail steamers irial, the Powders have failed to give the desired 

: put up ir. airtight tin boxesso as to prevent spoiling or l?- e, T°7 F® nn ® cl,n 8 on the same day with the trains oa the j Merchants having damaged goods 
loriag th Sir good qualities. They are recommended as otteihyville, Knigntowu, and Rush ville railroads, and at j interest to give him a call. 6 
Jj equal to uny made in the United Stales, and perfect sat. !■' d^anapolis witn the Belli fontaine, Peru, aud Teire Ladies’ Crape Shawls cleaned and 

•mine my asscrtnei t, to .sistuig in part of Spades, 4 -., KA * KAHThHK AND NOUTI1KHN UNI- the Pow.lers are of the finest an. I best quality, and are !!j* ear,y ex P ress R»in from Msdison to Indianapolis, shoitest notice 

Bhoveii. Axes, Hatchets, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, H^rse - in . i • uiiitk put up in air-tight tin boxes so as to prevent spoiling or “* e, * o y f-® nn ® cl,n 6 0,1 ,h « s sine day with the trains on the Merchants ha 

Shoes. fJails. Picks. Mattocks, Crowbars, &c. Tk D STATES ot A 1 1. KOI T K. losing th fir good qualities. Tliev are recommended as -Shelby ville, Kmghtown, and Kushville railroads, and at interest to give 

Pmvi Btcavcis. — Po.k mea will bear in miud we YORK AND ERIE R A ILKO A 1), In Conner • equal to any made in ihe United Stales, and perfect sat. 1 1 dianapolis 'With the Belle fontaine, Peru, aud Teire Ladies’ Crapi 

kave oo i.aod Patent Beams, from 2‘JO to 1,000 lbs, for IN uon with the Cleveland, Columbus, and Ginuuuati , isiaciion is guaiantied. Haute, forming by the utter a connection with stages to or color; Ktra 

weighing togs. Forsalelowby , v Railroad. . „ The proprietor is anxious that hi9 Powders shall main- ? t '. r I * oui3, -„ M 7 these connections travelers can leave Rugs, Piano Cc 

* R-. Ut »RM8BV, Pastengers- leaving Cincinnati by the morning Express Jain a nigh reputation for purity and excellence, end \ c '^rsohville by the 6 o'clock, A. M., train, and airive esinotice. Al 

Success yr to McKum A Johisoo. Train, am ve at Cleveland at ff o'clock, P. M , connect- therefore inquests that in all cases where, after a fa.r Terr ? Haute the S1, n« Jay; aud those Horn the Terre JA 

- — -a . ' -rm I IVGH A go., mg with the United States Mail isteamera— ! irial, the Powders have failed to give the desired satis. Haute, Bellefontaine, Peru, and Madison and Indl&napo- no4 dim 

11 1 * * mo c sum ] Queen Clty.Capt. Richards, or Alabama, Capt. Pease, j faction, they may be returned to the seller, and the pur Jf* roa,!8 ' ‘ e * m S the 1} o’clock, P. M., trains'. Coium- 

r«.B»TCHi*na.J Ban erii i • • For Dunkirk direct, without landing, connecting with 1 cbase " ,0 " ey w,u be refund,d - ons, will reach Jeffersonville and LonUvliIjlIw same 

No. 467 Main tlrtft, LouitviUf, Ay. the morning Express Train which arrives in New York 'Ihesc Powder? being made of pure materials alone, Jay - D. C. H. BOHDLKY, „ . 

rill find It to their 

and dyed to any shade generally 


No. 445 , corner of Main and Fifth streets, 

MoOUlSnitMoEj JT1 ., 

Importer »nd Dealer lu Saddlery Hardware. Harue«« noaatlu.B 
Trauk aud Coach Trlmmluas. 

I m y*i I neTkaVa as e v*e r be f o A^e n B^ponedTu to*tki a* mar ke * ''Tanjuhr* 1 tft 1 * Of GOODS In 

generally to cal laud examine my stock, which I am determined to mu** 1 . tu*tomersand tao trade 

fmo c siLTOi 1 ' <4 ueen Clty.Capt. Richards, or Alabama, Capt. Pease, i faction, they may be returned to the seller, and the pur t* s r °ads, taking the if o’clock, P. M., train at Coil 
**•”* . I For Dunkirk direct, without landing, connecting with cbase ,u0,iey w,, llre refunded. dls, will reach Jeffersonville and Louisvide the a; 

r*et, LouttviUt, Ay. j the morning Express Train w hich ai rives in New York I '1 hese Powiler? being made of pure materials alone, D. C. H. BOKDLEY, 

J wTKKBBT-iilowe Jonal! Jej-ositsof Kentucky Money Mine evening, in advance of any other route, and with ?" d . * 

nr currency to be withdrawn at pleasuie. ! oul Lotto] sleep bt tween Cincinnati and Aeie York. tbe,r 

■rchimtoD allthe clti. Ihfi Sutesfurntah- ^-Tbrough tickets tan be had at the office of the rt 1 Ul 

in to aultat toe lowestrates.alsoin small and Lime Miami Railroad Company, Broadway, near Front A trial is all that is asked, as the use of a sir.elebox is I D E N T A T, S IT B P P fl Ttf 
Lm. Vi l parts of Europe and Great BriUin. , lr eet. Cincinnati . ; •«« to convince every one that they are really good ... " f* " 1 " " blRGfcUfl, 

B?’kSn« ■ ?tock acdBullloubusiuesstranaacted n iyl8d9m P. W. STRADER, Tickit Agent. 1 an 1 superior. 493 JeOemon at., between <keeond and Third, 

id tot adulte-ated with other ingredients to increase 
eir bulk, are therefore cheeper, as a less quantity is 
quired to produce the desired effect. 

tiii jensraonville and Looisvl le me same WTNNP wn nor 


d dlm G eneral Supt. Southeast corner of Broadway and Third streets, 

DR. 8. BARD, Cincinnati, Okie. 

DFVTaT o it d p r n W THIS new, neat, and commodious Hotelis now 

iJIi JH I AL SURGEON, open to the public. Being located on thesouth- 

JUalbCast corner of Broadway and Third streets, its 
situation is at once convenient and pleasant, being near 
the steamboat landing, convenient to the railroads.and 


Plushes ; 

■Ulptic Springs t 
Hsrses- Mountings, 

True* Trimmings | 

AKtha m nt • 'a vorable terras. wr oagi-cge cncuuajmm cwuMsn to r 

#D p th n^H , r rn.,-e or, e i l-olnts ssr*For turther particulars apply to L. 8, 

?ne agents o( the Planters’ Bank of Tenues- Bet House, Oncinnsti, Ohio. 

m b. ^^isss£: 

SifrthVn^^tb * ^g "** 1 A^rat , Vlr- Si EN TUUKI IiOt'M. MAN U f. 
gifu and all Eastern Back Notes ,-urcha.e^aMow ^ 97 TBIRU HI 

8d9m P. W. STRADER, Ticket Agent. 1 an 1 s 'I*orior. 

Hare c£< cheeked. from Cineinnah lo Aeie fork. Forssie at wholesale and retail at the manufac- 

For lurther particulars apply to L. S. Elliott, Bur- tory * ?io * 3,1 Fourth street, between Main and Market, I 
ruse, C'r.ciimati, Ohio. andtvillbe found in a short time at many of the gio- 

CHAS. M1NKT, Sup’t. N. Y. dt K.R.R, ; c «y stores, whose names will teinsertedintliisadver- 
B. Spadluins. Ag’t. 1 Cortland *t.,N. Y. | tisement. oc7 


I, TAKE this method of Informing the in the immediate vicinity ol the princiyal businrss loca* 
cittxcns o: Louisville and vicinity that tions in the city, yet sufficiently removed from the 
I will perform aii operatit 11s in my pro noise and bustle to render it a pleasant retreat to the 

glnla, and 


EfcMtfKt MMK HANlIfAiThU V, 


JOHN MAGNESb, Merchant Tailor, 

No. 79 Third st., mat door to the Democrat office. 

111 P sr,l >rm aii oneratu us in my pro 
fesai -n at g really redded v ices. 

SATURDAY AFTERNOON, (rom 2 till 6 o’clock. 

noise and bust-e to render it a pleasant retreat to the 
man of business as well as leiauie. 

The proprietor, relying ou his success as a cateier 

^-sr v »« »* «sw? 

»r a* 1 " t ^ 

j wtll Ue appropriated <0 the performance of perations for the pub tc wnile at the capital of the State, trusts to 

j far the poor, .ms* oreuARot. • receive tr.e support of hi* friends and the traveling I Mhnulartiip^r nC Kkirli 

1 » 9 Faisons, D. D.;_ Key. JF community, and pledges his constant attention to taeir Ike HKf .> I Ollftl 


k ' — 

at owek & woomm 

: • 'SC.Y'aS," 


[ac 2 9 dim] 


8 5 2. 

of Gfntiemen’s Furnishing Goods, such as Shirts, ‘ 8 ' _ “ B ' ’ "UTh. nM 

Drawers, Socks, Cravats, t ol ars, &c. NEW YORK AND T’.WTT’ RAILROAm 

All wanting articles in mv line are resnectfu’lv invited ERIE RAILROAD ! 

j oeatl and examine my stork beiore puxchasirg else- | 1 'L* IE Of '"iW - ^iirTTP 8 ^ 

j where, as I am ( onfi Jenl th»t both goods and terms will ] sA 1 ^ r Vf **'iiir i 

I he e-itire|y salis'actoiy. My aim ever has been, and / \NLY direct and cheapest roi;*c lo New Yoik uud 
I shall Continue to be, to retain the old and make new cus- vJ Boston! isith less chir.-e in ailv< of any 

a. cama.M, 1 

Late Latham & Moody. > 

T. M’lCBMll, 

Late of Pittsburg, P». 


Mogssins; SUrrupe; Uukh.,V_3VTA _ wagon oo; 

Calf do; Bins; AxleaalmR. \ CUrt ** 4 BlUptlv. Springe; 

Goat do; Buckle*; Trurk*R«.?? n<1,i Hereeas HounUngej 

Threads! Plushes;’ «S?IlSS! *« Tr.nkTrlmn.inm 

Also, keeps eousUnU yon hand a general assortment of Saddles, Brtdles!’harnew 

S. H.— Ait orders promptly alienee d to si lh« itcrnn noltaa. • narneae, and Trunk*. 

aptl Jhe 



Saddlery Hardware, Harness Mountings, and Coach 


Manuthctiurer of Bki/tina;, Harney Bridle, Sole, aod Band Leather i m A 

of Moroccos, Padding, and Seattng Sking, ’ *** km ®* 

O^riV# 194 Main strtai, ( north side ) one door from earner of fourth strut 


W t a 1 1 1 he 3 » ttemm n° of M° l m ifacturers and Merchanta^'rtotlng*tli#^ *ity to^**** lamp In#, 1 woaU respectAiiif 
mokingUielrpurchaees— etthe same time assuring them that m! STOt'iZ is G<>0,, • h«tore 

■ embracing everything connected with the business " '® et>< - sl Minted ever before in this 

W E Invite the attention of the public to our superior 1 T^e l«t. t fsshionsere early and rrcularly re- | ether route I 

homemade LOCKS aud BUlLDKKh' U.\K1>- 1 w#ik J oi>':, wnrinlede^ual tuanyiuthe | No extra i 

of any \ Cincinnati. 


We manufacture and keep constantly on hand BANK, 

1 feel thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore re- 

O rRetotkOf Fall and Winter BOOTS and SHOES is SAFES 
very large, and of tin- very best qua'ity, selected HOTI 

VAULT, and” IRON -SA FK LOCKS, sur-eiior fire-proof f e,vod . a,,d b '‘Pe. by tcrewed txeiUona to piease, that 1 
SA FES, BANK and VAULT DOORS. Ac. it may not only be continued but increased. oc6 


terage fri 
Two h 
thau any 
Miami R 

m the We«. which 1 S “> *“ y —ufactured 

-uch would do well to call and examine it, w they mmo? obtam . f n ° r "l 101 "- Sadd >«-I«: *• nt •> 

My stock comprises the foUowing-Skirtm* Harnem BrtfiL other plac *“' 

Lust her : Hog and Calf Skin seating Mormco-' ^ett Bridle. Band, and Uppei 

^nahes; Webbings ; Bitts : Stirrups ®Buth’es- Whi^.-Thfead^Sadh’^L^ ‘“u Hna “ e,ed Leather of »u colors. 

1 Tmiik Trimmings; Springs, A lies B^d ; Hanes; CoUar-.;Han essj,,; .ituigs 

^mask.and Cloths; Ac.. 4c ’ , fc "“ p,;Co,ebL * c * s i Knhoer. Enamel, and OliC loUis; Eau', 

Also, Ladies' <Tk!*crs iw*h«s, ana nusKin*,ui me 
Uter re v veil per I t*’ arrivals, making uur as- 

sorUTieDt equal t » any in tbc city, which wewii'feliat 
m very lowest prices. OWRB & WOOD> 

no j Mark st., one door above Third. 

liar arrangement of light, end long experience in the 1 quality, arc uusutpassed in this or any otter market: 
business, to which add their splendid Apparatus, and a Cioabs.— ■ 

discerning people will seethe advantage of calling on 
them to secure a good likeness, combined with a beau'.i- 
lul picture. 

W. 4 B. are receiving new cases from New York 

Copper, Tin. nnd b-Leet-Iron Mr no foe lure re- every few day*, of the very nicest quality and finest fin- | 
ish. One of the proprietors has just returned from the I 


East, where he spent seme months, during which time 

j j vl - t I be made a number of selections from the most complete Skufk — 
501 Market st., borth side, bet. Htcona ant insrit, j assortments, and now they exhibit the largest ar-d best 4) 

80,l)0o imported Havana, large and small sizes; 
13>,P00 Regalia, largo rizc; 

30.000 do, do do, spotted wrappers: 

40.000 Prii'-cipes, large size, do do, 

210.000 do, Le Noima, La Paima, Laudres; 

116.000 Casaitures; 

180.000 Half Spanish. 

York me louowmg morning, without the expense of 
stopping over night on the rcu'.c. No Charge !or hand- 
ling baggage. 


WALLACE, LlTUMOW Ac to., Proprietor*. 

Agr*, WALLACE, LITHGOW 4 CO. , would re- 
■jHspectfully invite dealcrsio this market In their I 
li ne of business, to their large and well assorted | 
stock of Goods, prepared for the coming season I 
emoiacingevervthlr.g new m the way of Cooking, Par- | 

do barrels coarse Rappee; 

M . . rTmiruc ns r/iPPEK TIN A ND I assortment of stock ever beforeseen in Louisville. I 21 do fine do; 

Ch.i" w , lv, - illi-a.rmcv-okmg Parlor. The -CKAVON.” or VIGNETTE DAGUKRREO- ^ 25 do do Maccaboy. 

and Haf^Slo^ves*. G. ale’s. Ho ow Ware, Dog Irons, Tea Kf/tSh! t W “ l keCP ‘ enSlh ° f U ' ne ' auJ lu al1 

Han stoves, , o a . es, * ‘ • f le * ftlers ; is M>racthing new and beautiful, and must be seen to be ! climates ] 

ties, 4c., respcWfuilv cell the attention or -iceier. etj , ud- The above Pictures can only be procured S-'>okiko To 

I 6’unday Through Train.— An Express Passenger ] ler, and Heating Stoves, for wood and coaft Also, fine 
Tf** n leaves Dunkirk every Sunduy at 6 P. M. enameled and plain Mantle Grates and Mantle Pieces, 

The New York and Erie Railroad being a six foot Hollow ware, Dog Irons, Wagon Boxes, Tea Kettles, 
guagr, is the easiest Passenger Railroad in the United Sad irons. 4c. We also keep a full supply of Furnish- 
a .... . ing Goods, su-h as Tin Plate, Wire, Copper, Blocs 

1 hrougb tickets to New York $16 00 Tin, Sheet and Pig Lead, Antiincty, Zinc, Spelter, 

! Second class... — 10 00 Sheet Iron. Kivetsand Tinmen’s Macu »ies, Hand Tools, 

CHARLES M l NO T, Superintendent 4c., all of which we are offering upon such terms as 
New York and Erie Railroad. cannot be otherwise than acceptable to&ll who favor u- 
i ■ Through tickets can be procured at the office of with their patronage. Having superior facilities for mins 
i the Little Mia on Railroad, east side of Broadway, first ufacturiiig, and buying our goods from first hand3, we 

^W 0 d4wu h * WU1 “ PrtCM Pleaae. lB Orders attende i to on the shortest noliae. 
^ WATS eW. |9 | IlH 


Mo. a*J« ^lain street, between Second ami Third North mi*o 

4 ANTITfA rt'TTTDIPO /vn . ... MOira, norm Sidt, 


i i • vtm k no t.Htid »pprcui«i»a. i nc auove nciurcs can only dc procured 

tu ine aVUS ^ouse iu of W. Ai B., for they have purchased the exclusive ritht 

which they are wepsred lo re as Ion a* any house m f<)r Jeffers<j ’ coun( / , hc price** being patented. “ 

the City, and five satiaf.ction in sli cases. P.-ticuiar attention is called lolhefr Vollertion ofsne 


160 boxes sfcofferlaty, blue paper; 
130 do -lo. red do: 

J^-Work ilcited an 1 executed with neatness and . Particular attention is called to their collection of spe Being both practical workmen, at Utn ' 11 £ V^EBSTK^R 6 *" 

tent: m wili be given to this branch of their business. C “ , drec hail P r,c *. 'JtBsTKK, 

Always on ban J. the must improved looking Moves, au ’ J „ . .. , ” T?- I 

Always on banJ, tbc must improved i oohiuc stoves, J 

or w ood or coal, such a the Eiglc Air Tight Cook, and • “ 
Bag - Portable Ranges. Huusekeeper* ate niest re ae “ a ‘ l 
ep*e-’ul!y inv.ted to rive us a cal:, as we cau offer in luce j *»aiie ry 
mentsiuat will com land their custom. |se27d6m 

N. B. Likenesses of invalid or deceased friends ta. 
keu at the shortest notice by leaving the address the 


^9' * * Green Street, between Eighth nnd Ninth, 


_ . , „ , ritHEsubscribers have recently extended theirstock i 

Prnetleul Rooter, t.reen »l , near the I nrutre, audincreased Iheirfacilitlesfoi manufacturing, and 
Loouvili-B, Kt. areprepaiedtodoallkindsof MARBLE WORK, atthe 

H AVING curchased the interest and rights in Ky. shortest possible notice and at Eastern prices. 

. of N. M. 4 ■ . w •, R ’.KN, gives bis person* i MARBLE MANTELS, TOMBS, MONUME NTS, 

ettecticn to i-i r- Me i- prepared to execute ell HEAD STONES, and building work of every descrip 
work intrusted to hi at siioit notice, and with the best tior.of such qualities as mny be needed, from the finest 
raatenal. ITALlANand EGYPTIAN MAKBLKtothe common ! 

The*e CorapoMtion K 's i.ave been fully tested, and INDIANA LIMESTONE. This last description o. 
found superiot a. s.-gai stthe ravages «f FIRE; Stone Isthe most desirableand best adaptedfor building 
and when properly ; uton,th-y are entirely water prooi. purposes of any Stone found in the West, 
new-tf u.fing i;,m . - k t 'i cacstintly on hand for sale. I V.'e are enabled to furnish everything In our lire at! 
m 2! dSmif4wlam I price imuchlowerthan when we sawed and manufac- 

130 do -to, red do; o auiav. Astnt n. y. ana g. it. k.i d 

i of spe 100 gross Washington and Korcuth brand, fine | b ' o fner Broadway and Front uts., Cincinnati. 

cefree. article; jofi,\ u i- • ... . ,, 

rHR' Ch*w!^ ToBAcm ~" CUt ’ l0 ° Se ‘ Mam strkrt, hkab Sixth stb’sbt. 

uda ta.; 60 boxes Virginia and Missouri, best brands; ! Meuicfniarrheia^c^fsu^ 

s me 60 do Goodwin’s Yellow Bank, Patent and ^ments, Glassware, Window Glass, Spices, 

fumery, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes and Bi 

ra I IMboxeSstorSp^; ^ ®^r at liberal price, for cash or 

LOj 140 do Y r ello\v and White, fancy; — — 

’ 400 dozer. China, Wooden, and Hungarian Pipes: Dobyns’ Dnuuerrean (iallerie 

door above Pront street, in Railroad Hotel Building, are thus enaoled to sell low, and believing in the small TTAViNO take n the .ho«w.n, u , " BUAJlS, «C., «C. 

Cincinoati, Ohio. F. W. STRADER, profitand quick sale system, invite those ia want ofhar- XX dve s’oek or aoo.t* 1*7 ° n I have fitted up andara now In the rece’ot o» a varv 

01 Ticket Agent. , gains togiVe us a call. Notrouble to show goods. 7 

L. h ELLIOTT, Agent N. Y. and E. K. R.: effice f e b6 rrnT^J V.V.nali*. ^ e *P e * tful ' y ln*Ue»lt o call .examine stock, and learn prices Thankful fn, . 

N. h. corner Broadway and Front els., Cinciiuuti. — t ?2 e here,ofor *- 1 hu P« fora conUnuanee of the mnf. i , »' t ^ f * 41 

gains togive us a call. 

No trouble to show goods. 

HtKiatVil HAUUAl.Mi 



greatly extended in the new localitv. 

conUnuanee m the same, now that the facilities In rnybustyeau* 

« of Drugs, Meuiciues, Chemicals, Surgeon’s Instru- No.i7 3, Morih aide Market, between Third and Fourth. 

ments. Glassware, Window Glass, Spices. Per- 1 * L. M. EVERHART, Detlerin Boots, Shoes and 

fumery, Oils, Psint3, Dye Stuffs, Varnishes and Brush- '» Brogans, No ITi. Market street. North side be 
es, which they offer at liberal prices for caah or good ^03 tween Third and Fourth, has on hand a Hue as- 
*P er - jell sort ment, consisting in part as follows: 

_ — ~ ' ! Men3 fine calf boots; Ladies’ Silk and Worsted 



areprepaiedtodoallkindsof MARBLE WORK.atthe ^ above lock as I fI e T as-u.ed't'hat mv 

j s igjaa r 

i properly put on, they ere entirely water prooi. , purposes of any Stone found in the West. 1 , 

ofing i:;ue. ».t ;d const mtly on hand for sale. I V.'e are enabled to furnish cveryUiing In our lire at ] ' f oulsvll 

IfflifdcwUiu I price imuchlowerthan when we sawed and manufac- (essor u f r 

■ - i tured by hand. Calland learn prices and obtaiugreal , 

al/ if k • .11 nr fktk j IVI Lr/lf.<1 • Karfiiina L 1 L *} • 

avuiariaxa . . 400 iloxer. China, Wooden, and Hungarian Pipes: OobyDS DHjjuerreaii (lallerieH. 

f pH Hsu bsc libers have recently extended theirstock j^“ d s ttljd s< l l,are German, French, and Scotch Snutl ^0.469 Mainstreet, over Kitts’sJewelry Store, Lou 
1 and increased IheirfaciUtlesfor ^manufacturing, and | >. B . City and country dealers are invited to examine No V'po’ukea’ Row Memphis Tent, 

the above riock, as I feel assu.e.l that my goods and No 98 Cam nst ree t ^4 eirOrWni L a ° * 

Price, cannot fall to give sxttefacUon, ___l_se29_ c^ner^ bVStVend ^C.nM S Priu"^M L .gulre’e old cot- 

u,ii?r w. v , ns ■ veas. oer.J New Orleans, La. 

siiLi.BY < u.,1, F., Corner Pourthand Chesiau%streets, St. Louis, Mo. 

SHELBYVILLE, SHELBY COUNTY, KY, Uy calling at either of the above establishments you 

*" — •"» jsaasTsf. ekt “ts“m" ’SoSv 


A. Ockktb, Doctor In Philosophy, (late Principal of j. IN. llKcl Otl.l Sc 

the Louiaviile C'lessical Institute.) President, and Pro- ,,, , ,, ... 

lessor of Latin, Comparative Grammar, and Modern ~ twxra P.-mtog -111 and Hnlldera Warerooms, 

■ n n ■ . ■ l.umhor V ar.J Q-ioU Ha-.r & n .1 R!in>l Dar. .>*v 



T'lie Inetilution has now been rt-organised. 

K A C U L T T . 

A. Ocrntb, Doctor In Philosophy, (late Principal of 

Do do Kip do; 
Boys’ do Calf do; 

Do do Kip do; 
Youths’ fine Boots; 
Mens’ Calf Shoes; 
Boys’ do do; 
Youths’ Calf shoes; 
Children’s Calf Shoes; 
Servant’s do do; 
Buckskin Oaitert; 
Boys’ do do; 


u5, h M ° tt °°* *®. NAIM ST., BETWEEN FIFTH A SIXTH. (Ol ISVIL1E HI 

j»! L m.,.. 

; - — —a sir 

4c., 4c. W— ^ 

1 invited to call and see th a . U(1 „ . . , 1 

1 L ■ I ‘m U . U K VBRH A KT. TKifl I*. «r n |_ Li T> 1 I FALL k WINTER CAMPAIGN! 

1-OltK TO lOlHO-VM IMhHExT! 

I S it eerier to tuff-^r w;tu Chilis and Fever than to spar Thtnklalfor pastf 
one dollar to he cured/ Remember ,tbc Depot on of public patronage 

TnlrJ street, < t 'e. No. C5. is the place to find , 

We are always tetdy lo refund the money, should the 
Medicine farl to cure *:tea taken according lo direc- 

Bed wbatthce '-. -rs of the Louisville Democr tsay, 
Iron: their own ob-ervaUon: 

••Dr. Urban'* for the cure of chills ar-d fever 
Lae effe -ted s >-ri- womlcifbl cures in our own ritcUl. A 
yonng man who nas resiled lor several years in Louisi 
ana, reached New Alba.ty a le v weeks since, weak and 
emanated— .iteraliy worn out physically, with lone con. 
tinned chills aud fever. He made a abort stay at the 

Th- nkft.lfnr riant f. vnr® rereive a , KeT ‘ J ° aN STXVKMgOJi, M.A., Professor Of Mathe- 

Th,nktulfor past favors, we nope.o receives ahere | jrj^.ttc.a. Natural E*niloso^By, and .A.strouomy. 

f i??ri dtf P4lr0nieC ' ft NRVIN 4 Cn Co1 ' H * W ' MuROa ». Graduate of West Point, Pro- ; 

jyto at' U. HKV1N 4 t O. refsor of Practical Engineering, Surveying, and Field 

FNITED STATES MEDICAL AOENC Y ' v &.« 8c „»„ jM . 4 ., r,.r e „„ 0 ,or„K.Hetr,w. 

Nio. BO Fourth Street. i tnd German. 

lylO dtf D.NRViN 4 C p. 


No. BO Fourth Street, 


P . H . II A Y C K A F T , 

Lumber Yard, Sash, Door, and Blind Fac .ja v 
K|H tory, Flooring Mill, Dry Goods, Starch, Ejjjj 
feLA and Soap Boxes, 

Morihsids of Main, between First Brack strssts, 
bontviLLt, Kr. 

4c., 4c. ,4c. ,4c. 

The are respactfollv mvited to call and see th i 
goods and prices, aud I know l can suit them. 




O UR Wholesale Clothing Warerooms, on the north- 
west corner of Main aud Fifth stieets, now open O 
for the inspection of the mercantile public, contain the XL 

iff HE undersigned, builders and practical mechanics largest, best-assorted, aud by far the 
X ofthecity of Louisvill., have examined the work >i_., r d j 


This Invaluable Remedy, 


II ePKAK# FOR ITiEI-r. 1 A r P LI I V t 

thejolnu, White A IX | X \ J , 

-M- VJ • , II v v 1 1 / vl Id Ual3 • 111 . f luvcciauuucdinc WOIA r'A.nnlnti. 

macufaoturcdiuthe exteoslue ^lanelDg .‘Jill of Messrs. * TI °* 1 ^ompicie - cocu 

Brills L^u^c^^^c^nTienta^iaud’Mofal^hUo^jphy! I Breed^i C j.” oVutUcit^and wi^ntuch plM9- 

°Tl.ex ANDK n 8cHt:a”'M D CUt LemurrV°l'n i urs bear testimony to the excelleuceo! wie materia!:- The lodersigne l, heia 

Tiu;. build.,.- 

. of ReadyOIade Clothing -®rs. Scratches, Wiuiifailain horses, the Mtoge \ Q Dors. rT , . 

ttsa n «««•? Warehouse. 

P. H. IIAYCKAFT, Ke’vJouw \v. Vxsablb Inrtruc'tor'uDrawlue and wa feroomsc jiitaln a very arge asjortmeut of Doors, |«emand 

r s t-Ntetfal *r.te\T fnr ihe sa e of all ihe Fomtbir P.intn t v .«abi.b, instructor -u Drawtugand Window Sash, and Venetian Shutters, which we have ■ 

CjT Family Medic nes «f the day, wholesale and telai!. j Hfnrv IUhL, Instructor In Music. L U Ji? e r X ™ l l?. d ’ 4n l do “ ot besitateto say that they {*|* s f 

yooofi ivikn who dks re«i te l tor sc *pral y *r9 ir Louisi Vjr Family MediCnes of the day, wholesale and ie!ai!. | Hf.nrt Hill, Instructor In Music, 
ana, reached >t w Albany a te*.v weeks -since, weak and Also manufactures the Driest quality of Yeast Powders. I William Vogt, Instructor tn Gymnastics. 
MBaciated— uteraliy worn <»ut physically, with lone con* | oc g prkpa^atory dspabtmsht 

tinued chill? aud fever. He i!*ade a abort sta> at the — — " — A . Gubntz . Principal. 

bouse of judge - n. in. - re us old disrate continued Fa IK City Stove A Urate Foundry. John La >s, ar v several of the aforementioned Pro- 

with no ie-s -cventj • ia i at mine in Lojistana. Having ( i fVHF. piopnetors to Inform their customer? fes ore, Assistants. 

tna usted an;: --st cv , ro ^ know n ti the medical J auu ‘.be public iu general. th?t U;Cj are cow read; i The Academical course will, in evciy respert, he as 
prolesM-m, hs procuicd bjx f Jr. U urbao’s celehra. I o furnish Stoves. Giaie/ and fastnig- of cv- :y -lesciip 1 oumpi'.'iicD'ive and as thorough as in any of our eastern 
Ud mcdiCiue, «i:d all-. aiig wj powders -.vaBeuUie. ioD| al prices t- law as any h -use V. st of lU 1 universities. 

ly rel’.rvcd a:ia ic-tor- to heauii. he has been well ail)s . Having Joined the pat.-ves of Ut-. 1-irst Street .1 zupciior Obserc lory, With a splendid and powerful 

•eer etace— say, h i.eau*: has not been as good for Feund; ) with those of the Fal, s t'i'y Foundry .eii-ui.c? i Te!esv-|>e; e Matuentuical, Philosophical, an-J Chemical 
MVerai yeere. : n Is row last rcgatnin? Ids forra-r vigor us tohe\e a full and complete aasjrtmcnt ol t - res, Appat&tus, of the fi;*t order; a Library of more than 
a ae rosy cnceks be was wont to wear. ^ Gr»tes, Hollow. were, and patterns of all Kii.dc iorsi::a.i! five thousand volumes; and a great variety of other val- 

. ""f 0 , r ,. sa a * l, ‘® 9rpot, , o. 6 a Tnud street. A. so, j oh McDERBSoTT, McGI-AlN dt'O. t'aole app iau-:es, affoid to tae student uncommon ad- 

* dd -^G 1 f-'< , ‘i''0‘ 1 d*P , t;on.\aoghaii4 > arc tJ]e eAdusive itanmactuiei* cl the j vantages. 

e * i ! , ll *; sr * ” u*ep, J Ke B^iiisou, aa Kc.iTucK.dii f M •' Th4 . Sie7£, ,f and '*»«? “Qiirr-r C!ty. ; TbU Colleee unite 8 *v|#|, the highest end intermediate 

uic ocai Lcsisiiiuiiy iu luc c iLcueiiLc Ol TWio iiid'.eriuis ...v ,„4v.o. 5 ..v., .iciui ^UIUB4 oy ineexpcneuucoi hvthe Rn^li^h Mnn# r lnlm,.f v!. VL ”-**/vuicu th u j-t rh-r ui nxsr . ” 

used, ar.xt the work ilone by them. Thiir builders* several years, wbichihowed :h^.n already aa increasing Sckw \ ZuLVL nifJ .J rrm«fL L e° k H L“ N .? P urc »»AAed at ths 4bo*e h-,u»e .• 

wsreroomsc jut&ln a veryarge asjortmeut of Doors, demand for this a nice bey ouJ tae most sanguine eipec v » w oIip. ! rom ^Utaburg h to to be better cut, made, aud ir.mnaaJ than the 

Window Sash, and Venetian Shutters, which we have are now fuliy aware of tho vast imp irtance of *. reit bcn e* BA,tern worhihat is sold In this mar ket. 

carefuliyeiamined,and do not hfsitateto aay that they this great staple, and therefore spared no eaertionin mee ta t h« a n nrnhl t T /??Ikk - J^Iil^iment . It BUYERS OP 

will bear favorable* comparison with any work of the Manufacturing for the approaching season a supply of fariiera, 

kindthat we have ever seen. The perfect machinery Clothing as will give honor lo the teller and $sLtz$iaction aoone has yet pionounced unfa- 

ly relieved aud te.-tor* i to iieaitii. he has been well 

en d th e ro*y cuceks hr was wont to wear.” 

OW far sale a: tr.c !) -pot, No. 6 a Tnird sireet. Also, 
by J. B. Wil-J.r <v Co., Kaji -o-ui 4 Hatton. Vaughui 4 
Blackwell, G. R. Miller, J It o-veo, J. R. B-mson, 
and the pr.ucip i d urgists in the city; ai-o, by Scuhncr 
4 Devoi, NewAib-nj . noI7 

T H it tCCD: Tohnecn ”. — We have in store a good 
stock of Manufactured tobacco, put up iu nest 
ktyl:, and oct of good stock from Missouri, Tennessee, 
end Kentucky Lea', to which wc invite merchants, v!*: 
100 Doxes K K Fons-Js; 

190 do F F do; 

110 do C C do; 

76 do B do; 

80 do Byim 4 Sou’s Pounds; 

159 do Nj.16.Lump: 

100 do Lxcghurai’s O'Lump; 

2.0 do Necur tear fine Tobacco. 

Merchants will please call ai d examine our Tobacco, 
*• we feel confident of giving them xatisfactiou,both in 
quality aud prices, 


L012 Sixth st., between Main anJ Market. 

Kt .ltucklau,” •Tbt Stove, ’’and rite ‘‘Quer-r City.- V Tin* Collet e unites wt*h tbc highest end intermediate ! 
Ordeif for Job VVork can be left at No. S3 ■'ouri.h uepa-tiRei'ts of a thorough Academical Education, a I 
street. regular School for training Civil engineers, and projl- 

All orders promptly attended to. jy!0 ' cicn:s in mdus'rial pursuits. 

, The Modem Foreign Languages are not only taught ' 

NOTICE. th eore tically, but also practically. 


H I'Tt'll SINtiiu A CO. at thx French Table, natives or Germany and 

PFICR HOURS. PROM A ND A FT HR NOVUM BRH waiters attending. By 

I FPICB HOURS PROM AHDAPTME NOVUMBHK ; h u arrangement’ll siud.^Vn L * v%r^hoT rime, ac* 
I lal, °*. a*, tu a r aa. , _ quires a power of speaking the Foreign Language* 

THE KAIEING SHOP. ^neX^y S^ofis underthe immediate charge 


THOSH who srein want of a neatderign foi 
Iron Railings, Verandahs or Baiestrading, •* ill 
do well to call at the Falling Rhopof H. J. MKAD, i 
where they can be iurt.i*hed with plainer fancy Ka'ltrg- 
at the lowest prices; also, merchants’ Bookcases, Iron ; 


Corner of Jaffar.-o ni»-l Hrraail airee’e, 

A UH now receiving tiieir Talii' >ck, direct from ne 
. Importers East. We have now on hand— 

5 case* fiesh Ginger Preserves; 

6 do Chow Chow do; 

19 dozen assorted Ptcserves; 

600 pounds Prunes, In ftney hoi as; 
ofiO do do, in lers; 

200 da of the finest Citron in tha world; 
l!»0 whole boxes Giluux Sardiue*; 
uUO half do do do; 

6t)0 quarter do do do; 

29,U0U « igara. assorted bracd some very fine; 
2.0 UO Hj vans Oranges; 

10 boxer Lemons; 

6 casks Currants. 

We have also received a part of our stock of fancy 

manufac tured Rsstin - die remote rtyie au-i fit 
to superior workmanship 

As to tho se action of goods, we are sure not 
p&s-ed by any similar establishment, and our 
guaranty to comp ire lavurabij with those o' ai 
H ast or West. For proof of this, wa would 

lias R 0 ,*;, A p buii.’bt :^:^^: 4 

ic r^hcUts and deaier-i visiting this city to fa 'or us n t .; t|,n I °P r ’* tor > comet of Ten a r t * aIO GU9.UUI UtaUcirUU^lil 

•neit cail.asit wiliaffortus pleasuretosnowourge-oda. l,ar * el;tTet t*- , „ aiirT1an , . la under U.o charge of an expe .euced gcoi-emas al 

F . 8.— Our stock o. r AiLORItfG G-l-’DS comprise* Prlf» tn • o. BfeTTiBOS, Apothecary. taste and ability, w can suit the most tastldi u- la 

everythingdeAirabie in this ! ne.aud mami.acturei s will I a Jfr «Snt «h iifnr SSTHLS 1 " 1 °? lUe *’ 60 ‘•‘ cUfot point of fit Ia ray Custom Depaitmen; noae but' the 
therefore find it greatly to their interest to examine ou: ^ n r tl “ t, d# 4 fl* lr ° f p,nl **“••• A liberal d-.s bestof Tailor, eli: he employed: \il workable eti‘* 
stock before buyirt ; elsewhere. taunt lo dealers. *p!8d4w estaoiUhinent will compare with any done i, the Untied 

p ice Til > ^ ? ? A . 1 taste and ability, w c»n suit the most* astidlcu* tak 

alfrlnt^^Rifor ^Custom Depa.tmeu; nose but tb« 

Country Merchants 

particularly mvueJ to call mui look ifcjuu^Q in y 
stock before makmr their porLhase*, as I am seti'-lled 
net 1 can 3*U mem tLOTKUHG ful ; IC percent, lo^er 
mu.' an? othe cn uMisiiment is the We*t«ro country . 

The Uus.vjm Department 

is under the charge of an expe eaced geotiemau of 

i ars . stock before fcjyin:; elsewhere, 

st Orion in tha world; LICHTBN, LOB -VBNTHAL 4 CO., 

x Sardine*; Northwest earner Mata and Filth streets, 

do; ono ,sitc Journal office, Louisville, Ky. 

do; - ■- 

•asd i. some very fine; GIOHA VlilO. 

J D. dlCNN, 

E NGRAVRR of Business, Visiting, Wedding, and In. 
citation Cards, Diplomas, Bids of Exchange,.' seals, 
ill have the best assort men’t I J f, w f iry, ‘ Silverware, Dour Flatea, Brands, 4c. Ais<>, i 

fount to dealers. 

ar shown in the i 
.'.n lies uis ie in 


city. '\Ve' :! so ai 'f!" d %“f c “PP? r -‘ > ‘*«ePrlnUug done at th-shortes' t^xOVE 4VD LKtir r/Utinuv calling at the 

t:.e city at the nodee, at No. 69 Fourth street. se2 , ~T, * M BAIL lULKDKl. MatI __ 

ntabiUbment wtff compare with any done m the United 
states. On band will be found tne largest assoi-mect ot 
Cloths, Casstmeres, and Vestings, o: the 

Latest anal uiowt approved Myip«, 


And I am coastanli; receiving goods ot the latest las,- 
ions throughout the season. 

Gentlemen desirous of repienisblng their wardrone-. 
would do well to call before making ’.heir *e actions 
elsewhere. Remember 20 per cent, can be saved by 


Doors, Shutters, and any kir.d of Iron Stairs put up in .. i Pre: ideut of Slielhy College, Sheiby ville, Ky. 
masterly manner. Cellar Gratelng and all kind* sc I dtf 

House Smithing done with usual promptness an-i ills 

patch. H. J. MEAD, Third st., BtMT M’wUKb! H',U sTliKE 

mySd4ely two doors north of pcstoffice. (%,-TOORK 4 CAMPBELL fSnroule’sold al 


O N TUB CANAL and RIVER, leaves New York | I I AViNG just returned from tfce Eastern ctiur, I in- 
and Buffalo daily, m iniu* in connection with 11 vlte attention to a new supply of WATCHES, 

Steamers and Propeller.: on the Lakes. No tranship- JEWELRY, end SIDVBK-WARE, which have b;eu 

meat at Albany or Troy. selected with special care, of the latest styles, and are 

Cargo of each boat fully insnred. offered on reasonable terms by 

Bropneto/s— Hies, C lasp 4 Co., New York; P. L. **21 WM. KENDRICK, 71 Fourih r i, 

S Vjr*Fr*^ehfL?PA^« 4 *unlvto_ WO sll-VKHWAKEi-Tti aud Coffee cets; 

Rice* cES 4 1 C^nt^Slip New Vork- Hitchers, Goblets, Cups, Forks, Spoons, 4c. , 

CkARLEa A. Pulokb Co., lot Pier, AibLuy; * t^\ Ac * . of Ulcit sl y Je8 » lh * ” lost 01 wiuca arc made 

T Buffalo ’ ’ 8e24 WM ' KENDRICK, 

Tbomas Watkihs, J«., Toledo; aar Old Gold and Sliver taken at hig hest cash pttcea. 

fa. . 1 , . .. a „ WATCH KH, (LOIKN A N I» J EtVFI.R V 

Mark package: • 'T. 4 V> . Line,’ and ship daily trow 

Bo. 81 Coenties s:ip, New York. #ag THE subscriber would respectfully inform his 

t oar Freight by i-.blir.iis ever delayed 'of want of friends and patronsthat he is prepared to repair 

facilities or attention, ana contracts are strictly ad Jri"^Malikinds of Watches, Clocks, and Jewciry, a: 
keredto. •buMF.-t t moderate terms. He Lasai«o a fine assort- 

BO AT NTOKKCS! H/.U fsTriKEf*!! 

\/| OriRK 4 CAMPBELL CSproule’s old stand, W • 
ill ter stiert,) keep constantly on hand a large and 
wed selected assortment of Boat and Bar, Stores, among 

selected with special care, of the latest styles, and are . 
offered on reasonable terms by 
se21 WM KENDRICK, 71 Fourih *t. j 

blLVKKW Ahti- Tea aud Colfve sets;! 
Pitchers, Goblets, Cups, Forks, Spoons, 4c., ! 
him 4c., of latest styles, the most oi which are medt 
to uider, and warranted good Silver. 

which may be found 
Pie Fruits, 

Cun. ii.ts, 

Plain Fruits, 




Colored Sugars, 




M ', 

Cod Fish, 








Hweet Oil, 









Saint olid, 

Etc,, etc.; 

l ° vif eVtkeaU kinds ot Cakes, Crackers and Bread, and WbJdtog, Visiti'ig, and Invitation 

a short notice cm fill any order. Katniliei, City ami '.“ c ® u -if u ^y ’a»raved and Printed at the 

Country Merchants will please give us a call atthe cor ih *i r Q 0 ’ lnotl, L by »o D _,u . J. D. MUNN, 

ner of Jefferson aud Secoud s'reete. . <le ^ Pourth st., bet. Main and Market* 

>e2i dtf DOWNING 4 BROTHER. ^ — 

walker & gary; i. £ m 

NO. u 3 1 MAIN SlKhkl, / N ItRCIAR »unrlier.Diaa Drop., a sure and 

Louisville, Ay. y sale remedy for, and will cure sick Headache, 

WE are uow in receipt of a portion of our win- ^hils ar.d Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, chrouic Diarr- 
wa ter stock of Coa.inqs.cmhiaciiig ail trie late style* hffla, hea Si-;kne»s, C toiera and Cholera Infantum, and 
of Winter C- »ats; also, .Sacks, Burin-iss and Frock rcsfnrc a healthy action to the Liver, without a particle 
_ ULCoats. The e garments are not the promiscuous of Mercury, Q'tmine, or Morphine, eutenng into this 
gatherings of Clothing aud srip-ihop trade, but made to compound. Prepared only by J. d. Fauchei A iarge 

l appar, Tin, uud Khaet Iron JIaiafaeitry. 

r°B*! n ^ e in l f w?i5 in Dr'one^” ily A “ pUp,lsboard with ,,n,, Mve | Candies. *ud in a few ,«ys win have the best assortment Silverware Door Plate., Brand*, 4c.’ Aisoj LOUISVILLE ^where.’ Rmi^r^ aS^T^cSr'S, 

SlUMKAD, The ensuing -etsion wul'< ommcr.ce on Monday, the no ^ th# ' "tS" STOVE AMD GKATE FOIXDKY. 

mor fancy Ka'lirg, 6th day of September next. Swe«^ ^pri^. * — ; t epper. Tin, nnd •Sheet Iron ITNITPfl QT A TPQ P f HTD 1 XI/1 

s’ Bookrsses, Inm For lurther parUcular* appiy to Dr. A.GUBNTZ,| >,v e bike all kind* ot Cakes, Crackers and Bread, and I .%YI3iU.— Wedding, VuUing, and Invitation tVA REHOUSE, \%2norihsidt Mainstrsst bstwssnSieii S-iAI*iD vLUlnlNtf 

r.^'V,r kn U I. 1C / P *£Vdtf 11 ,S,ehy < ‘ oUc * e> Sfi*J»y»ille. Ky. a short notice can fill any order. EamtUes, City and Rugraved and Printed at the end Ssjsnih. TT J i Ti TI TI , v TT pe n i 

l^gggrjT Vl A K L H 0 U S E 


X the largest and most complete assortments that can 
be lound at anyone nouse in the western 
prised, In part.asfollows: 

Uiri'rialiratad Klfeben Range, for wood oi cost 

several sizes. * 

tone nouse in the western count r^ Sutfcmt tororr TJarkri and Third itrwu, 
, as follows: Xealevllle, Ky. 

/ ' iiKtdAIi F unolieroni.-tn Drops, a >ure and severaisizes. 

VA sale remedy for, and will cure sick Headache, Steamboni and Hotel *tovea,( wroughttron,)( rge 

Chils and Fever, Jaund-xe, Dyspepsia, chrouic Diarr- sixes, capacity to cook for ou0 persons; 

no>a. Sea >i-:kneas, Ctoiera and Cholera Infantum, and The klr-tluhtCooh -.tove.f Miss Leslie’s) gotten ip 

0.31 Coenties siip, Now York . I THE subscriber would respectfully inform his 

:jr Freight by U . -ever delayed for want of i frte “ d ®»nd patronsthat he is prepared to repair 

6;lltie8 or attention, ana contracts are strictly ad : JF"^mal:kind* of Watches, Clocks, and Jewciry, a: 
iredto. MUB -cry moderate terms. He has ai«o a fine assort • 

We have been appointed agents for tbc above LiDe, ment of JEWELRY, WATCHB8, end CLOCKS ou 
Id are ready to mike contracts and receipt through handfor sale, to which he invites the attention of pur- 
r produce and mercuandise of every description . c * l i 8e Z 3 ' . .. 

MOORE 4 CAMPBELL. N-B. All work U warranted for one year. 

a3T0ld Gold and Silver taken at highest caah prices, i In fact, everything necessary to supply the Htewerd’s : 

— ~ ~ j deppriraeiit. 

YA'i’CIlKN. CLIMKN AINU JEKELItT A m:>n* tneir Bar Stores may be faund- 

and are ready to make contracts and receipt through 1 
for produce and mercnandi.e of every description . ( 

apt 41 Wall st., between Main and river. 


J. J.HIKSCHBULL, opposite Apollo Roams, 
dly Third st., bet. Main aud Market. 

PureOiard, Dupuy 4 Co.’s Brandy; 

Antoine Gearurea do; 

Champagne do; 

Peach d0| 

American do; 

New York do; 

Cherry do, 

Old Bourbon Whisky; MonoDj? belt do; 
Holland Gin; Common do; 
old Burgundy Port Wine 
Pure Port Juice; LP Madeira; 

Champaene, Claret, and Malaga Wine; 

A general assortment of Cigars and Tobacco; 

I older, by the best tailors in tae city o? New York 

Many persons want a garnunt for direct service, and at 
| the same time wish a good article. We Rave them, and : 
j warrant to sell them as low as any bou;e m the west. 

| Call aud examine. ocl2J6w 


J UST RECEIVED — .1,000 Sweedish Leeches at 88 
Third street, west side, between Market and Jeffer 
! son. 

restore a healthy action to t lie Liver, without a particle by us expressly for western use. TblsS'oves Uuds 

of Mercury, Quinine, or Morphine, eutenng into this unrivaled wherever used; 

compound. Prepare ! only by J. S. Fauchei A iarge Premloin t ook •.toves, various sIzeaanJuatterBS.foi 
iotreceived and for sale by ] wood and coal; 

JOHN W. GAMBLE 4 CO., Main st.. Heating ‘stave, of all klada — 6, 7, 9, and 10-piate 
mr26 2 doors above Louisville Hotel. Stoves, 20 different simes; 

7 I — — — — Parlor *tove*,( Airtight,) fuursites, ue w an J oeaa- 

\1dtcbes, Jewelry ft silver Wure. tifuipattern; 

THE subscriber has now on . — v ^ . — lroala«, >f 0 Dkey,aad Fraaklla Staves; 

hand a splendid assortment ofX2^ Togethei with alargeand handsome assortmout of ail 

Jkijjfcsoods in his line, and is constantly receiving, di ^‘ e * n ? moatfashiocahle MAN TEL GRATES, 

rcUtruiu irte •aanufuctirera &od ioiportcrs, evci yinlug c name ;eu and plain. 

; c.v and fashionable. Htn-.g determined to seil at ex r ^ ® complete slock of Tin, lepper, and Sheet 

SHKR M P. Whi LBF, Proprietor. 

auYl dtf 



hand a splendid assortment of 

«iuuuauic. ncni| ucicnumcj iu se»i ai ex * XA f ~ — . 7 t- . r • , \ 

Willi am You we offers his services to Physician* and tremely low prices for ca*n, purchaaer* will find it to tron v ''* rc#jAptnnei,a * Plani *hcd \\ are, dkc. 

LtLlrSb X UKMSttlMi WULSb b. prenger, Champaene, Claret, and Malaga Wine; 

Ii quantity, quality it prices to mi t the time*. D E F^fh ^t“&wee“M*“«d B M°ffl .E cm. 1 u They r»»‘iii 1 y invite tif r ilf ^ind^iianiufc I 

J. <JT. lUAItlbiib, Men's fine Caif Boots, Ladle.’ Silk Md Worsted lerBW - l Ue ° f 

848 "Ual.Hrrert, ke.wrae 8*r*.4 a,4 Third. B dd , £ do; Ji 9 _ Water etreet, 2d door fron, cor. Pourth. 

J G. MATHERS most respectfully informs hisfriends do do Kip do; do do do Buskins; —— „ , , . ^ • „ , „ 7 

v *i*«I cusiomer* generally, that hi. stock isthe largest Youths’ C*l! and Kip Boots; do Kid aud Enameled -dL^, h a " * n y r '*k®*--— As 

to the citizens of Lcui ville, as Letchsr. Cupper, and their advaut&ge to call and examine my stock before 
Bleeder. | purchasing. A rich assortment will always be found to 

Mbs. Yo'jks, in tbc same line of business, will wait select from, consisting in part of the following articles: 
upon ladies. | Gold Lever Watche3,fu'i jewelled, *36 and upward, 

tur Physicians and others in the country cau procure j warranted; 

Leeches, put up so as to carry them salely an; distance, < Silver Lever Wa'...nes, fuil jeweled, #16 and upward, : 
by app> ing as above. | warranted; 

Residence on Ftxth st., No. 1 11, between Green and Gold Guard Chain ?; 

Walnut, Hist side. sep 29 Gold Pob and Vest Chains and Keys; 

F.ue French Mantle Clocks; 

Pine Stone^ct Breast fins la great variety, 

Fine Gold Miniuuic Pins and Bracelets; 

part as follows: 

Men's fine Calf Boots; 

548 Nlato Street, between Hecood and Third do do Kip do; Gaiters end hair Gaiters; 

* Boys’ do Calf do; Ladies’ French Mo Bootees; 

G. M ATtiKKS most respectfully informs hisfriends do do Kip do; do do do Buskins; 

, and customers generally, that nt. slock isthe largest Youths’ Calf and Kip Boots; do Kid aud Enameled 
inthe West, with every grade of Carpeting of foreign Men’sCilf and Kip Broeans; Polkas; 

Ladles’ Silk and Worsted ter “ 8 - I, the life of*a r .?ss2. '»• w.«, 


O N Second street, between Walnut and Chestnut, is 
now opeu again for the reception of patterns. The 
remarkable success of hydropathic treatment duringlast 
season, in a variety or diseases, gives assurance that the 
establishment will be visited this year by a large number 





riDRrt ANII wail'll WINK VIMKGAK, 

651 Main st., bet. Biook and Floyd, 

Louisville, Kentucky. 

Diamond and Pe'.r! Riuvs an i Pins, Urge assortment; I 3 Prepared to supply a pure article for picklini and 
Gold Miniature Lock. Is, doable and single, T taile ns:, at wholesale in any quantity, at lowest caah 

nnd domestic manufacture; with other beautiful goods be- Boys’ do do do do; 
longing to my line, render it oue of the finest and most Youth’s do do do; 
Coinpieteestsbiishiuenu in the country. Servants’ Shoes; 

The following isa part of at y stock now ou hand i Children’* do, all qualities; 
Royal Wilton, and Tapestry Carpetings; The public are respectfully 

English Brussels do; try and suit them both in qual 

English 2 ply aud 3-piy extraheavy do; In great va- _oc8 d3m 

Rxtraauper Ingrain Carpetings, to suit alltastes; OPENING I 

Crumb Cloth, or all widths and prices; 

Check and plain -ftraw Matting; Rugs; Door Mats; M Eff/Y 

MM Floor oil Cloth, of every variety, quality and price. j Ztff'j /LhS?- 

0 t oe above Goods were bought by the subscriber In BFIa/IhH 
person for CASH, wuch wuiiuduce him to sell them M$| I^LifASvg. 
cb:aperthan any other hour inthecity. V 

J. G. MATHERS, 5io Mainstreet, Arj jMMi 

aplS - een Second aud Third. ! Blflg - 

;my card. 

M R. WILSON, the artist, has the pleasure to an 1 X ■ 

uounce that he h.s taken a room, (No. Ill Louis- I 3/ ^ 

vtL. Hotel,) for s snort ome, where rosy be seen spec i- I nC ~ 

Mi*-es’ bice, green and 
Lasting Gaiters; 
Misses Mo Bootee*; 

C’AftKIAGKM! Carriages!! — As of patients, 
the season is nearly over, I am sellin», at The proprietor would, however, call the attention o 
^ ''tK/ very low prices, the remainder o^my the friends of Hydropathy to the fact that the early 
.gits - w ■■ gtoC h, vix; Coaches, Rockaways, Slide Spring, before the hot Summer weather commences, is 
Seat Buggies BrUkees, Buggies with and without tops; lhe 01031 favorable time sor hydropathic treatment, 
also, second hand Carriages at Bargains. Merchants' A large number of Bathing Rooms, for warm tnd cold 

public are resnectfuMv invited to e&I! anJheulll dea ‘ers. and livery stable keepers are In vited to call and baths, are also connected with tms establishment, 
dwit them boffi in oanTlifw and mice ’ examine before purchasing. For further particulars apply at the estabhshment, or 

d3m ‘ in quality and puce. N. B. I am receiving additions to my stock every »t the residence of the proprietor, on Second street, be- 


has the pleasure oi informing 
her customers, and Ladies 
of Louisville as well as stran- 
gers, that she will, on Satur- 
day next, (October the 3d,) 
open her FallPa-hionsather 
Millinery establishment on 
Fourth street, near Jefferson, 
on which occasion a variety 

week from New York, made to order, of the best mate- 
rials, and warranted, in style, finish, and service, infe. 
rior to none in this market 
°ci6 A. W. MKRWIN. No. 39 Third st. 

-,aiur- . 

aa % 

at on JOL 

WALKER & GARY, 531 Main st., 

^ IN their usual pleasant way, offer to the public a 
Hi very choice selection of Furnishing Gaols, con- | 

tween Walnut and Cnestnut. 
mrl6 dtf E. CASE A RI, M. !>.. Proprietor. 



MADAMK A .begs to announce ryaggq 
U?rf"fl tl “t she Las removed from tbefxQ : 
I! f I flcouutry iiito the city, and wlllde- 

MHhn,rr , ir» f f ? f ever > t hi"g requite 111 that line. We vote the whole of her time to the INSTRUCTION ON 

e8UbUsh “ 1 * nt 00 mMMm knre taken considJerable pains to get up a style THE PIANOFORTE. AND SINGING, atthe pupils’ 
Fourth street, near Jtfferson, of ahirt that will render entire satisfaction. Wespeak residence or at her own rooms, according toagree 

o?sTk a„^ 4 rin n nfe« R e,y 'anSlX™ ° f ttu> many w "° have triod K T.BMs-Foriessonsin Sng or Piano- Pone. 

* - Bfm Dress Bon- *nd feel proud of our success. We are willing to sell 1 own rooms, *15 per quarter; at the pupil’s res: 

Setl’RlfTbon^ P ower, p 0 "' »rire^ U . r . n k ,S V n8 i ° 00 n S *! much Ie8S toao ‘he general »20. Pupilstafeiiu les^oLs iu one of the above !m 
rifles *^ bl Tr’ Vl SL*rtto 8kei! ‘ localland8 ^ e ‘hem is tobuy; sosayour ! of Musical Instruction, wilthave to pay only «5 

Gold Miniature Lockets, duebie an-l smgle; 

Gold Pencils, Gold Thimbles; 

Gold and Silver Spectacles; 

Silver and Shell Combs; 

Silver Boquet Holders; 

Silver, Pearl, and nbcii Card Cases; 

Sever Forks,Spoons, Cups, Napkin Rings. 4c. 
Diamond-pointed Gold Pens; 

Work- Boxes, ' Desks, Port Polios, 4c. ; 
Piated Castors, Cake tf -kcls. Waiters, 4c. ; 

Pen Knives, Kaz >ra, and Scissors; 

Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Dressing Cases; 

Extracts, Fancy Soaps, aud other Perfumery; 
Combs, Brushes, Kazot Straps, and Shaving Cream 
Surveyor*’ Compasses, 4c.; 

Fine Faus; Corai Necklaces and Armlets; 

Sliver Pitchers and Goblets; 

Cornelius 4 Co.’* Molar Lamps and Girandoles. 


463 Main street, between Fourth md Fifth. 
gj 3 Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired. 
ITpSiiver Ware of all kinds made to order. 

E j^O'd Gold and Silver bought or taken in exchange 
t the highest onces. u (° 

Portraiture la Crayon. 

titers, 4c., 4c., will be ready patrons, 
for inspection, and shall be 

These portraits are quite as durable as oil painting and I sold kt such prices as canDotbut meet the satisfacti m of 
tk« likenesses not inferior. | all purchasers. ser»0 

Sketches of Ladies aud children taken at their place of I mnn ntitnuiwii • artn . n . r,.,- . , 

r«i. hence when HmI»S i In iR TA lillN I A via MPARAfJTAI 

retidence when desired. 

Citizeoaanl strangers are Invited to call and aee 
ocS dtf 

all parchaeers. sepSO 



The New -Or leans and San Franciscos 


*» ITI . KAYE. 


Water Street, between Firstand Second, 

own rooms, $15 per quarter; at the pupil’s residence ' 
•20. Pupllstakitu lessons iu one of the above branches ; 
of Musical Instruction, wilthave to pay only *6 axtra 
for being Instructed in the other branch. 

Madame’s method is of Cue pure I talian School fol | 
lowed byalltbe great performers of the day. 

°* r Apply at her rooms, north side Jeffersonstreet, 
qetv.-een First and Second, uextdoor to Odd Fellows’ 

reement. at the h, 6 he8 ‘ ovices. aug* 



branches OF 

r. //./..«• irUYTERGOODS 

.ooltol. Por 1852 . 

prices Dealers generally are respectfully levied to 
I examine bis Vinegar sad compare prices. ocTdly 


New Dry Goods Establishment! 

Durkee’s New York Store, 


Next to Whaley’e U. at. ( iothlug Warehta**, 

Louisvillu, Kt. 

N OW open with upwards of five handled case* of 
Foreign and Domestic DRY ROODS, among 

| which are — 

10 cases dark fast-colored Print*, from 64 to 12c; 

10 do Muslin de Lxines, from 64c upwards; 
Bleached and Brown Muslins, from 6|c up; 

Clotha, Cassimcres, Jeans, anal Tweed*; 

Assorted colors Fiench Merinos, Paramattas, Co- 
burgs, and Alpaccas. 

Also, a Urge lot of plain Black Silks, of the best 
i makes, from 75c up. 

changeable Turk Satins; 

Plain and figured Satin de Chten; 

French Brocade, in patterns of the latest styles and 
richest designs. 


W 4NTKU- Fi.tius, (■!*•»*, t'liawas. Rada, 
-laxiiid, sod Tallow, lot which we will pay i*tr 
highest market price in cash, or exchange for goods, 
not d4w3m 

t. m. isooan .n. eaansu, 


Hlaaakaat and Umral Aaenla, t *■■!**!** 
and Forwarding .Vferehaatn, 

LoctnviLLB, Kt. 

O PF1CB, No. 164 Water street, between Welland 

Bullitt, in the building occupied by Alex. Peimeic. 
Ail businesa entrusted to them wtl be prompt!) at 
tended to. 

They respectAilly solicit a share of public patronage, 

George Welby.LouisTillo; Fonda 4 Morris, do; Wai 

JOSEPH GRIFFITH, The N *w-^lean« andSan FrKnelacoa 

Imoorter, Manufacturer, and Dealer in ornp a tut q tt fp t t iit'p ' 4 
Guns, Pistols, Gun Materials, and O I Xiiimsnir AilJMJtj. 

r.f,t k— 8u.on.hip.DA.VL WEBSTER &PAMPKM, 

double and single barrel Shot Guns, shot Belts. (/« m e l|BNaBB»( -Nicaragua) cobnectmg with Vanderbilt's 
Bigs, Puwder Flasks, Guo Barrels, Gan Locks 4r * Line or Steamships on the Pacific for San Francisco. 
aWo.alir-e lot of fine Fishing Tackle, all or which h« There Is but 12 milesof Land trarel on this route, over 

T . T* . x' qetv.ccn First and Second, uextdoor to Odd Fellows' 

Taler Street , between Finland Second , Hall. Unl7dlT re we 20 

is prep/red'toVuake BELLS for Churches D ®c°rations, Portrait, Looking-Glass, and 
eamboats. Taverns, 4c., of ailsixes and o! Picture Frames.! 


HO. 14 

Steamboat?, Taverns, 4c., of ailsites and o! 

r^Sta Sup 5 rio , rtono '°^ w h* c h ho keeps an assortment 

nan d» 

ALSO, Hose and SaltScrews,OilGlobes,Cyl. . 

liider, Guage, and Stop Cocks, of every sixe* 4 
Copper Rivets, Spelter Bolder, and Brass Cast.'jPK 
In gs, o f every description. .fai? 

C^ASHpaid for old Copper and Brass. 


-eve Thlrd'ltre^L* 9?ree ‘’ Brecll,nrij3e BullJlug *' GOODS B USINB§8?1 ara o^ing^e ?f tbe moaf del 


BT AIL DRY and no abatement from the first price asked. 

f the moat de- ; N. B. We invite tie attention of wholesale and retail 

4 Patterson, do: Hiru* A Brown, Gunteravillc: G 

Portrait, Looking Glass, and Picture Frames, in Gilt, market, consisting in part of— 
Rosewood, Black Walnut, and Mahogany, 4c., all in the Super Brocade Dress Bilks; 10-4, 11. 

strabie stock, of seasonable Goods ever offered in thU Greenwood, do; C . Gookl,. Florence. 

douhle and single barrel Shot Guos, shot Belts, Game cohnecting with .Vanderbilt's p A. FA fINES I’OCK’IS Venniraiie -Pron 

Bags. Puwder Flasks, Gun Barrels, Gan Locks 4c • L ' ne °f Steamships on the Pacific for -San Francisco. D. B. T. H'-llins Hillsboro Tenn . . 

* J. a Ur-e lot o’ hue Fish'.ng Tackle, all oi which he Ji^e Is but 12 milesof Land travel on this reute, over Messrs. B. A . Fahnestok 4'Co._Gemte^?ih*ve "Sift f .. „ 

w i sell at the lowest possible cash prices. a good road, with comfortable means of conveyance, of been selling vour Vermiruae for antOumi » » . JLJvi. ; . tty All orders from city and country promptly attea 

" mr J as^r e.e^ 7 el i roo^E rtf la n d ,1 00 fine double Shot ^ Inducement* superior to any other route for fami. place. tnd VaTeeiys^ytKt ithaTg?"!, lnt”e LtVe 1 d * d l °' rn °^' B ' KV A RTS ' 

CASAlpald for old Copper ‘nd Br4 ». and Mahogany Mouldings, 

- always on hand. 

B i PtiisRurnricoi v ,, Old Portrait, Picture, and Looking-Glass Frames re. 

. B.T. H ■ ifl ^ M ' isbnm. Term,™!;“Wl maden,w ’ and 01-011 ^nU 0 * 8 cleansed and 

Do Plaid do do; 
Do Plain and Fig’d do; 

10-4, 11.4, and 12-4 Sheet- 

Linen Sheetings; 

Do Black Uro de Rhine Pillow Case Line’ os; 

fg jds. warranted. 

cv* Repairing done in the best manner . 
no9 d3m4weow 


280 acres Land to sett, all under fence; 180 

Messrs B. A. Pahnestock 4 Co.-Gentlemen: Ihave or(! . r . . 

:en selling your Vermifuge for several years In this dedto rno20l 

ace, and caa freely say that it has given entire satis- aea ‘°- rno20J 

p'*on It is an indispensable article in many families, n. n. spcar 

lieaemigrming to C'liforula or Oregon. A MMT .AT fac , io ' n It i. an indispensable article^ in many^ ramifies* 
« J 40 ; F,T * T ° T " DAT4 of with i whoo > other kind will do. Store, of person, in 
ntc .!* ,. U d ® t, . , i . my vicinity could testify to Us efficacy in relieving auf- 

ay For through Passage Tickets _ap£r to fering and restoring health. * 

ae-3od4wtr W " * No 75 Camp’st. - 1 The . quinllt 7 , . >f . w j rm J f*pelled from some children 


Do Bl'k kept and Piald 
for Mourning; 
Piloted Cashmeres and 
Dc Lames; 

Cloths, Caasimeres, and 

Costar's Exterminator! 

F OR THB TOTAL Extermination of Rats, Mice, 
Cockroaches, Ants. Ground Mice, Moles, 
Crickets, Ac. Warranted not injurious to the human 

Banking House of G. H. Monsarrat & Co., 


D EALS in Drafts. Check*, and Acceptances; Back 
Notes and Com. 

BANK NOTES on all the solvent Banks i, the United 

family. Wffi not die in their hole^also an extermina- states and Canadas bought at lowest rate* of discount. 

Siimes and Tweed*, for tor for the total annihilation of BEDBUGS. 

r» * I - - n.l.aiwal n*Aol liQ Urn-A-..- 

• oco. T. aaxaTROSo. 

Plain asa’d col’s De Lalnea; Small fig’d 
4-4 Mautilia Velvets; Balt’o Pei 

French and Engliah Chlnt^ srys; 

eking Plannele; 

Cjr Principal Depot, 448 Broadway. 

References.— Washington and Centre Markets; Mr. 

DRAFTS, Checks, and Nous collected on all the 
principal cities aed towns of the Union. 

B.TcHA NGB on New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore. 

SPEAR & ARMSTRONG, French and EngiiahChle 

A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Louisvills, Kt. Will P! oi“i? d Bmbr ’ d Cra P* 
TA practice in the Counties of Bullitt, Spencer, Shelby, p ®“ a ^ 18 ‘ . Bna , iiih Mar 

Small fig’d do; Hodge, Carlton Houae. D. D. Howard. Irving House; Cincianau, Saw Orleana, Memphis Nashville *c \ * 

Balt’o Penitentiary Lin. Capuln Piowers, Pacific HoUl; Shelley’* Saloon, John’ for n" P ’* 1 

* f y s : sou proprietor Broadway aud Anthonyats.; cha*. Tbi- LAND W A ERASTS — We are at all ttm.a f...... ..a 

Negro Blankets: ^ujt, ^NO^l^ Washington st.;_L. Delmonico, 96 Broad- aelling Land Warrants. * 

■'Mtk acre# cleared; go acras in Clover; 90 acres in Blue _ , 

i’.ia ftraaa. Tnis Farm is 16 rail-e from the city of | Nbw Oaceane, Sent. 1862. 

L >ut -i ville, on the water* of Floyd’* Fork, 1 mite North I _ 

of Taylorsville Turnpike, and t mile North ol Fiahera- I PRESTON HOUSE 

Title. Never.failing spring* and plenty of stock water. Mgs THB subscriber begs leave to announc 
Will be sold a bargain by application to friend* and the peb2r«2£Jr.lU that the 

J. W. CRAIG. Real K.uu Agent. H?5se has been areaUy enlaSM illd’taorove 
—17 dtf No. 77 Third str eet. I now thoronghly fitted and furnished. He 1« I 

WTT T tat? nctl ptr T T ARnqti ! F a ‘ ed accommodate permanent and transiei 

BILiLiIAKDS BILiliXAKUbil | «rs. Htsbar is supplied with ineoest of liquors 

Marble Bell Billiard aad Bewllag Balewa,, Hfm t aM™ he,t o w,d ’ **« 1 

. , ” „ I merit a continuance of the same. 

Situated oa Fifth street, opposite Court House, «m*TraveIers can have hreakfaat at his houa 

H AVB been recently fitud up ie splendid and mag- I To take the morntng train ol car* for Prankfort. 
nificent style, containing four superior Billiard I aulR P. BRYERfi 

Tables, with patent cushion*, 4c. The BeJoons are I 

lefty, large, and pleasant, and gtu.lemen can exercise Will. KHJNO 

*■£? o1.*fi he ur, 1 T ,, .TlJ h ^?L tan, '? Ta J!L e '. . UTAVINGremovedfrom hisformerstandon 

MARBLR HALL JULBP SALOOft it conti&zitly I Ll street to 5o. 88 Tiiid itbiit. wet: tide . 

ci " °M m ‘ Hm ”- M ™- ■“ c ° m * App “"- 

Nkw Oacaa-. L £°J n D,L ^ 1 noona._pos.ihle. . ... B. T. HOLLINS. f r,., rn ’ , .... . ' . T :,. 

French and English Meri- 


Negro Blankets-, 
Super Bed and Cradle 

wa Ii 8 n °‘ Po ^ arJ > ed “or of the Sunday Time*, Weal- REMITT ANCES to Rngland. Ireland and 8*otiaiJ 
cheater Houae, Bowery and Broome *u. ; W. Holberton, promptly made in sums towtt. * 

Sold Wiolesale by all the principal Druggists in Louis a * ood ,u PI* | y> a ** OM 
ville, an I other cities, and by country merchants gen. “ a08e8 ’ g h°w winiiows, ci 
crally. no20dtwtf » good article at a very lo 

,f !li» OiLi.*, fli.i ii«o soonas possiDte. B. T. HOLLINS. 

1,1 ?*• MW. Beware orcounterfeits and lmlUtlons. 

K | HKFSTOA uniisr 8old wholesale by all the principal Druggists in Lou 

1 Mm THB subscriber k.~i 11 , 5 "’ . ville, an I other cities, and by country merchants g< 

'I Wf .w "® 1 *»•«■ leave to announce to hi* crally. noQOdfcwti 

^tfrlends and the public generally, that the Preston — — 

T ‘"d improved. and it GOLD AND SILVER. 

I now thoroughly fitted and furnished. He la fully pre- 
■ I pared to accommodate permanent and transient board- W E wi,h t0 bUT 8 ,ew ‘lto" 3 and dollars’ worth 
I -era. Hisbar is supplied with ineoest ofUquors Thank ' * food Cash Note*, payable on short time. Noi 
I fnl for the patronage heretofore bestowed he hones tn h* 11 undoubted paper need be offered . 

» [ m erit a continuance of the same. ’ p CRENSHAW 4 TAYLOR, Agents, 

I •"Travelers can have breakfast at his house in time no93 dtf No. 93 east side Fifth vt. 

' K KING ll Win Jnw-tatn**.— I have just received With almost everything else pertaining to a complete Gay, 67 Union Place; Benjamin Wood, 40 Mcl)ougaI 
good supply, assoited sixes, suitable for fronts of stock of Goods, suited to the market and season. Cell, L. B. Biitese, 13 John at., and St. Mark’s Hlace ; Th< 

Country Socks and Stock- 4*0 Broome « , and 75 Malden Lane; Empire City INTEREST allowed on Deposits 
lnw I House: P. Y. King, 41 South st., 430 Broome at.; Geo “ » - I- ---• .. .. . ~ 

cases, ,4c. Putchaaers wishing and we wilicon vince you that Pourth street ia the place, j a* Thomas, jr.. Architect, 304 Broadway. 


dollar*’ worth of 
hort time. None 

.« X nificent style, containing four superior Billiard I *ul8 P. BHYERBACK TA\fF«l I UMflN 

Table*, with patent cuahlona, 4c. Th# Beloons are — ~ - JAMC-S 1. LLMU«, 

lefty, large, and pleasant, and gen lemen can exercUe W IB . FOUND JV 0 . 63 Fourth Street, Louisville, Kv 

"mJrBLR^ ‘aTliTjULEP 1 IUL 7 JoN'l.C«mU«l, tt™ Ofu DRA, * R ln WATCHER, JEWELRY, and 

mtpplmd with the v„y be.t of Liquor., Wine*, S I l^keY^^ ! PLATED W ARB,.nd FAN. 

'maRBLB HALL RBSTAURANTUiBdallyreoeipt f FBR?and ^ Bl,B’EDB r R I,0Ul,¥ll, * , ** LBBCHBR ' ClrP CP^Watcbes and Jewelry repaired. no22 

»»f the largest and beet Shell Oysters. Canvaa-Back MHR. vninvn J “ . _ — 


w price can he suited by calling 



CT OFPICB on Fifth street, opposite the Cooit 
House. no27>I4wtr 

To the Lovers of Good Things! 





Havixe purchased the ltrge.alrv. u 

land ommodious Stable recently oc. fJ b J R P 

J*A!IK and Ktilroad Stocks bovgkt and told. 

^ .l»*0®te hour* from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Balnrdavs. 
hom - from 8 A. lP. M. oclJ 

■, i« 8. D. CHOATE 

ta r* For sale by Otcott McKesson 4 Robin*, 1M 8. D. CHOATE, 

Malden Lane; Leeds 4 Hazard, 19 1 Maiden Lane; A. CTT vpd atmnv u.\n-pwvi>nnrn 

B. 4 D. Sands, 100 Futton; G. V. Citckener 4 Ce., 97 SILVER SPOON MANUFACTURER, 

‘ escyelrnet ; J. Mithau,l83 Broadway; Chaa. H. Ring. «o era *01111*11 «vti sbt 

corner John and Broadway, Define 4 Co., Ml Broad °* 79 * OCIlTH »TMRBT, 

way, and 250 4th Avenue, and all the wholesale Drag-' *°‘ Lovisvill*, Kv. dtf 

xitta in the city, and the principal Druggists in the ~ - — — ^ 

gcupis.: by Mathew Leach, hand •Ituated on the United States. Canadas, Weat Indies, j I,«4MWW •< LowHvlllp, Mm4 

'“"•• *" •" noi.— . -foM (-oulne unjey j»T | <*. PaWI* •• 

Hey and Hell Horses, HENRY K. COSTAR. I uviraiaa vaxwra m...— 

And transactallotber kinds of business Inthelr'ine.— 

o'L*f^ e o? e . 1 T* , .TlJ h ^?L t,n,, ? Ta J!U e -, . LT a TING removed from hisformerstandonJeffarac 

** JULEP SALOON ieconatantly I Ll etreetto No. 88TeiaD*TB«*T,wea':*lde,betu f _ n I 

Ducks, Ve^r«n! ®S C i l U oC'^n^.Td wb! 88 ‘»«tUperita4togiKU.*«glta..f p AR.RWOA-bVith drops, new style.; Jet 

Manuals— nerved up la such style aa to please epicure* N B. Phyeiclani andothar- in »b> -- --- - LJ "air Kar-Rings; Cuff Pins, Bracelets, 4c. I 

atsd^everybody.” BAMUBL HY^an^ iuS wl£l op m, a, to r^KblC I ind^e ZT’ 8u,tabU f * r Vtmnts. 

(Kk ( m Jdcced so low raar sviav Familt caw Theirstock of provender ri» l»rge and carefully selected, 
par 1 akk op thb osxatxbt Lcxuat ir *nd they are prepared to keep Horses by the day , week, 
the WobldII— W e receive daily, direct or year on reasonable terms. They have constantly on 
from Baltimore, by express, from 4 to 6 cases of this Baud handsome and light 
iuxury, called Oysters, which have heretofore been held K f e ** w *Jr*« *®«i 

so high by monopoly that the peor could not afford to Whlchthey will hire for abort excursions. Th 


«l>d4m 448 Broadway. New York. 



D. W. RTRADBH, Preprleier. 

g&l MENT. corner ot Fourth aad Walnut streots, 
underthe Christian Church. 

9. CALLM AN, wtll he always prepared te hieech aad 
press sll hinds of Straw Hats aad Bonnets, at th* short- 
est notice, aad la the latest faanionabte style, eqaet ta 

— buy them. w e ar* selling and will continue to sell Horsesare worthy of recommendation. and they 

«xi them at 011 oollab for whole can*, and PtPrv-rivx thetT frieads and thi public generally that they a 

dlMacce , by applying aa abovet 

tfely any I and aee them. 

itftl Akf t nr . OO 

^• ve ckbts for half cant. Our pricee will not vary; bo you •very r aspect to do a capital 

C *U can jiut send your doller or fifty-five cent* end get them . Llvwry B—l— ew, 


Corner Second and Jefferson ate. 

And thevtnvtteatteutlon to their eatabUahmen t. 
JylY dtf 

I louo 01 in* »esi in toe city Being on Third street, he- 
tween Main and Market, and within on* hand red yard*